cosmic hegemony

Chapter 822, Adding insult to injury

Chapter 822, Adding insult to injury

On the battlefield of the Bowana Empire, the armies of the Dawn Alliance and the Bowana Empire were inseparable. The Bowana Empire has the advantage of local combat, coupled with its own strong technological strength, the combat capability of a single space battleship is Several times, even dozens of times that of the Dawn Alliance.

In addition, now it is a last-ditch battle, and he was killed to his lair, and his will to fight is very strong. He is not afraid of death at all, and vows to protect his empire to the death.

The advantage of the Dawn Alliance lies in its numerical advantage. The Bowana Empire is not without an army of 4 cosmic legions, but most of the troops of the Bowana Empire are scattered in the universe, stationed in each of the subordinate 7th-level cosmic civilizations There are also overseas star continents of the Bowana Empire in the territory.

There are not many legions that really stay in the mainland, there are only more than 1 cosmic legions, mainly because the Bovana Empire feels that it is still early, and the flames of war should not be able to burn themselves, plus there are tens of thousands of cosmic legions. The guards of the legion feel that the safety of the homeland should be worry-free.

In addition to the quantitative advantage, the Dawn Alliance also has the advantage of being the first to strike first. By surprise, the four-way army directly entered the territory of the Bowana Empire. These star continents on the edge of the Bowana Empire did not even have time to react. It has been completely wiped out by the Dawn Alliance.

Cosmic battleships are criss-crossing the void. In the war between advanced cosmic civilizations, the battleships never see each other. Across a very long distance, each other's attacks are constantly pouring towards each other.

Streams of light flickered in the void, with a speed far exceeding the speed of light. Surrounding the streams of light, the power of time and the power of space were entangled with each other. Wherever they passed, huge space cracks were left in the void, like a Like a centipede scar, the colorful ocean of time and space reveals his figure.

When the attack lands in a void, with the center of the attack as the radius, it is within a range of millions of light-years at every turn, the void is rolling like boiling water, and the shock of the distance shakes everything within the range into the smallest universe Dust, void shattering, space-time warping.

The space battleships are like fighting the waves in the sea, no matter how turbulent the surrounding void is, they are still stable and stable, without any fear, and from time to time, attacks will be launched from these space battleships.

The defense system outside the battleship constantly stirred up terrifying ripples, and the power of space and time above it was consumed rapidly. When it was exhausted, or the attack intensity exceeded its capacity, the battleship was instantly exposed to the void. In the middle, he was crushed and smashed by the power of time and space raging in the void.

Among the star continents, starry sky continents surround each other, and the battles between the two sides are extremely fierce. The Bovana Empire is an old-fashioned level 8 cosmic civilization, powerful and well-capitalized, and each of its starry sky continents has installed Strong defense system.

As long as the defense system is not breached, Starry Sky Continent will be very safe. On the contrary, once the defense system is breached, everything will be completely destroyed by the Dawn Alliance.

From the starry sky continents, the warships of the Bowana Empire emerged continuously, showing their powerful and terrifying side, and smashing the enemies in the surrounding void to pieces.

However, the Dawn Alliance is not a vegetarian, and has long been prepared. On the one hand, it will attack the Bovana Empire battleship group, and on the other hand, it will gather a large number of space battleships to desperately attack the defense system of the Starry Sky Continent.

The huge defense system is like a gigantic sphere with bright lights and radiance on it. Wave after wave of powerful attacks are tilted onto the defense system, just stirring up circles of ripples on it. Unbreakable, ignoring any attack.

"As expected of the Bowana Empire, this defensive system is as expected, unparalleled in the world, stronger than imagined, this Bowana Empire has reached level 8 in time technology and space technology The limit of cosmic civilization."

As the commander of the army along the way, Kaxisha is always paying close attention to every move on the battlefield.

Compared with the powerful army of the Bowana Empire, he cared more about the defense systems that protected the Starry Sky Continent. No matter how powerful the space battleships of the Bowana Empire were, they were limited, and it was difficult to resist them after several waves of attacks.

But these defense systems used to protect the Starry Sky Continent are the real troubles for him. In this defense system, there are countless people of the Bowana Empire, as well as the army of the Bowana Empire that is constantly emerging.

No matter how many space battleships of the Bowana Empire outside are destroyed, it will not be able to damage the Bowana Empire at all. However, if a starry sky continent can be destroyed, a little vitality of the Bowana Empire can be consumed. If all the starry sky continents of the Wana Empire are destroyed, the Bowana Empire can be declared dead.

However, in addition to the advantage of sneak attack at the beginning, the four-way army entered the territory of the Bowana Empire and destroyed the Starry Sky Continent in the outer Star Continent. The defense is getting stronger and stronger.

As time goes by, the Bowana Empire can mobilize more forces, and at the same time, the Dawn Alliance does not have the advantage of sneak attacks, because the Bowana Empire has been fully mobilized, and all starry sky continents have been opened. defense system.

"Following this trend, it will be really difficult to destroy the Bowana Empire. Our Dawn Alliance will also suffer heavy losses this time. These four cosmic legions may all be buried here."

Looking at the virtual star map, the attack of the Dawn Alliance has slowed down, not as fast as it was at the beginning, and at the same time, the loss has also begun to soar rapidly, and the speed of destroying the Starry Sky Continent is getting slower and slower. Obviously, the Bovana Empire It has slowed down and started to show the terrifying and powerful side of a top-level 8-level cosmic civilization.

"If the Bowana Empire cannot be destroyed this time, our Dawn Alliance will be in trouble in the future!"

Kaxisha looked worried, frowning and carefully studying the changes on the battlefield.

At the same time, in the cosmic void of the ninth sector, the armies of the Simla Federation, the Tripp Civilization, the Hyde Republic, and the headquarters of the Akram Empire are also constantly coming to support the headquarters of the Bovana Empire.

The ninth sector is not too big. The achievements of these level 8 cosmic civilizations that have developed to the limit in time technology have given their battleships extremely terrifying speeds.

Huge fleets formed a large number of streamers covering the starry sky, instantly disappeared from this end of the void to the end of the void, crossed a very long distance at one time, and rushed towards the Bowana Empire non-stop.

The four major civilizations are also very powerful this time. Each of them has dispatched an army of 2000 cosmic legions, spreading a vast expanse of void in a mighty way. Wherever they pass, countless advanced cosmic civilizations are too scared to move.

It is rare for several top civilizations to be dispatched to the mainland, even when the space war has entered a fierce stage, and it is a large army of thousands of cosmic legions dispatched at one time.

Such a huge scale is enough to easily wipe out each of the eighth-level cosmic civilizations. All the high-level cosmic civilizations that passed by along the way were terrified.

Fortunately, these civilized armies did not stop at all, and hurried towards the battlefield of the Bowana Empire.

"Sure enough, the five major civilizations must be colluding. Otherwise, we have just attacked the Bowana Empire, and the armies of other major civilizations will come to support us."

"It's really difficult to handle this time. The armies of the other four major civilizations are too large, enough to involve a large part of our power, and the remaining power has no way to complete the destruction of the Bowana Empire. "

Inside the Dawn Alliance, the leaders of each civilization began to get anxious. As expected, the towns of the five major civilizations had already formed an alliance with each other. Now the armies of the other four major civilizations are rushing to support them. The Dawn Alliance is in a dilemma and doesn't know what to do.

However, the development of the matter was once again beyond everyone's expectations. The armies of the four major civilizations did not commit any crimes along the way, and did not launch any attacks on the civilization of the Dawn Alliance at all.

After entering the territory of the Bowana Empire, they ignored the attack of the Dawn Alliance's army and did not counterattack. They just flew straight towards the core star continent in the territory of the Bowana Empire.

"Haha~ Our alliance of the Bowana Empire is here, you bastards of the Dawn Alliance, wait to die!"

On the outskirts of a starry sky continent, the army of the Bowana Empire is fighting bloody battles. Now it has been figured out what kind of Dawn Alliance these civilizations unite to form. They want to destroy the Bowana Empire, but soon everyone will know Well, the Bowana Empire and the other four major civilizations have already secretly formed an alliance, and the army has already supported them, so there is no need to be afraid at all.

The armies of the four major civilizations attacked starry sky continents everywhere. The powerful and terrifying attacks did not attack the camp of the Dawn Alliance army. The army of the Wana Empire camp attacked the past.


There is no gap in the level of science and technology between the four major civilizations and the Bowana Empire. Compared with the Dawn Alliance, the attack by the armies of the four major civilizations is even more terrifying. This time it is a surprise attack. No one thought it was coming. The armies of the four major camps supporting the Bowana Empire actually came to make trouble.

As the armies of the four major camps joined the attack on the Bowana Empire, the defense systems of each starry sky continent were easily broken, and the powerful force of time and space swept across each starry sky continent, and countless people from the Bowana Empire disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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