Laugh at the world forever

Chapter 735 I'm jealous of them, big wedding

Chapter 735 I'm jealous of them, big wedding (5)
But Nangong Jin was fascinated by his noble appearance.He didn't know that this guy was wearing a dragon robe, with a smile on his lips, he looked so intoxicating, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that liquid was about to flow out of his nose.

Seeing her not moving, everyone was a little puzzled.

Baili Jinghong spoke at the right time: "My queen, I gave you everything I have, are you... repenting?"

These words were partly smiling, partly teasing, partly flamboyant, and the remaining seven points were the original blandness and coldness in his words.Nangong Jin's face blushed, seeing the man staring in a daze, definitely can't be called something glorious, especially in public!

And when everyone heard Baili Jinghong's words, they gasped unknowingly!The emperor gave everything to the queen?Isn't that... Emma... Forgive them for thinking wrong!But normal people would think in that direction, wouldn't they?

Nangong Jin blushed, and his whole face looked like clouds and clouds dotted it, which was even more fascinating.He hurried forward and put his hand in his.

There was a burst of cheers and applause from all around!

Under the guidance of the servants, the dragon and phoenix came to them slowly, and Baili Jinghong picked her up horizontally, disregarding the rules of etiquette, and went straight to the dragon!

This scene made many women who were waiting to get married and came to watch the excitement, clutching their hearts, and almost fainted with envy and jealousy!God, the queen is so blessed!

And Nangong Jin was a little unhappy. Although she had always had a thick skin, she was so embarrassed to be watched by so many people!Another point is that in history, there was an emperor who loved a woman very much and let her sit in his own royal car. After finally getting tired of that woman, he used the reason that the woman didn't understand etiquette and dared to ride in the royal car, and used her as an excuse. Killed, so Nangong Jin felt a little weird when he sat up.

But, before she said anything, his voice rang in her ear: "Don't think about it." Looking at her, she knew that she was thinking about something bad.

Only then did Nangong Jin adjust his mood, and the dragon chariot walked on the official road, heading towards Mount Tai.There are hundreds of miles of red makeup, and the surroundings of the dragon chariot are covered with golden veils to cover the people inside, but the common people can still see their immortal beauty through the gauze, so the common people began to cheer: "A match made in heaven!"

"A match made in heaven!"

Nangong Jin didn't feel a little smile on his face, and suddenly remembered something, and looked up at him: "By the way, Huangfu Huaihan and Murong Qianqiu are coming, how can you agree?"

Originally, she thought that he should hate those two people very much, so when she got married, she probably didn't want to see someone spoil her happiness.Unexpectedly, he actually agreed to their congratulations in person.

His wimpy lips curled up slightly, and his cold voice reached her ears: "If they want to see it, let them see it. I'm jealous of them."

As he said that, a very obvious expression appeared in the intoxicating eyes like moonlight. Since thousands of years ago, intelligent human beings have called that expression "satisfied"!No, it is "very proud"!
A black line drew across the back of Nangong Jin's head, coughed a few times, turned his head away, and stopped looking at him.How could she forget, this guy is always childish from time to time!
The common people cheered and arrived at the foot of Mount Tai, while Huangfu Huaihan, Murong Qianqiu and Jun Haotian were already waiting on Mount Tai.The carriage pulled them up, and they climbed for several hours before they reached Mount Tai.The people were very happy to follow behind them and climbed up together.

Finally, the dragon chariot stopped.A tall staircase appeared in front of the two of them, Baili Jinghong got off the car, and then reached out to catch Nangong Jin, but the common people were stopped by the officers and soldiers, unable to approach the front.

Layers of stairs appeared in front of them. The two exchanged a glance, then held hands and walked up slowly.

At this moment, the sky is the matchmaker and the earth is the mirror.The dragon towns the sky, and the phoenix soars nine days!

Step by step, when they finally reached the top of Mount Tai, they also saw Murong Qianqiu and Huangfu Huaihan.

Huangfu Huaihan was extremely shocked when he saw Nangong Jin's expression. He had always known that she was beautiful, otherwise he wouldn't be called the number one beauty in Dongling!However, he found that she is more beautiful today, and she is determined to be a thousand times more dazzling than the woman he saw at the concubine selection banquet!This is not limited to appearance, but temperament!

And Murong Qianqiu's shock was absolutely no less than that of Huangfu Huaihan!It can only be worse!That time in Yangzhou, he had seen this little girl dressed up as a woman, but he didn't know that besides her coquettish side, she could also have such an aloof and noble side!He opened the fan, shook it a few times, and looked at them with a cruel smile on his lips. These two people are really lucky!

Jun Haotian was also taken aback when he saw the two of them.Even though he has seen countless beautiful men and beauties, he really has never seen such a woman, especially that woman, who is full of flamboyant and unrestrained aura, which obviously subverts his perception of women as gentle and lovely!So a strong sympathy for Baili Jinghong rose in his heart!Emperor Nanyue is so pitiful, he seems to have married a dominatrix!
On the contrary, the Prime Minister Beiming who came with him, his eyes lit up when he saw Nangong Jin, it wasn't... But, he shut his mouth obediently and didn't say anything.

And this new couple, after taking the stage, didn't look at them at all, but just looked ahead.

The voice of the master of ceremonies sounded next to him, saying a long series of destiny words.

After he finished speaking, Baili Jinghong and Nangong Jin each picked up three sticks of incense, walked to the front of the stage, and inserted them... Taishan canonized, the ceremony of offering incense was completed, and they were the couple who had been appraised by the heavens!

At the same time, Huangfu Huaihan and Murong Qianqiu's eyes froze for a moment, and an indescribable feeling surged up in their hearts!Murong Qianqiu opened his mouth, wanting to say something.Finally swallowed it!

And the two of them regretted the same in their hearts. If they knew they were coming, they were asking for a blow, and they shouldn't have appeared here.

"Li Cheng!" The voice of the master of ceremonies sounded.

Those two stood holding hands.Turning around, looking at the people under the high steps, there was a smile on their faces.Baili Jinghong's cold and clear voice echoed in the mountains: "Hold your hand, this life will live up to you!"

"Congratulations!" Murong Qianqiu's sinister voice rang out, shattering the affectionate atmosphere created by Baili Jinghong just now.

However, Baili Jinghong was still very gracious, nodding his thanks, with a slight smile on his frail lips, which was full of pride.

"The wedding is over. On behalf of Nanyue, I invite all your majesties to have a banquet in the palace together and discuss state affairs. What do you think?" Nangong Jin smiled very dignifiedly and elegantly. Didn't these guys want to join forces to attack her? Nanyue?Grab some color first.

(End of this chapter)

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