cosmic hegemony

Chapter 249, the whole earth cheers

Chapter 249, the whole earth cheers
In the void of the asteroid belt, there were 12 spaceships and a huge team of hundreds of space fighters when they first set off, but now there are only a dozen space fighters left in the void and relying on inertia to quickly return to the earth. The battle was won, but the victory was so tragic that it could almost be said that the entire army was wiped out.

"Fortunately, they didn't come after them. It's probably like a headless fly. I don't know what to do."

Ge Xiaolun looked at the flames gradually receding behind him, heaved a sigh of relief, gently put down the joystick, and adjusted the seat to a comfortable position, the space fighter only had a little energy left for survival , there is simply no extra energy for other operations.


There was a sound from Ge Xiaolun's bones. He was really tired. He continued to fight with high concentration. Now that he relaxed, even his body began to tremble slightly.


"very hungry."

His stomach growled, and Ge Xiaolun felt as if he hadn’t eaten for a long, long time. He quickly picked up space food from the side and ate it. The space fighter is also equipped with a sanitation system, and there are all kinds of food, and they are all Only a small piece of compressed food carefully configured by scientists is enough to provide sufficient energy.

"Hoo, hoo!"

After eating, Ge Xiaolun felt that his eyelids were very heavy. He closed them gently and fell asleep. He was really tired.

Among the remaining dozen or so space fighters, almost everyone is similar to Ge Xiaolun. After the fierce battle, when the body and mind relax, everyone feels extremely tired, and soon everyone is in the space fighter. In the middle fell asleep.

Although they have all fallen into a deep sleep, the radio signal on the space fighter has been transmitting information to the earth. In the void near the orbit of Mars, a larger team is marching forward in the void. .

This team has more than 100 spacecraft, including a space battleship with a length of 10 kilometers. The word "Huashan" is written in Chinese characters on it. This is the second wave of troops supported by the Earth United Front.

"Your Excellency, the enemy's two spaceships have been destroyed, but there are still more than 2 space fighters left. According to the information we have received so far, there are only a dozen space fighters left to attack our enemy. Fly in the direction."

"Well, take them all back, and be sure to bring them back to Earth safely. They are real heroes, and the rest of the enemies will be handed over to us."

Xue Yue, with two stars on his shoulders, was the commander of this fleet. His eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at the vast void directly in front of him, imagining the tragic battle that happened not long ago in his mind.


Earth Huaxia, the headquarters of the Earth United Front, since the news of the war in the asteroid belt came, he has not eaten or slept well for several days. He has to read the latest battle report every day to be able to eat and sleep.

This is the first time in human history to fight aliens. It has far-reaching relations and far-reaching influence. Although there are only 12 small spaceships and hundreds of space fighters on one side, and only two large space fighters on the other side, There are more than 2 space fighters, and the strength of the two sides is very different.

Tang Yunshan doesn't expect Douglas and others to be able to say that they can successfully defeat the aliens. The mission of Douglas and others is to test the strength of the aliens, but naturally they don't want to be defeated. receive a blow.

In Tang Yunshan's plan, Douglas and others were used to test the depth of the enemy, and it was the second wave of troops led by Xue Yue who really took on the heavy responsibility of killing the enemy, because the strength of the second wave of troops was far stronger than that of the first wave. The armies, whether in terms of the total mass of spacecraft or the total number of space fighters, are not much different from each other.

"We won, we won!"

Walking around in his room, Tang Yunshan looked at the blue sky from time to time. At this time, cheers came in from outside. It turned out that it was his secretary who kept shouting along the way.

"What's the situation?"

Seeing the secretary coming in, Tang Yunshan asked hurriedly.

"The first wave of troops led by Douglas killed all the enemy's two spaceships. We won. This is the detailed battle report."

The secretary said in a hurry, and at the same time handed over a detailed battle report. Tang Yunshan read it quickly, and soon a smile appeared on his face.

"Tell Xue Yue that the enemy's space fighters are not allowed to come here, and they must all be eradicated. Also, try to collect the remains of the fallen soldiers as much as possible, and let them return to Earth."

"Announce this news to the whole world, and prepare a welcome ceremony to welcome the return of our heroes."

Tang Yunshan thought quickly in his mind, and then gave a few orders.


"Hi everyone, viewers. Here is an important news. The soldiers of the United Front of the Earth fought fiercely with the army of alien civilization in the asteroid belt of the solar system and successfully wiped out all the aliens. Long live the Earth!"

"We have won! The Earth Army led by Major General Douglas successfully wiped out the invading aliens in the asteroid belt. After a fierce battle between the two sides, only 12 soldiers from our side survived and are currently returning to Earth safely."

News similar to this quickly spread throughout the entire earth through news media, social networks, virtual worlds, etc. of all countries in the world. For the first time in human history, there was a war with aliens. In this way, all the aliens were wiped out. The aliens are not as invincible as in science fiction movies.

Suddenly, in every corner of the earth, countless people walked out of their homes, took to the streets, and began to revel. In Brazil, South America, hot Brazilian girls began to dance hot samba to celebrate their victory; in Europe, people danced on the streets , The square embraced one after another, singing and dancing to celebrate; in Huaxia Asia, the soaring fireworks bloomed into the sky like money, even though it was daytime...

The whole earth fell into a sea of ​​celebration. At this time, regardless of race, country, or belief, everyone was cheering for this victory, and the original fear of aliens invading the earth disappeared. , nothing left.

Here in Washington National Mall, the largest Uncle Sam capital in North America, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world gathered together. All kinds of cheers sounded here. People hugged and kissed each other to celebrate the first victory over aliens in human history. .

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

The broadcast sounded, and the figure of President Uncle Sam appeared on the huge monitors around him. As his words fell, the scene quickly fell silent, and everyone looked at him.

"Before we cheer and celebrate, let us pay high tribute to the warriors who defended the earth and human beings, and let us observe 3 minutes of silence for the heroes who died in this battle."

On the huge monitor, heroic figures began to appear on the big screen. Among them were Asian faces and some Western faces. Their skin colors were black or white, and they wore different military uniforms. Their smiles are so confident, the images of hundreds of people are constantly flashing, and their names are remembered by everyone.

The scene was silent, everyone bowed their heads in silent tribute to the hero, some even cried softly, even the naughty children were very well-behaved at this time, with adoring eyes shining in their eyes.

"Thanks to the heroes for their heroic sacrifices to defend the Earth and humanity!"

"Today, I'm here to tell you 23 heroes from our United States. They were brave and tenacious in this battle. It was their sacrifice that allowed us to finally win the war."

"They are Douglas~Smith, Tony~Green, David~Mears, Anthony~Westin..."

On the monitor, figures wearing Uncle Sam’s military uniforms flashed on the big screen, a total of 23 people. President Uncle Sam pronounced their names slowly, so everyone stayed on the big screen for several seconds .

"Let us once again observe a moment of silence for our heroes!"

The scene was silent again. This is a country that worships heroes. Whether it is movies or novels, etc., people in this country have grown up in an atmosphere of heroism since childhood. People worship and respect heroes very much. .

"I have a piece of good news to share with you. Our hero Dost~Anderson is still alive and is returning to Earth safely!"

Mr. President announced loudly to everyone present in an excited tone that one of the 12 surviving fighters was from the United States.

On the monitor, the image of Dost-Anderson was played, and the national square, which accommodated several 10 people, suddenly fell into cheers. A living hero is always more exciting than a dead hero, and the warm celebration officially followed. begin.

A scene like this appeared among all countries in the world on the earth. Among the hundreds of soldiers in the first wave, almost every country had soldiers who participated in this battle. More than a dozen surviving fighters, their names were soon passed down. all over the earth.

It is always better to publicize the living than the dead, not to mention that in a battle with disparity in strength, they not only completed their mission and defeated the enemy, but also survived to the end, no matter what Propaganda is not an exaggeration. After all, in order to defend the earth and human beings, they fought against aliens very bravely, and also won the first victory in the war of civilizations in the outer space in human history. Their names must definitely be written into the human race. in the history.

(End of this chapter)

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