Did Ji Shao confess today?

Chapter 654 I Know It Long Ago

Chapter 654 I Know It Long Ago
Ji Muyi called Chiying's name over and over again, his tone a bit vague.

"Sister, I have been waiting for too long. And I really don't want to wait any longer this time." I want to confirm a very important thing, knowing that she may not be in my sight at any time, I will I don't know what happened when I left myself.

He couldn't wait for a moment... He wanted to make sure that she was by his side right away, so that he could truly be with him from now on.

"I'll treat you well." Ji Muyi really loves you, and he really has to be with you in this life.

The light above the head shone on the two of them, and it also reflected his oath, every word was so sincere.

If she had any concerns, they were all unimportant.

It is important that he.

Chiying tapped Ji Muyi's face with his warm fingertips. "You have to think clearly, once it's on sale, if you don't return it, you have no chance Ji Muyi." Just after Chi Ying finished speaking, that was his answer.

"If you don't have it, then you don't. For you, I didn't leave any way out for myself." I walked all the way to the dark, and she was waiting for me at the end of the road.

As soon as Ji Mu held her hand, the two of them clasped their fingers tightly.

The bright incandescent lamps clearly showed the expressions of the two of them.

Jimu smiled sweetly.It was sweeter than ever before, and the sweet woman's heart seemed to be soaked in a honeypot.

The bedroom lights went out.

His love can be felt in the dark room, not to mention the faint light that sneaks in from the window.

Chiying stretched out his hand to cover his eyes.

"Don't look at me!"

"Okay, I won't look at you." He compromised.

He grabbed Chiying's hand that had no place to rest again, and clasped her fingers tightly again.

The winter is cold, and the pedestrians on the street look in a hurry, but for a moment.A trace of surprise flashed across his eyes, and he stretched out his hand in disbelief, and took it in mid-air.A small piece of fine snow as white as fluff lies on the palm.After a while, it turned into water.

It's snowing in the capital.

There was a lot of snow.

This first snow, which was discussed by the people of the imperial capital a month ago, finally fell to the earth on this day.

The little wolf cub finally lit up his paws, picked up the fox and went back to the den.

His liking can be said ten thousand times.

Using his best sweet words, he slowly told her in the dark.

He said it tirelessly over and over again, Chi Ying was kept in a honey pot by him, and he was so boastful that he was dizzy.

"Little friend, do you know that there is a word called one step."

He is really gentle.

He is the gentlest person Chi Ying has ever seen, and of course it may be that he only shows this side in front of her.

Love is really a strange thing, meeting him likes him and being with him.There are too many factors that need to be considered, but nothing can be established in front of her.

Ask her if she has thought about it seriously, of course she has.It takes a certain amount of courage to fall in love with Ji Muyi, and he is not the only one who feels uneasy.

However, all the rules and regulations that I thought about were finally defeated by the young man.What he looks like is what she likes.

So, no regrets at all.

Including tonight, I didn't hesitate to open the window and leave with him, and I didn't regret it at all.

At a certain moment, the woman beside her spoke clearly.

Congratulations, my boy.

"Sister." He called her.


"Chi Ying." This is her name.


"I love you."

I know, I know, I knew it a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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