Chapter 169

When Liu Yun received Gao Zhuangmei's call, she felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

The two old ones are almost a hundred years old together, and the young one is also the father of two children. They can fight when they go out, and they were taken to the police station.

What are these things!

Although he couldn't figure it out, Liu Yun went to the bureau to lead people.

When she drove the car to the police station with Song Yu, the three fighting people were drinking tea in the bureau chief's office and chatting about life together.

However, Li Changgong was obviously a little excited.

"Look at my son-in-law's face. These bastards are so arrogant. Why do you ignore them if they endanger the people so much? If we weren't there at the time, how much loss would it have caused them?"

Liu Yun glanced at Qin Zhanguo's face, and saw that it was red and swollen.She hurried over and took a good look at it. Fortunately, except for this wound on her face, there was no injury anywhere else.

"What's the matter?" The two-year-old was not injured, but the young and strong one was.Liu Yun suddenly doubted Qin Zhanguo's skills.

Looking at Liu Yun's suspicious eyes, Qin Zhanguo's face suddenly darkened.He wasn't being beaten by himself, he was punched by Li Changgong.Otherwise, those little bastards could get close to him?

"Old Jiang, you really need to practice hard in this situation. If you can't do it, I'll report to the higher-ups and personally lead people to suppress these bastards." Li Changgong was still talking excitedly there.

"..." Chief Jiang wiped the sweat from his forehead.He just came back from other provinces today, and this kind of thing happened as soon as he came back. This day is really non-stop.

Song Yu frowned and walked over to pull his sleeve, "You're a retired person, and you're still taking people with you, go back quickly. Look at what you've done!" As he spoke, he grabbed Li Changgong and wanted to go out again.

Sun Shunping was a little more sober than Li Changgong, after drinking the hangover soup just now, he was not as excited as Li Changgong.

He glanced at Director Jiang's embarrassment, and guessed that there must be other secrets in it.

"Forget it, go back and rest first, and come to Old Jiang for tea in a few days."

Chief Jiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the first half of the sentence, but his face collapsed when he heard the second sentence.

But at this time, he could only bite the bullet and send away the two great Buddhas.

Although Li Changgong was unwilling, under Song Yu's intimidation, he obediently followed him back.

After returning, perhaps he drank too much, but Li Changgong didn't make a fuss, fell asleep on the bed.On the other hand, Qin Zhanguo's face was ugly, and he had to cover it with an egg.

When Liu Yun was covering the eggs for him, she deliberately made him hurt a bit. Seeing his cracked teeth, she smiled and said, "Well, you know it hurts. Let's see if you still fight in the future."

"This kind of thing can't be done without fighting." Qin Zhanguo felt that today's attack was relatively light.

"Gao Zhuangmei told me. Although there are people making trouble, but there are only three of you, what if you can't beat them? It's a small loss, but what if there is something wrong?"

The more Liu Yun spoke, the angrier she became, and her subordinates became more aggressive.Now Qin Zhanguo didn't dare to crack his teeth anymore, for fear of making his wife scold him again.

Although he knew that fighting was not good, but this was to deal with bullies. Qin Zhanguo felt that this was the most correct thing to do. Most importantly, he never felt that he would not be able to beat others.Didn't you see him step by step?Of course, he dared not say these words to Liu Yun.

Sure enough, seeing that he stopped talking, Liu Yun thought that he knew he was wrong, so her complexion improved a bit.

Even the drunk Li Changgong did not escape.After he woke up, Song Yu also gave him a good reprimand for this matter.

If this was in the past, he would definitely quarrel with Song Yuhong, but since he almost died last time, he felt that arguing with his wife was a very beastly thing, so he simply bowed his head and listened, but It is not known how much he listened to.

Just when Liu Yun and Song Yu thought the matter was over, Li Changgong and Sun Shunping went to Director Jiang again.

What happened this time is definitely not a coincidence. They can meet them whenever they go out. It can only be said that this kind of thing is too common.

Hu Shunping couldn't bear such rampant people in his own territory.

Director Jiang couldn't hide this time, and touched the cold sweat on his forehead.

"It's not that I don't do things, and this thing can't be finished. It's easy to handle one or two. This family has divided the territory, and this place is very chaotic." This is telling the truth. It is also a headache. Although the policy is good and the economy has developed, there are more and more troubles that follow.On such a large piece of fat, everyone wants to get a share.There are many people who do business seriously, and there are many who want to get something for nothing.After such a development, it is inevitable that all kinds of fish and dragons will mix together.

"Is this still dividing the territory? They think they are being divided up by little devils, grandma, and the old men follow the old seniors to charge forward, and they are in their own dens!"

Hu Shunping and Li Changgong were immediately angry.

I thought it was just a few punks messing around, but it turned out that this matter is not small.It's okay if you don't know, but you can't just sit by and watch this kind of thing.

Under the dual pressure of Hu Shunping and Li Changgong, Director Jiang finally mustered up the courage to carry out a drastic anti-crime operation.Of course, there was not enough police force on his side, so Li Changgong slapped the table and quickly reported the matter to his superiors, who sent police forces to help, and told them to clean up the place together.

All of a sudden, the entire city of G became lively.

This sweeping anti-crime operation has been carried out in a hurry, and the results are becoming more and more obvious.

In the past, when small businesses and hawkers went to the streets to do business every day, they always had to worry about a few people asking for money on the way. Now they go to the streets, and they are all straight. Didn’t you see the police patrolling around on the street? Those bastards were caught.

Li Changgong didn't expect that he could do something good for the common people once he retired and went on a trip, and he felt very happy.In front of Song Yu, his demeanor was not to mention how proud he was.

Liu Yun is also happy with the outcome of this matter.Now everyone is busy with construction and making a fortune. It is indeed a lot of trouble to come to these shit-stirring sticks. Right now, the environment in G City is harmonious, which will be of great help to future business and construction.

The only regret is Song Yu, who came to G City this time to have fun and relax, but in the end, Li Changgong let Li Changgong go.Fortunately, Liu Yun also walked around with her.

She has been used to living in the north, but she is still a little uncomfortable here.The two lived for more than 20 days, and they were about to leave for country M.

Liu Yun couldn't bear to part with a familiar person who finally came and left again.

When Song Yu and the others got on the plane, Liu Yun and Qin Zhanguo went to see them off.

Song Yu smiled and said, "It's a good thing your godfather has retired, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to go abroad. This time we are planning to stay for a while, and when you are free, we will go over to have fun. Listen to Xiaojing Said, it’s very different over there, and it’s good to go to the new environment to experience it.”

Liu Yun nodded, "When this place stabilizes, I will definitely go and have a look."

"Okay, we are waiting for you in country M."

Until Song Yu and the others entered the entrance, Liu Yun was still watching.Song Yu and the others didn't feel it in City B before, but now that they have gone to Country M, they always feel dull and sour.

She tilted her head and leaned on Qin Zhanguo's shoulder, "Zhan Guo, when the children grow up, I will stay by my side and not allow them to go abroad." Otherwise, I would feel so reluctant.

Qin Zhanguo pinched her ears with a smile, "Okay, get a rope and trap her by your side, and don't go anywhere."

Hearing these funny words, Liu Yun was immediately annoyed, and slapped him on the back of the hand, "Go back!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Seeing this, Qin Zhanguo quickly followed up with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, wait for me."

After Song Yu and Li Changgong left, the two children in the family would also be formally sent to kindergarten.

Now is not the time for school to start, and the two children entered as transfer students.

On the first day when Liu Yun sent the children there, the teacher smiled and led the two children inside. While coaxing the two children to go inside, he secretly gestured to Liu Yun, signaling her to leave quickly, so that the children would not cry later. .

Liu Yun was inexperienced, so she was stunned for a moment, and then pulled back by the parent next to her, before she realized, she turned around and prepared to leave.

"Mom." An An suddenly yelled.

Liu Yun's heart tightened, and she hurriedly turned her head to look, and saw the two children standing at the door waving to her, "Goodbye, Mom."

The teacher next to him stared wide-eyed at the two children after saying hello to their mother, then held hands and went inside to find the children to play.

After she was surprised, she smiled and said to Liu Yun: "Your children are really good at teaching, they are really sensible."

"...Hehehe." Liu Yun smiled awkwardly.She thought to herself, this is because the two children didn't pay much attention to her, if Qin Zhanguo or Zhang Liu came to see her off, they would definitely make a fuss and wouldn't let her go.

Although she knew that her children were not very attached to her, Liu Yun couldn't help worrying that the two children would not adapt to the kindergarten.I went around the factory and the hotel, and then secretly drove to the kindergarten to have a look.Although she didn't look at the child, but she didn't hear the cry, she felt relieved.

It is a good thing for Liu Yun that the children can adapt well to the environment.In her current situation, she really couldn't keep her child by her side all the time.However, since the children entered the kindergarten, they have become more lively, and even their speech has become much clearer, which surprised her.

After the children settled down, Liu Yun also started to get busy with her career.

Now that the century-old branch is under development, she also has to visit it from time to time.There is also the matter of natural beauty, and the branch factory of Little Pig is about to start planning.

One-third of the construction site on Hu Tian's side has been completed.Two factory buildings have already collapsed.According to Liu Yun's previous plan, these two factories will be used as the branch factories of Little Piggy.

Since Hu Tian became the general manager of the construction company, he has really gained some style.He led Liu Yun around, talking about his next construction plan.

After hearing him say that there is still a year left, Liu Yun frowned slightly, "Find more masters and speed up the progress."

"Ah." Hu Tian was taken aback, "But boss, we are all our own masters, don't worry."

"Who says there is no rush, this project is finished, I have a big task for you. The next task is bigger than this, you hurry to recruit some master masters, they must be experienced. A hundred is not too much many."

"so much?!"

Hu Tian widened his eyes, "Boss, what is the big task? There are too many people, and it will be difficult to pay wages at that time. If there is insufficient funds later, it will affect the company's reputation." Since becoming the general manager , he considered things more thoughtfully than before.He not only considers the current salary issue, but also considers the future development of the company.

"It's okay, you find someone first, and the funds are fine."

Liu Yun didn't dare to wait any longer. At the beginning of next year at the latest, private houses would start to be bought and sold, and by then the real estate market would start to rise.The road was wrinkled, but it was long enough and arduous enough. She had to prepare the foundation first, and only waited for the back to go straight up.

At the same time, Li Jing received good news from Country M.

After the sample clothes from Liu Yun were brought to country M, the styles were approved by the clothing wholesalers there.Now the wholesaler over there wants to import clothing directly from Liu Yun.

"Imported clothing?" This was a bit of a departure from Liu Yun's previous thinking.She wants to open a shop and sell it by herself.

"Sister Yun, I also thought about opening a store by myself, but after analyzing the sum of the costs here, I think the wholesale market is bigger. It is also more convenient. The most important thing is that if the wholesalers here open the way Now, it will be easier for us to open the brand ourselves later.”

Although this is a bit of an act of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, everyone gets what they need.Li Jing used it without any grudges.

Liu Yun heard her method, and suddenly felt that Sunan or Li Jing, who might be darker.These two are a perfect match.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but joked: "Hey, the godmother has gone there, is there any progress between you and Sunan?"

"Sister Yun, what are you talking about? I have nothing to do with him."

Even though he said that, his tone was not as firm as before.Liu Yun thought, it seems that Sunan's pursuit has gone one step further.Thinking of Sunan who was so old and lonely, she couldn't help but say a few good words for him. "Xiao Jing, Sunan is still very nice. If you have a good impression, don't delay. At his age, chasing little girls all day is probably quite awkward."

"I didn't let him chase after me." Li Jing pouted.

If Liu Yun watched this scene, she would definitely sigh that Li Jing also has such a little girly side.

It's too much to go too far. Regarding the matter of speaking good things for Sunan, Liu Yun is also on point.

The latter two talked about importing clothing again.According to Liu Yun's idea, the brand of natural beauty should be kept, and the wholesaler will be their agent in country M.

Li Jing responded.

"He probably won't care about this. I'll ask when the time comes. As long as the benefits come, it will be done."

After two days, the affairs of country M finally settled down.People are willing to keep the name of natural beauty, but it must be translated into English.In addition, in country M, it can only be theirs. What styles are needed in the future must be selected by them first, and then exported.

For these reasonable requests, Liu Yun agreed.Later, Liu Yun entrusted Li Jing with full authority as an agent to complete the signing of the foreign trade contract.

The natural beauty has finally gone abroad.

Although she hadn't made her mark yet, being able to take this step made Liu Yun feel relieved.She is one step closer to her goal.

When Liu Yun happily drove home from the factory, Qin Zhanguo had already returned.

The two children were sitting on the ground "confronting" Qin Zhanguo who was sitting on the sofa.

But obviously, the two children didn't realize that their father was angry with them, instead they poked Qin Zhanguo's calf with a toy from time to time.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yun hung the bag on the hanger, then took off the coat on her body and hung it up.

When he turned around, Qin Zhanguo's face seemed darker than before.

This is the first time she has seen Qin Zhanguo get angry at the child. On a whim, she immediately ran over to sit beside Qin Zhanguo, "What did they do?"

Qin Zhanguo frowned and stared at the two children, trying to let them know that he was very angry now.The two children just glanced at him, then lowered their heads to play with their toys.

"Peace and peace!"

Seeing that the two children were still indifferent, Qin Zhanguo reached out and grabbed one of the two children, and put them on his lap. "Do you know what's wrong? Fighting? Bullying the few with more?"

"What, fighting?" Liu Yun bit Apple's mouth and paused, "It's just the two of them still fighting like this?"

Qin Zhanguo simply let the children play on the sofa and ignored them.He said with a straight face: "The teacher couldn't find you, so he called my office directly. He said that the child was fighting with someone. I was very worried, thinking that I was at a disadvantage, but when I went, I only saw a The little boy had scratches all over his face. The two kids are still playing happily."

"Is that child very thin?" Liu Yun knew that her two children were the youngest among them.

That's not the point, okay?Of course, Qin Zhanguo couldn't help thinking about it, "He's chubby, probably over three years old."

"The big guy was beaten?" Liu Yun swallowed, and then looked at her daughter and son. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem so violent.

"I heard from the teacher that it was An'an who snatched someone's toy first, and then there was a dispute. Later, when Pingping saw it, he ran over and fought together. The two children pushed him to the ground together. She hadn't had time to fight. Well, An An scratched his face."

"..." Liu Yun couldn't imagine himself fighting in groups at all.

Qin Zhanguo sighed, "Forget it, let's take the child to buy something for others later, after all, our family is wrong first." After saying this, Qin Zhanguo suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.Although he feels a little guilty that the children beat others, it is undeniable that he is still very excited that his children are not bears.

Of course, this kind of thinking can only be buried in the heart, and children's education cannot be condoned like this. If you hit someone, you should admit your mistake.

Liu Yun still agrees with taking the child to confess his mistake.After all, whose children don't feel distressed, and if they scratch their children's face, if they don't express their position, it seems that they are too ignorant.

She didn't care about taking a break, so she hurried to rummage in the cabinet at home, and found some biscuits and a few canned fruits. She put them in plastic bags, and grabbed two handfuls of candy from the jars.Not to mention, it's a bit heavy to hold.

Qin Zhanguo held the two children, Liu Yun took the gift of apology, and the two went to the "victim"'s house together.

(End of this chapter)

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