Rebirth of the ugly girl

Chapter 262 Meal Guidance

Chapter 262 Meal Guidance
When Wei Xi found Shen Ting, she was giving directions, and the person asking for directions was a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The boy asked the way carefully. When Shen Ting was showing him the way, two pairs of eyes stared at Shen Ting's face, but he couldn't see any evil intentions. It was the longing eyes that really made people feel uncomfortable. .

Xi Wei walked over, put his arm around Shen Ting's shoulders, pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and raised the corners of his mouth at the boy who was startled by his sudden appearance.

"Student, your friend is still waiting for you over there. If you don't come home again, your mother should call you." He stretched out his finger, pointing at a few kids on the other side of the road who were looking this way. .

The boy's face turned red, Shen Ting realized it later, and when he glanced at the boy, the boy's face turned even redder.

Going home after school, several people were chasing and playing on the road. When crossing the road, they saw a beautiful woman standing by the side of the road.

Adolescent children like to play the most. The boy is coaxed by his friends and asked him to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman. If he can get a number, he won't have to pay for breakfast for a week.

So the boy came over to strike up a conversation in the name of asking for directions, but when he saw the beautiful woman at close range, the boy was completely attracted by Shen Ting's flawless face, forgetting his purpose of striking up a conversation, and stared blankly at Shen Ting.

But is this man her boyfriend?Why did you look at him with hostility? He didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

The boy stared at Captain Xi in disbelief, took out a pen and paper from his bag and handed it to Shen Ting, and said shyly, "Well, can you give me your phone number?"

It was the first time for Shen Ting to be asked for a number by someone younger than herself. She glanced at the boy, took the pen from the boy's hand, wrote a number on the paper, and gave it back to him after writing it.

The boy looked very happy, and told Shen Ting his name, regardless of whether she heard it clearly, took advantage of the green light, and ran across the road in a hurry.

"This brat." Xi Wei muttered, and asked Shen Ting whether to eat Chinese food or Western food.

Shen Ting's only experience of eating western food was not very good, so she decided to choose food.

Xi Wei asked the nanny car to go back first, and he and Shen Ting took a taxi to find a restaurant.

The two found a small private restaurant on the second floor. The owner has his own vegetable garden in the suburbs, and the ingredients used are all green vegetables. Many people come here admiringly.

Originally, when we came here to eat, we had to make an appointment in advance, but Xi Wei knew the boss very well, so the boss personally brought him and Shen Ting to a large private room.

The two ordered food, and Shen Ting was curious about Wei Wei's purpose of inviting her to dinner, so she asked, "You invited me to dinner..."

"Last time you helped me, I haven't thanked you properly, and I'm curious, who was the man who took you away that day." Xi Wei propped his chin with one hand, looking through the decorative flowers on the table Looking at Shen Ting with curiosity.

Shen Ting lowered his head to wipe the tableware, "He is my friend."

Xi Wei smiled ambiguously, "I don't think his behavior towards you is as simple as being a friend."

Shen Ting stopped her movements and looked distantly, "Mr. Xi, our relationship is not close enough to talk about private matters." She was reminding him that enough is enough to keep some privacy for each other.

It seems that that man is very important to her, Xi Wei raised his eyebrows, raised his lips and smiled, "I overstepped the rules."

"It's okay." Shen Ting said lightly.

Xi Wei looked at her, his eyes flashed inquisitively, it was strange, but after two weeks of absence, her whole body seemed to have undergone a qualitative change, was it because she had completely given up her mind and lost the sense of heaviness on her body, so she looked extraordinarily thin? ?

"The commercial will be filmed the day after tomorrow, are you nervous?" Xi Wei changed the topic.

How can it be possible not to be nervous? Ordinary people are nervous when they see celebrities. Although Shen Ting has a much stronger psychological quality now, but thinking that she has to complete some actions and postures specified by the director under the watchful eyes of so many people, this is a restrained personality for her. Definitely a big challenge.

"You were so nervous when you were shooting a movie for the first time, and I am just as nervous now." Shen Ting took a sip of the water on the table, for unknown things.

Xi Wei was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect her to answer like this, but thinking of his first filming, her nervous stomach hurts, so she shouldn't be as nervous as he is.

"Director Li's temper is not bad among the directors in the industry. As long as you are willing to work hard, he will have the patience to guide you. The premise is that you must listen and learn carefully. If you have a bad attitude, you will be scolded miserably. .”

He was passing on her experience, Shen Ting felt warm and nodded, "I understand, since I have agreed to shoot, I will try my best to do my best."

The meal was not meant to discuss advertisements, but after the dishes were served, the topic of discussion between the two continued to revolve around advertisements.

Shen Ting likes to do her best in everything, and this commercial is no exception. Director Li signed the contract with her today, and the salary is six figures. This price is very good for her as a newcomer, Shen Ting Of course, we can't live up to Director Li's expectations.

When Xi Wei was still a popular newcomer, he took many commercials. Although they were all small commercials, he accumulated a lot of experience.

The two ate and chatted. After a meal, Shen Ting benefited a lot. Because she had mastered a little thing, she was not as nervous as before.

The two went downstairs to check out. Shen Ting felt that Wei Wei had taught her a good lesson, and she had to ask her to buy the meal no matter what, so she took the lead and rushed to the counter to ask the front desk how much their bill was.

The front desk smiled, "Miss, our boss said he will treat you this time, so you should come and take care of me more next time."

Shen Ting was taken aback, and quickly said embarrassedly: "That's so embarrassing, please do the math, let me pay the bill." She opened her wallet as she spoke.

The front desk was in a bit of a dilemma, Shen Ting thought that Captain Xi would be here soon, so she anxiously urged her: "This meal is my treat, the boss can't lose money."

The receptionist was still hesitating, but Xi Wei had already walked to Shen Ting's side, and closed her wallet, "How can it be possible for a woman to spend money when men and women eat?"

He said, took out a card and put it in front of the front desk, "Swipe mine."

Just as Shen Ting was about to stop the front desk, an exclamation suddenly sounded from behind, followed by a trembling voice of a middle-aged woman: "Ah Wei..."

Xi Wei's body froze, and he turned around slowly. The woman in his impression was much younger than now, with no gray hair at the temples. The only thing that remained unchanged was that her eyes were still gentle.

"Aunt Zhao." Xi Wei took a little effort to make the smile on the corner of his mouth more natural.

Hearing that he was called Aunt Zhao, the woman's eyes flashed with sadness, but soon she laughed, "How are you doing recently? I watched your new movie, and you acted very well."

Xi Wei smiled at her, "I'm doing well, how is Ah Xiang, is he better?"

The woman nodded, and when she talked about her son, she had a soft expression on her face: "He has basically recovered now, and he has made many friends at school, and he is very happy every day."

(End of this chapter)

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