Chapter 140

Zhao Mei turned her head and saw Zhang Jing running towards her.

She thought about Zhang Jing's constant praise of Liu Yun before, and seeing that the relationship between the two was good, she regarded this woman as a hostile side in her heart, but she still had a smile on her face.

"Sister-in-law Zhang Jing, is there anything else?"

Zhang Jing knew at a glance that Zhao Mei was estranged from her. She hurriedly smiled and said, "I'm just worried that you have a big belly. I'll walk with you for a while, and it's okay to go back."

"Thank you then." Zhao Mei turned around with a smile and walked towards the military area.

The two walked a few steps, and Zhang Jing saw that Zhao Mei had no intention of speaking, and she felt refreshed. This Zhao Mei is the chief's daughter. It's not good, if you can get her help, it will definitely work.

She approached with a smile, and said with a smile: "I just saw that you and Liu Yun have a good relationship, do you know that her man is going to be promoted?"

Zhao Mei's heart moved, "Promoted?"

"Yes." Zhang Jing said with a smile: "My man is going to be transferred away. Hey, if he is transferred to the south, her man will become a regular. Although we are reluctant to stay here, it is also an arrangement of the organization. It will be convenient for you in the future Got in touch." Although there was a smile on her face, her eyes were full of loneliness.

When Zhao Mei heard it, she also heard some meaning.This is someone who is going to make room for Qin Zhanguo.She felt in her heart that this must be her father Li Changgong's idea, otherwise she wouldn't have transferred him away suddenly.He couldn't be more angry in his heart, he usually ignored the begging from the court, but now he did this for the sake of a goddaughter, and he didn't know who would kiss him!

Thinking of this, she sneered secretly, Liu Yun must still be worried about this matter, no wonder she didn't look unhappy when she went for a walk just now, it turned out that she was happy because of Qin Zhanguo's promotion.

Looking for a promotion?She just won't let them get what they want!

She supported her belly with one hand, and looked at Zhang Jing with a smile, "Yeah, it's good for them to stay, after all, they are my god-sisters, and they will work hard with my dad in the future, so my mother and I can rest assured. "

Zhang Jing's smile froze.Secretly clenched his fist.Xin Dao is like this, it seems that he really let his man make room for him.

The latter two didn't talk much about it. After Zhang Jing knew about the relationship between Zhao Mei and Liu Yun, she felt jealous in her heart, so she didn't talk much, so as not to offend these big shots and implicate her own man.

It's just that there is always a lump in her heart about this matter.Thinking of Liu Kai's dedication over the years, the two husband and wife have dedicated themselves to the army, how many times their own man has been born and died, but in the end he ended up like a rabbit and a fox, and his heart is always hard to calm down.

After returning home, she was still out of her mind several times. Liu Kai hadn't come back yet, and she couldn't find anyone to talk to in her heart.Thinking about being scolded by Liu Kai before.She didn't dare to talk about it anymore, so she could only be alone.

Enduring the discomfort in my heart, I just made a meal and came out.

When Liu Kai came back, he saw her in a daze.Thinking of his angry words before, Liu Kai blamed himself for a while.

He changed his shoes and walked over, "Xiao Jing, I'm back."

Zhang Jing stood up suddenly, "Ah, I didn't pay attention just now." She hurried to help Liu Kai find shoes, but saw that Liu Kai's shoes had been changed, and quickly apologized: "I didn't hear you coming back just now."

Liu Kai sighed secretly, with a smile on his face, walked over and took her hand, "Okay, I can do it by myself, don't make yourself so tired all day, let's eat quickly."

Seeing Liu Kai like this, Zhang Jing knew that Liu Kai had calmed down, and she was also happy.Nodding with a smile, "Okay, let's eat quickly."

When the two of them were eating, Zhang Jing didn't talk about the day's affairs, and kept on picking up food for Liu Kai.

When the two of them were full, Liu Kai didn't let her wash the dishes, but instead pulled her to sit on a chair.It had been a long time since the two sat together so intimately, and Zhang Jing felt warm in her heart.

"Xiao Jing, let's close the factory for a while, or sell it out. Let's make preparations first, and we will leave later."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jing was in a bad mood.But he didn't dare to talk too much, so he nodded stiffly, "Okay."

Seeing that she was unhappy, Liu Kai softened his voice, "If you like to do business, you can go to the south as well. The policy there is open, and we will start from scratch in the future."

"Okay." Zhang Jing felt uncomfortable. Thinking of the joint efforts of the husband and wife for so many years, but in exchange for a new one, she couldn't figure it out.For a man as proud as Liu Kai, he didn't know how much ideological work he had done to say this.She reached out and hugged Liu Kai tightly, "Liu Kai, let's have a baby."

"Okay, when we go to the south, we will have a child. We won't go there from now on."

Zhang Jing heard the words, but didn't want to talk anymore.I feel depressed in my heart.

After Liu Kai went to work the next day, Zhang Jing didn't want to go to the factory alone.After sitting at home for half the morning, I finally couldn't bear to look for Li Qiao.

Before noon, the entire military building almost knew that Liu Yun was the chief's goddaughter, and Qin Zhanguo was his godson-in-law.

When this relationship comes out, it always makes people think too much.No wonder he said that he would transfer the captain. It turned out that this was to take care of his son-in-law.No wonder my man has not been promoted after working here for so many years, but he had to transfer someone from outside to be the vice captain. It took only a year for him to become a regular.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore, and directly wrote an anonymous letter and handed it over.When someone called Li Changgong, Li Changgong was so angry that he almost dropped the phone.

"His grandma's, who farted!"

The person on the other end of the phone fell silent after hearing the foul language. "Lao Li, pay attention, anyway, just don't get caught at this time."

"I'm good at sitting, whoever wants to catch him!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

Li Changgong, who had never done anything wrong in his life, and was labeled as such when he was old, the more Li Changgong thought about it, the angrier he became.Holding the phone, he wanted to call Liu Kai and Qin Zhanguo over, but after thinking about it, he felt that he had done something wrong by doing so.

He simply dialed the number in the south, and as soon as the call was connected, he cursed indiscriminately, "Old Hu, your grandma, at the beginning I said that I would transfer Qin Zhanguo, but I reluctantly gave up, so you change it temporarily now." It's a shame, I'm still being held in a shit basin here. Grandma, you're living a comfortable life over there, so you're here to tease me, right?"

Hu Shunping, the head of a certain military region in the south, was scolded and felt unhappy, "Old Li, what do you mean? I haven't contacted you for so long. I don't even know what you're talking about."

"You change people temporarily, you don't know about this." Li Changgong became angry when he thought about this matter. He said earlier that he would send someone there, and he specifically mentioned Qin Zhanguo's name. Better development is also agreed.In the end, it was said that it was still undecided, and there was another idea to let Liu Kai go.Although he was angry, he thought that Liu Kai had worked under him for so long, and if there was greater development there, he would definitely let go, and his grandma made so much trouble in the end.

"If you don't give an account of this matter, don't say you know Lao Tzu in the future!"

"I have so many things to do every day, how can I know so clearly?!" Hu Shunping was also angry, and cursed out after a swearing.

Li Changgong blushed furiously, "Okay, who exactly do you want? Give us a letter of approval, and hurry up and get the transfer order down. The higher-ups asked us to support your newly established military region. If we have supported you to this extent, I am sorry for you!" "After finishing speaking, he slammed the phone down.The love under his hand will be picked and picked like a Chinese cabbage, it's really f*cking aggrieved!
After Hu Shunping hung up the phone here, he felt uncomfortable, so he hurriedly summoned people to talk about it.

After a while, several middle-aged men in military uniforms entered the office.

"I asked you to come here today to ask how you are doing with the previous matter. We have established a new district here, and the higher ups are also very supportive of us. Let us choose and operate from various teams. Before the A military region, I didn't mean to let Pay attention to the special forces over there, and tell me the result."

He glanced at Zhang Aimin, political commissar of the regiment, "Zhang Aimin, tell me first. This is for the election of cadres for your regiment. You should know more about how you are doing this."

Hearing this, Zhang Aimin adjusted his glasses on his face. "Reporting to the chief, the candidate for our side has almost been decided. It is Liu Kai, the team leader over there. This person has deep qualifications and good abilities."

"Don't mention seniority to me." Hu Shunping's face elongated. "What is seniority? In your eyes, seniority is a person who has studied for a few years and has a long military experience?" He patted his chest. Pass a bullet, this is the qualifications! What I want to look at is the qualifications of this person who has fought against the enemy with real swords and guns, and the other backgrounds are all out of the question."

"But Liu Kai has also confronted the enemy head-on."

Seeing that he was still arguing, Hu Shunping became angry, "I trust you, so I leave this matter to you, but what you have done is too disappointing to me. Liu Kai is good, but from him It can be seen from a few missions that he is eager to advance aggressively and needs to be experienced. Although such a comrade is also brave, he is not suitable for our team that is in urgent need of maturity!"

There was a trace of cold sweat on Zhang Aimin's face, but he couldn't find a word to continue.

Captain Li next to him smiled and said, "I think Qin Zhanguo is pretty good. Last time, I heard the comrades over there talk about him. The only thing is that he is a little younger, but because of this, he is more malleable."

"Don't judge people by their age." Hu Shunping was deeply moved. "Those seniors back then went to the battlefield with guns in their teens. Who dared to treat them as children. Otherwise, where do you think there are so many people?" The 30-year-old regiment leader and the 40-year-old army commander are all put together from a young age. If you really start to make a fortune at the age of 30, you will not be able to work for a few years."

After hearing what he said, the two people present couldn't understand what he meant. This is because they have taken a fancy to Qin Zhanguo.

Zhang Aimin wanted to say a few more words, but Li Tuan Zhang next to him made a fool of him, and he swallowed what he was about to say.

After leaving the office, Zhang Aimin had a bitter face and felt uncomfortable.It was rare for his old friend to ask him to do something, and it turned out like this.I really have no face to explain.

He looked at Captain Li who was smiling next to him, and he felt angry, "Why did you say good things for Qin Zhanguo just now? Isn't Liu Kai and Qin Zhanguo the same?"

Captain Li looked at him and shook his head, "You don't understand the meaning of the above? During the last exercise, the old man had his eyes on him early in the morning. You have been brushed off, and you haven't said hello to him. Nao, he decided on his own, and you are even more shameless. The leader still values ​​us very much, at least he didn't shake face in person."

The two of them thought about it too, if it was put in the past, it would have thrown the glass directly.

Zhang Aimin felt bitter in his heart.This matter was originally entrusted to him by the chief, so why did it go to the chief.He was planning to fix the person first, but now it seems that there is no way.No matter what, helping others can't put yourself in it, and it's not a decent thing.

"Forget it, I'll go back and write the transfer order first, so let's do it quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Zhang Aimin turned around and went to his office.

Seeing that the person left, Captain Li also went to his office. As soon as he entered the office, he called City B. After the call was connected, he laughed, "Tingzhi, what should we do with this matter?" It's done. You asked me to help you, how can you not do your best. Well, the transfer order will be issued soon, don't worry. By the way, there are some veterans in my regiment who are about to be discharged. Look at it and help Make arrangements, they are all veterans."

Sun Tingzhi over there quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Sun Tingzhi quickly told Zhao Mei who was sitting next to him about it.Hearing this, Zhao Mei showed a smug smile on her face, and leaned her head on Sun Tingzhi's arms. "Ting Zhi, you are so kind."

Two days later, the transfer order from the South finally came.Li Changgong glanced at the name on the transfer order, and couldn't help cursing, "Grandma's, I still have to poach Lao Tzu's corner." Even so, he was still happy for Qin Zhanguo in his heart.Although I value him, this military region is full of old qualifications. It will take 20 years for a young man like him to make a name for himself. If he goes to the new region, he will have more opportunities.

When the transfer order came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Although Qin Zhanguo was a little surprised, he couldn't help being a little excited.After returning home at noon, he pulled Liu Yun who was learning to walk with the child, and said with joy on his face, "Xiao Yun, we are going to the south."

"Why did you go to the south again, isn't it Liu Kai?"

"I'm not quite sure. This matter is a formal transfer order issued by the higher authorities, and it's a firm matter. The chief also went to talk to Liu Kai just now, and he should be able to persuade him."

Although he blamed Liu Kai for using these methods in his heart before, but this matter has come and gone like this, Liu Kai may feel uncomfortable in his heart.After the news came out today, he didn't say a word to himself.

Liu Yun took his palm and said with a smile: "Okay, don't think so much, this matter is up to the organization. Anyway, we didn't do anything wrong."

"En." Qin Zhanguo nodded with a slight smile, and his resolute face was also full of joy.

"Xiaoyun, if we go this time, we will take root there, and our family will finally be able to live a stable life in the future."

"That's good, my brother is always there all year round. When we pass by, we can see my brother a few more times."

Zhang Liu in the kitchen heard Liu Cheng, and hurried out, "What's wrong, what's wrong with your brother?"

Seeing her anxious expression, Liu Yun smiled and said, "Mom, we are going to the south soon, and you will be able to see brother often in the future."

"Really?" Zhang Liu also had a look of joy.

Suddenly there was a smell of burnt food from the kitchen, she quickly slapped her head, turned around and went back to the kitchen, "Oh, my fish——"

After Liu Kai came out of Li Changgong's office, he was depressed all the time.

After returning home, Zhang Jing served him tea and water with a smile on his face, and the food was arranged.

After the two sat down at the dining table, Zhang Jing smiled and said, "Fortunately, the factory hasn't been sold out yet, this time we will do it well. And I have found a partner, who is the chief's daughter. In the future, our factory will definitely be able to The more dry the better."

While talking, he picked up a chopstick dish for Liu Kai. "Okay, eat more, today I specially added more dishes."

(End of this chapter)

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