Chapter 63
Han Yi quickly cleaned up. Han Tianlan ordered him to take care of Chen Qiaoqiao, and then planned to go to the patriarch's yard. Now that her yard has been destroyed, she will not pay for it to repair it. The best way Naturally, I went to the patriarch.

As soon as he went out, a little maid came over with a tray, and hurriedly bowed to Han Tianlan.

"Miss Tianlan, this is the medicinal material that the patriarch ordered me to send. The patriarch said that Miss Tianlan's yard is destroyed, so she can live in Yihua small courtyard temporarily."

Han Tianlan looked at the herbs in the tray, they were all for treating internal injuries, and they were just suitable for Chen Qiaoqiao, so Han Tianlan accepted them bluntly, and followed the little maid to the Yihua Courtyard she was talking about.

Yihua Courtyard is not far from Han Tianlan's yard. It used to be a guest room. Although it has been empty, it is often cleaned.

When Han Tianlan went, several people happened to be cleaning.

"Okay, I see, you can go back."

"Miss Tianlan, the patriarch said that Ke'er will serve Miss Tianlan in the future." The little maid Ke'er said respectfully.

Han Tianlan frowned slightly, since she had something about Xue Li, she didn't plan to ask for a maid again.

Firstly, I have too many secrets, if there is a maid, it will only hinder me, secondly, who knows if the new maid has ulterior motives.

But this one is different. This is obviously the eyeliner that the patriarch put on him. If he doesn't accept it, he will definitely think of other ways.

Han Tianlan thought for a while and said, "Okay then, but I don't like to be served close by. In the future, you are not allowed to approach the main house without my order. I will call you if something happens."

There is a saying that it is easy to hide an open spear, but it is difficult to defend against a hidden arrow. Since you can't hide it, you might as well accept it.

"Yes, ma'am."

Ke'er wisely changed her address to Han Tianlan.

Han Tianlan walked around the small courtyard of Yihua and was quite satisfied, then went back to Han Yi's courtyard and asked him to move Chen Qiaoqiao to the new residence.

But I went to her original yard, where she still had several thousand taels of silver.

Now she is very poor, and those few thousand taels of silver are all her net worth, even if it has been buried in the ruins, she has to dig it out.

Before I got to the yard, I heard people over there, and there were quite a few people.

my silver!

Han Tianlan arrived at his yard in a few flashes, but was taken aback by the busy scene in front of him.

In her courtyard, which was originally in ruins, a group of people in uniform black tights were tidying up at a high speed. Just for Han Tianlan's time of being in a daze for a short while, the ruins were missing a lot.

The ruins were almost cleared up so quickly.

But the question is what about your own money?

Han Tianlan looked at those people who were busy cleaning up the ruins, and felt that all of them looked like murderers who took their own money, and immediately shouted: "Stop! Who told you to clean up so quickly!"

However, those people just looked back and continued to move, ignoring Han Tianlan's intentions at all.

At this time, Han Tianlan also noticed that in a corner of the yard, a man in black was lying lazily on a chaise longue, with a gorgeous parasol on his head, holding a jade wine glass in his hand , and there is a small tea table in front of him.

Sitting so lazily, the whole person gave people a sense of inviolability, with a whole body temperament, and just looked at it before subconsciously lowering his head.

(End of this chapter)

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