Chapter 282

The restaurant was chosen by Cui Lan. It is a mid-to-high-end hotel with comprehensive dishes, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty, with all kinds of tastes.

Shen Ting couldn't eat pungent food because of the ointment on her face, so she deliberately ordered two vegetarian stir-fried dishes. She actually didn't plan to use her chopsticks tonight, because the restaurant's dishes were light and oily.

She attaches great importance to her face, and she would rather go home and eat boiled Chinese cabbage than take the risk of disfiguring her face by eating these vegetables that sound plain, but are actually a layer of oil floating from the bottom of the bowl.

During the serving time, Cui Lan took Shen Ting to chat about the unfinished day, Xi Wei and Doctor Hua whispered about work matters, and the boy lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, looking bored.

Cui Lan didn't give Shen Ting a good impression at the beginning, but the rest of the time, she talked well, which probably had something to do with her profession. She spoke humorously, and it was easy for people to like her.

From the conversation with her, Shen Ting learned that she taught history in the university, and she was only rated as a professor a few years ago. Recently, she led the students to excavate cultural relics in a newly discovered tomb. That tomb belonged to the Shang Dynasty. Many precious cultural relics have been unearthed, and the country attaches great importance to it...

Shen Ting was not very interested in this, but she found that Xi Wei who was sitting opposite was listening very attentively, and slowly, he joined the discussion.

This is very novel. He is obviously a big star, but he has a lot of research on archaeology. Shen Ting listened to the two chatting with each other about professional terms that she didn't understand. eyes, and smiled at him.

Wei Xi originally thought that he would eat this meal without knowing the taste, but it was actually not bad, except that the kid on the opposite side kept whitening him, and Cui Lan kept telling him to go home and have a look, everything was fine. OK

Cui Lan knew that he was going to fly to the studio tomorrow, so he didn't eat this meal for a long time, so he said what he needed to say. He just hoped that Xi Wei would not forget to go home and have a look when he was free. A room was reserved for him at home. It is cleaned all year round and can be occupied at any time.

After leaving the hotel, Xi Wei waited for their car to leave before starting his own car.

Just now there was only a bottle of red wine opened on the table, and Shen Ting thought that Wei Wei was not drunk, but after he came outside, he smoked two cigarettes in a row, and the shallow wrinkles between his brows disappeared. heavy look.

"Where are we going?" Shen Ting asked seeing that the driving route was far away from the urban area.

"Go to my house to get some luggage." Xi Wei turned his head and smiled at her, "I'm going to stay in an uninhabited mountain area for a few months. If I don't prepare enough things, I will be bored to death by then."

There are many cinemas in country Z, which can be considered large-scale. The tourism economy driven by the surrounding area is very objective, and the transportation is naturally developed and the communication is convenient.

However, some cinemas can only be built in places with mountains and rivers. Due to the constraints, it is difficult to connect to electricity, but it is difficult to think about it.

Xi Wei actually lived in a villa halfway up the mountain. Shen Ting couldn't imagine it. It was about 10 minutes away from the city, and the traffic was inconvenient. It took 10 minutes to drive to find a supermarket to buy something. Isn't he Are you messing around?
Seeing Shen Ting's doubts, Wei Xi drove the car into the garage and parked it. After getting out of the car, he explained to her: "This place is hidden, the paparazzi can't find it, and I need to be quiet when I'm not working."

The villa occupies a large area, and a yard is surrounded by wooden fences. There is a small dog house in the yard. The wooden house is more delicate than the houses that ordinary people live in.

Shen Ting watched Wei Xi go outside the dog house, and every time he saw him make any movements, a big white dog sprang out from inside and rushed towards him.

The dog is of medium build, covered in snow white, with only one pair of eyes darkened in the dark night.

Shen Ting recognized that it was a Samoyed. The Samoyed dog was very beautiful, especially when she was smiling. She noticed that the right leg was a little lame, but this did not affect its joy at seeing its owner. It jumped up and down, She almost jumped into Wei Xi's arms to be hugged by him.

Wei Xi teased it for a while, then turned around and smiled at Shen Ting, "I haven't been back for a long time, Mrs. Lin fed well, and she's a little fatter than when I came back last time."

He has to be filming outside all the year round, so he rarely has time to go home.

Shen Ting followed him into the villa, Xi Wei skillfully turned on the lights, the cool-colored decoration rushed towards him, the geometric patterns were full of post-modern fashion sense, those sharp-edged things did not have the warmth of home at all, it was obviously June, It's a bit cold to be in it.

Shen Ting thought that although she was not as big as this one-third, she went to the apartment that was decorated like a garden, so she couldn't help showing some sympathy to Xi Wei, how uncomfortable it would be to live here alone.

Xi Wei took out two packs of beer from the refrigerator, put them on the bar, and waved to Shen Ting, who walked over.

Wei Xi pointed to his watch and showed her, "It's ten o'clock, and my plane will arrive at the airport at seven o'clock tomorrow. It will take me an hour to get to the airport, and there are eight hours left."

Is he really going to stay overnight?Shen Ting rubbed her forehead, weighed between one thousand per hour and staying up all night, and reached for the beer.

Shen Ting doesn't like bitter things, life is already very bitter, and eating bitter things feels like self-torture, but when chatting, one must drink something. out of beer.

Just drinking is too monotonous. There are still some peanuts in the refrigerator. I don’t know if it was Lin’s wife or the assistant who put them in. There is a big bag. Xi Wei poured all the peanuts into a plate and put them on the counter.

He sat inside, Shen Ting sat outside, and the two shared beer and peanuts.

After the two sat down, it was quiet for a long time.

Xi Wei didn't know where to start. After drinking two cans of beer, his eyes were a little confused, and he said lightly: "Actually, I don't like this circle very much."

Shen Ting looked at him, and felt that this man was full of shoulders, and he didn't have the vigor in front of the camera at all. If he was seen by fans, he would be very distressed.

"Do you know what major I studied in college? History!" Xi Wei suddenly became emotional.

I don't know if it was the effect of alcohol, Xi Wei opened his mouth, but couldn't stop, as if pouring bitter water, he talked a lot at once.

Shen Ting found that she might have the aura of the big sister next door. Many raiders like to chat with her and pour out their unsatisfactory life. Hong Xi does, Yuan Mu does, Fu Xiao does, and Xi Wei does too.

She is a qualified listener, she does not express opinions casually, and listens quietly from beginning to end, occasionally um, oh, indicating that she is listening, neither perfunctory nor enthusiastic, she is a calm bystander.

Xi Wei felt a lot of depression in her heart, and it took a long time to say it. Shen Ting originally thought that she could at least sleep in the early morning, but Xi Wei had to catch the plane, and she had to catch the train to go back to see Fang Qin whose leg was injured.

But until the sky turned white, the two drank three packs of beer, Xi Wei still had something to say, but there was not enough time for him to go into details.

(End of this chapter)

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