cosmic hegemony

Chapter 123, Fuyun Material Technology

Chapter 123, Fuyun Material Technology
Li Fu stayed in the imperial capital for about half a month. On the one hand, he was to accompany Wang Yun, and on the other hand, he was also applying for the qualification to run Sanjiang University. Fame, Nobel Prize winners, Chinese academicians, meritorious service in the field of aerospace and aviation, and the local government of Jiangnan Province are also active activities. In the end, the qualification of Sanjiang University was approved, and it also has the right to enroll students independently. There is no need to participate in the national unified recruitment.

When Li Fu returned to Sanjiang Town, it was the beginning of March 2019, and the company had already started work, and all the major new industries under the group had only had a day off on the first day of the new year during the Chinese New Year. , can be regarded as rushing to work day and night, and the progress is very fast.

In Yuanjiang Town, downstream of Sanjiang Town, Fangzheng accompanied Li Fu to inspect the Industrial Park of Fuyun Material Technology Co., Ltd. This huge industrial park covers an area of ​​several thousand acres. Construction officially started in June 18. With the large amount of real money invested by Fuyun Technology Group and the hard work of more than 6 construction workers from more than ten well-known construction companies across the country, the project was finally officially completed not long ago and can be put into production.

At this time, Yuanjiang Town is no worse than Sanjiang Town in terms of prosperity alone, because the huge demand generated by these [-] construction workers alone has made the economy of the entire Yuanjiang Town take off rapidly, and everything is particularly easy to sell. , because the number of these construction workers is several times the total population of Yuanjiang Town.

Li Fu, Fang Zhen and others drove around the industrial park to inspect. The entire huge industrial park is divided into several modules, including staff dormitory area, material smelting area, material processing area, materials research institute, etc., and more than ten module areas. Each module area is so huge that even Li Fu had to drive when inspecting the entire industrial park.

The total amount of funds invested in the entire material science and technology industrial park has exceeded 4000 billion Chinese dollars. It can be said that it is a huge cost, and it is the most expensive project except for the Fuyun Technology Research Institute. If it is not for Li Fuyou's treatment of AIDS The strong gold-absorbing capabilities of new drugs, virtual machines, and other derivative products are simply not enough to support such a huge investment.

Although the investment is huge, it is also because Li Fu's requirements are very high. Not only did the construction take less than a year, but also the standards are very high. The greenery in the entire industrial park is very good. The terrain, even a small hill in the center of the park has been well preserved, and everything on the hill is kept in its original state.

In addition to the high-standard green environment and spacious roads, the real places to spend money are these factories in the material industrial park, like here in the smelting area, where there are huge smelting factories, and any one of them needs tens of billions of funds to go To build, among other things, the ultra-high temperature reaction furnace alone cost more than 300 billion, as well as monocrystalline silicon crystallization furnaces for computer chip silicon wafer manufacturing, 3D material printers for 3D material technology, and cutting-edge material technology In addition, Li Fu is a very conscientious entrepreneur. The entire material science and technology park hardly regenerates any waste gas and waste water, reducing environmental pollution as much as possible.

What's more, there is a material research institute here, which is basically related to research, which is definitely costly. What's more, Li Fu is the most willing to invest in scientific research. The investment in a material science and technology research institute alone is enough to make people I find it incredible, because more than 1000 billion funds were thrown into it without blinking an eye.

Although the cost is huge, the material industrial park is a very important part of Li Fu's future development plan, and it can be said to be a basic link.

The more this technology develops, the higher the requirements for materials. All kinds of high technology are actually built on the basis of materials, such as the chips in your mobile phones and the core CPU chips in your computer. It's all silicon.

But where does silicon come from?In fact, it is the most inconspicuous sand.It's hard to imagine that expensive, complex, powerful, and mysterious chips come from the worthless sand.

Of course, there must be a complicated manufacturing process in the process. It is not just a handful of sand that can be used as raw materials. It must be carefully selected to extract the purest silicon raw materials.

In addition to the purest silicon raw materials, there must be a million-level dust-proof production line, which is higher than the dust-proof level of pharmaceutical production, and a fully automated production line can produce qualified chips.

With a qualified chip, coupled with high-precision cutting-edge processing technology, it is possible to carve a huge microcircuit on a small chip, thus becoming the core chip of a computer.

Without powerful material technology and high-precision processing technology, even if you are told what is going on with the chip, you will not be able to manufacture it at all.

In almost all high-tech fields, the more stringent the requirements for materials, not to mention the aviation and aerospace fields, the materials of the core engines alone are enough to discourage most countries on the earth, such as the more common car engines. The core components of the material may seem inconspicuous, but this material cannot be produced by any country.

The top of the piston requires high temperature resistance and fatigue resistance. The piston ring requires good wear resistance, good heat dissipation performance, and low thermal expansion rate.

So don't look at the fact that cars are very common, but the countries in the world that can produce excellent car engines can be counted on one hand. The reason why China's domestic cars are all Wanguo brands is actually because China does not have its own. In the final analysis, the research and development and production of automobile engines is still a problem of unqualified materials.

Li Fu is very clear that the more advanced the technology is, the more critical the material will be. Now it is only on the earth. In the future, if it enters space, interstellar space, and the universe, it will build spaceships, interstellar battleships, space battleships, etc. And so on, the requirements for materials are more and higher.

Therefore, in Li Fu's plan, the importance of the material science and technology industrial park is placed at the forefront. Li Fu did not develop any computer chips, nor did he develop any automobiles, aircrafts, etc., because Li Fu knew that if there were no materials, everything would be lost. It's all empty talk.

In particular, Li Fu participated in the research of the "Shenjian" aerospace fighter. In the most advanced field, if there is no material, there is no way to manufacture it even if you know the theory. The plasma engine is the best illustration, with a core of 5000 The temperature of [-] degrees is enough to melt everything. If Li Fu hadn't brought out the materials from the Dahan Technology Empire, there would be no space fighters at all.

"Barely, it's okay, at least it can meet the demand for materials in a short time."

After driving around his own site for more than 2 hours, carefully inspecting every core and key factory building, Li Fu also nodded slightly satisfied.

The bean curd project that I was worried about in my heart did not appear, and the real money was spent, and the most well-known construction companies and companies in China were hired, and all kinds of equipment were imported from the world at a high price. For the top-notch equipment that came back, Xiaoying released a lot of nano-robots for careful inspection, and it can be regarded as meeting Li Fu's requirements.

"Our material industrial park is finally ready to be put into production. Now our virtual machine output can be increased linearly. If we can produce 1000 million biosensor chips every month, our company can sell to the global market every month." Provide 1000 million virtual machines."

"At that time, the output value will be very scary. It will be tens of billions of dollars a month, and a huge income of nearly trillions of dollars a year. Tsk tsk, just thinking about it makes people excited."

Fangzheng next to Li Fu looked at the beautiful industrial park, and his whole body was excited. Now Fuyun Technology Group is being urged by customers from all over the world every day. There are many messages on the company's official website strongly urging Fuyun Technology Group to expand the virtual space. Machine availability message.

Doesn't Li Fu want to make money?Of course not, the core of a virtual machine is a bio-sensing chip. Although it is a chip, it is completely different from a computer chip. The output has always been very limited, so the global supply of virtual machines is batch by batch. The bio-sensing chips produced by the Cloud Technology Group are accumulated batch after batch.

"If it's just to expand the production of virtual machines, we don't need to build such a large and advanced material industrial park. How much new materials can be used by virtual machines? Our next step is to go to the aerospace and aviation fields. The materials used are the big ones.”

Li Fu smiled and shook his head. Li Fu spent such a huge price to build such a huge high-tech industrial park. The main purpose of Li Fu was to lay the foundation for the aviation and aerospace fields. As for expanding the production of virtual machines, it was just incidental.

"Aviation and aerospace fields? Now domestic capital is highly concerned, and many people have announced their entry into this field. The country's No. 5 document has also clearly expressed support for the participation of non-governmental forces. We can indeed participate. We The company has five top scientists in the aerospace and aviation fields.”

After listening to Li Fu's words, Fangzheng thought carefully in his mind, and then nodded slowly. In fact, Li Fu had already revealed to Fangzheng his thoughts on entering the field of aviation and aerospace.

"Old Fang, you should set up our own space exploration technology company as soon as possible. The space industry contains endless opportunities!"

Li Fu nodded and looked up at the blue sky.

PS: Ask for tickets, ask for collections, ask for all kinds!

(End of this chapter)

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