Rebirth of the ugly girl

Chapter 269 Meeting the Devil

Chapter 269 Meeting the Devil
The commercials earned a lot of money, Shen Ting thought that the dormitory hadn't had dinner together for a long time, so she took everyone to a restaurant for a big meal on the weekend.

After eating, a few people wandered along the commercial street, either to buy something, or to eat casually while strolling.

Shen Ting's stomach is not feeling well recently, she ate a bit greasy at noon, after walking not far, her stomach started to hurt.

They often come here, and the public toilet is in the alley. Shen Ting asked Ma Chengyao and the others to go shopping first, and then went to find them after using the toilet.

If Shen Ting knew what would happen in 10 minutes, she would definitely not let Ma Chengyao and the others leave. With one more person, at least one more guarantee, she would not be taken away so easily.

Coming out from inside, Shen Ting shook the water in her hands, not noticing that the two men who had been waiting outside for a while threw their cigarette butts on the ground, stomped them out with their feet, and walked towards her.

She wiped the water off her hands with a paper towel, and just as she took out her mobile phone from her bag, she was about to call Ma Chengyao to ask where they were, but when she made the call, someone covered her mouth and nose with a wet tissue.

Faced with this sudden situation, Shen Ting was stunned at first, and after realizing what happened to him, he quickly held his breath and went to break the hands on his face.

It's a pity that she was still a step too late, the wet wipes were coated enough that she would lose consciousness after inhaling a little. Before Shen Ting closed her eyes, she seemed to hear someone screaming next to her.

It is understandable not to dare to act bravely, at least call the police for her. Shen Ting prayed for the last time and fell into darkness.

Shen Ting didn't know how long she had been in a coma. When she regained consciousness, she opened her eyes and found that she was locked in a closed space with only one small window.

The surroundings were dim, light came in through the window, fine dust billowed up and down in the sunlight, Shen Ting's hands and feet were bound, and a piece of cloth giving off a strange smell was stuffed in his mouth.

Shen Ting looked down at her body, there was no blood, and no body parts were missing, which meant that the person who arrested her should not be an organ trafficking gang.

She turned her head and looked around, the place was huge, the corners were covered with intricate cobwebs, the ground was covered with thick dust, and there were some broken tables and benches piled up in the corners, apart from that, there was nothing else.

Shen Ting was thinking about where this place would be. With a click, the dark place suddenly lit up. The light source came from the top of the head. It turned out that there was still a light here.

After adapting to the glare of the suddenly turned on light, Shen Ting slowly opened her eyes, and saw a face smiling at her from a distance of [-] centimeters. Maggots make people shudder.

Ren Chenting thought about it, but she would never have thought that it was Gong Chu who kidnapped her.

"How is it? The environment here is not bad." Gong Chu smiled and took the dirty cloth out of Shen Ting's mouth.

The moisture in her mouth was sucked up by the cloth, Shen Ting retched for a while with her head down, then raised her eyes to look at her, "You were the one who kidnapped me?"

The answer was obvious, but she still wanted to confirm why Gong Chu did this.

Gong Chu stepped on her high heels, looked down at her with a sarcastic expression on her face: "Isn't this obvious? Otherwise, why would I appear here?"

Shen Ting calmed herself down, "We have no grievances...well!" She was slapped heavily on the face when she was halfway through speaking.

Shen Ting's head was turned to the side by the slap, she licked the corner of her mouth, tasted the rust, the lower tooth was loose, and her cheek was throbbing hotly, one can imagine how hard this slap was.

Gong Chu grabbed Shen Ting's hair, with such a ferocious expression on her face that Shen Ting believed that she could kill herself in the next second.

"You bitch, you don't look half as good-looking as I do. Why do you let them all circle around you, ah? Why? Why do you say you!?"

Gong Chu ruthlessly grabbed Shen Ting's hair, so hard that she wanted to pluck her hair out.

Shen Ting was restrained on a chair, her hands and feet were all tied up with strong ropes, only her head could move, but unfortunately the moving part was useless at all, she was pulled by Gong Chu's hair, and she shook her head with her movements, excruciating pain face pale.

She has not experienced this kind of experience of being pulled by her hair for many years.

Gong Chu frantically grabbed Shen Ting's hair and fiddled with it. When she let go, a piece of hair had already accumulated on the ground.

"The color of this hair is so beautiful." Gong Chu approached Shen Ting, lifted a lock of hair, and pulled it suddenly, Shen Ting let out a muffled snort.

There was a strange light in Gong Chu's eyes, "Your hair was not like this before, you dyed it specially to attend my engagement banquet that day."

A bad premonition flashed in Shen Ting's mind, and in the next second, Gong Chu took out a pair of sharp scissors from somewhere, and aimed at the root of her hair.

It's not easy to grow such long hair, Shen Ting struggled at the time, and couldn't care less about not provoking her, and cursed: "You are fucking sick!"


Another slap, this time another time, harder than before.

Shen Ting spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm towards Gong Chu's face, hitting her face.

Gong Chu was stunned for a second, then quickly wiped it with his hands, probably out of disgust, he stretched out his foot and kicked Shen Ting's leg, the tip of the pointed high-heeled shoe kicked one after another, it hurt very much.

Shen Ting didn't yell again, she understood that this lunatic kidnapped her just to vent his anger, the more painful she behaved, the happier she would be, it's better not to respond.

She guessed right.

Gong Chu kicked and kicked for a while, but seeing that Shen Ting didn't respond, she stopped in boredom.

Shen Ting's two calves were already numb.

Covering Shen Ting's mouth again with a cloth, Gong Chu continued what he hadn't done just now, and cut off Shen Ting's hair one by one with scissors. There is room to cut her beautiful hair so that she can't bear to look directly at it.

Shen Ting was tightly clenched by her bound hands, her eyes were red, she swore in her heart that if she could go out, she would make Gong Chu pay for what she did today!
"Lu Yihe is mine, Hongxi is mine too, you are not allowed to approach them!"

"They are not approachable by humble people like you. Look at you, you are like a caterpillar now, hahaha, oops, there is a bald spot here."

"This face is so juicy. It wouldn't be beautiful if there were two more scars, don't you think?"

Shen Ting felt the cold blade sticking to her cheek, and the next second, the sharp pain made her cry out in pain, this lunatic actually scratched her face.

"Does it hurt?" Gong Chu clamped Shen Ting's chin with his hands, and the knife in his hand didn't stop at all. When Shen Ting's face was a dead object to vent his grievances, he poked and scratched hard, after a while , that half of the face turned into bloody pieces of meat.

Shen Ting was trembling with pain. At this moment, she thought she had encountered a devil.

(End of this chapter)

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