cosmic hegemony

Chapter 747, need your help

Chapter 747, need your help
In the ninth star region of the universe, Tianyun Empire Hongxia Xingzhou, Huoyun~ Miraculous’s fleet hardly alarmed anyone, entered Hongxia Xingzhou very, very low-key, and then Huoyun~ Miraculously went to visit himself very secretly My grandfather Huang Yun~Hundred Battles!

Huang Yun, commander-in-chief of Hongxia Xingzhou Hongxia Legion, the mansion of Baizhan, Huang Yun~ Baizhan is already busy at this time. Strong, and now even dared to attack the Starry Sky Continent of the Tianyun Empire, looking confident.

As the commander of the Hongxia Legion, he has mastered the powerful Hongxia Legion of the Tianyun Empire, and is also responsible for guarding one side. Not only the Hongxia Xingzhou, but several surrounding Xingzhou are under his military jurisdiction. The place has been attacked by the enemy. On the one hand, it must be defended, and on the other hand, it is necessary to find a way to drive the enemy out completely.

But these are not the things that really trouble and worry him. As a seasoned veteran, he has traversed the universe for countless years, and he has fought against many enemies of advanced universe civilization. To the point where it bothered him extremely.

What really annoys him is that it comes from the center of the Tianyun Empire. The core of the Tianyun Empire has a big problem, and he cannot give him a clear instruction. It seems that the emperor of the Tianyun Empire does not trust him, and there is a faint plan to deprive him of his military power. Meaning, even dispatched a supervisory team to come to Hongxia Xingzhou.

This aspect makes him feel extremely chilling, he is loyal to the empire, and he is also loyal to the emperor of the Tianyun Empire, he can doubt everything about him, except his loyalty to the Tianyun Empire.

On the other hand, his combat was tied up, and he couldn't really let go of his hands and feet to deal with the attack of the Agamenid Federation. The war supervisors were a group of people who didn't understand military affairs at all. But holding Shang Fang's sword again made him very helpless.

"Hey, it's a troubled time, but it's just like this at the top, how will our Tianyun Empire survive this disaster!"

Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside, and let out a long sigh.

"My lord, visitors please see me."

"I've said it all, I don't want to see guests now, and I don't want to see anyone."

As soon as Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan heard that there were guests, Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan became more irritable. This side was extremely busy, but on the other side, there were so many different kinds of guests, many of them came with their own purposes.

"The guest asked me to give you this thing, and he said that you will definitely meet him after you see this thing."

The attendant handed over a jade pendant, Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan took a look, his eyes narrowed immediately, and then walked back and forth in the room for a few steps, thinking carefully.

"Take the guests to the secret meeting room."

"My good nephew, you are finally back!"

Clenching the things in his hands, Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan regained his spirits.

Soon, in the secret meeting room of the mansion, Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan looked at the few people in the meeting room and was slightly taken aback, but then burst into tears.

"Qiuyue, is it really you?"

"It's me, Grandpa."

Huoyun~Qiuyue threw herself into the arms of her grandfather, and couldn't help crying.

"It's really my Qiuyue, I miss you so much, I thought I'd never see you again in this life, just come back, just come back!"

"It's amazing, you did a good job and finally saved your sister."

Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan Lao was full of tears. He spent his whole life with only one daughter under his knees, married to the emperor of the empire, and loved his nephew and niece since he was a child.

"Who are these?"

After a lot of tears, Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan looked at Sun Xinyuan, Sun Tianyun, and Zhang Zhongyang and asked, full of doubts.

"Grandpa, this is my lover, Sun Xinyuan, this is my son Sun Tianyun, and this is Zhang Zhongyang, the deputy ambassador of the Yanhuang Empire to our Tianyun Empire!"

Huoyun~Qiuyue introduced with a slightly blushing face, looking very embarrassed.

"Are you married? Have children?"

Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan was dumbfounded immediately. In just a blink of an eye, his good niece got married and had a child. One must know that the average life expectancy of the Tianyun Empire is very long, marriage and childbirth are very late, and many people even have children. unmarriageist.

"And this Yanhuang Empire, why haven't I heard of it before?"

"It's a long story, so I'll just say it briefly..."

Huoyun~ Qiuyue smiled and told her experience again, Huang Yun~ Baizhan couldn't help but sigh a long time with her words, life is impermanent and fate is changeable.

"Grandpa, now is not the time to talk about these things. I didn't go back directly to Xingzhou in the Central Plains this time, but came to you first, Grandpa. I just want to know something about the current situation in our empire."

Huoyun~ Miracle is almost done talking, and said anxiously.

"It seems that you have already noticed that it is right for you to come to Hongxia Xingzhou. If you return to Central Xingzhou rashly now, I guess it will be more or less ominous."

Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan sighed, and said differently.

"Is the situation this bad already?"

Huoyun~ Miraculously frowned upon hearing this.

“It was very bad!”

"Your Majesty hasn't shown up for a long time. I have requested many times to meet His Majesty in the virtual world but have not been approved. I think His Majesty may have been controlled or..."

"It's impossible. Father, he has the most powerful Tianyun warriors to protect him. It's absolutely impossible for something to happen."

Huoyun~ Miracle said firmly.

"Everything is possible, especially when someone is collaborating with the enemy. Although our Tianyun warriors are powerful, there are equally powerful forces from outside."

"Of course, this is just my speculation. The specific situation is not yet clear. However, the situation in our empire has changed suddenly. As far as I know, several princes died suddenly one after another in a short period of time. This is also true. That's why I said that if you return to Central Star Continent, it will be very bad luck."

Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan shook his head, and then revealed an even more surprising thing.

"What? Killed the royal family? Killed each other?"

Huoyun~ Miracle heard it, his eyes widened immediately, and then he walked back and forth in the room. Although the Tianyun Empire is a high-level cosmic civilization, in terms of power, there is not much difference between the Tianyun Empire and ordinary middle and low-level cosmic civilizations. The difference is that the emperor's power is too concentrated, which also caused turmoil between the ruling and opposition parties when the power changed.

Of course, people in the Tianyun Empire have a long lifespan, and power changes only happen once in a long time. Moreover, the emperors of the Tianyun Empire are not fools. The change of power in the Tianyun Empire has always been relatively stable, and turbulence rarely occurs. As for the incidents of brothers killing each other, there are very few, very few.

"Did Huoyun ~ Jingtian do it?"

"Just him? He doesn't have the guts. I guess it was the power behind him. As for who it is, I'm not sure yet, but one thing is certain, it must have something to do with people from the Agamenid Federation." Collusion, otherwise, he, Huoyun~Jingtian, can win battles one after another?"

Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan shook his head, then nodded and said.

"It's time for our Tianyun Empire to live and die, and there are still people who dare to collude with foreign enemies. It's really abominable. Don't we want to kill our Tianyun Empire and be happy when we are destroyed?"

"No, I won't sit idly by. The Tianyun Empire was built by countless people of our Tianyun Empire with blood and sweat for countless years. It must not be destroyed by these people's hands."

Huoyun~ Miracle walked back and forth in the room, looking very uneasy, and then quickly stopped his steps, as if he had made some decision, he clenched his fist and said.

"Grandpa, as well as Master Sun and Ambassador Zhang, I need your help."

Turning his head, he said very seriously to the few people present.

"Grandpa will definitely support you. Our Tianyun Empire has reached a moment of life and death. Someone must stand up to eliminate the spies inside and sweep out the powerful enemies outside. They will try their best to turn the tide, help the building to collapse, and protect the foundation of our Tianyun Empire!"

Huang Yun~ Bai Zhan didn't hesitate at this moment, he knew exactly what he should do, both publicly and privately he would support Huoyun~ Miraculous, privately this is supporting his nephew, publically speaking this is for Tianyun The eternal life of the empire.

"Our Yanhuang Empire has established diplomatic relations with the Tianyun Empire. A strong and stable Tianyun Empire is also very important to our Yanhuang Empire. I think our empire should agree with us to support you."

"However, before obtaining the consent of the empire, I am willing to help His Highness rebuild the Tianyun Empire in the name of a private person."

Sun Xinyuan thought for a while and finally nodded. Originally, the empire should not get involved in this quagmire at this time. He knew this very well, so he didn't say anything absolutely. It's up to him to make a decision, but he is Huoyun~ a magical brother-in-law, so he must help his brother-in-law.

"Okay, with your help, the big thing is half done."

"Let's have a good discussion first. What should we do next? Since ancient times, the most important thing is military power. Grandpa, you should be able to mobilize the Hongxia Legion?"

Huoyun~ Miracle immediately laughed happily when he heard it, and then quickly restrained his smile, and began to think about how to take the next road.

"Yes, it is possible, but the higher-ups sent a supervisory group over, and my every move was monitored. If we want to completely take control of the Hongxia Army, this supervisory group must be eliminated first, otherwise we have no way to let go hands and feet to do things.”

"Well, the first thing to do is to get rid of them and control the Hongxia Legion first."

(End of this chapter)

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