Did Ji Shao confess today?

Chapter 605 Live Streaming

Chapter 605 Live Streaming
Chiying was going to the studio in the morning, and the person involved had to come forward to resolve the matter she provoked in the middle of the night.

Ji Muyi also wanted to follow.

But the group of youngsters in the club are pestering him to go back.

"Then see you tonight."

Before Chi Ying left, the two rubbed each other's ears in front of the door for a while before Ji Muyi let her go.

"Why are you so clingy?"

"Stick to you." Ji Muyi watched her leave and stay at home alone, so excited that he directly cleaned Chiying's house again, so full of energy that he had nowhere to vent.

In the end, he held his mobile phone and swiped the news of the two of them.

Chiying drove to Shengshi and passed the hall, which attracted the attention of many people.

After all, the relationship was only announced in the middle of the night yesterday, and the owner showed up at the company today.

It must be for the hot search.

As soon as she put on the sunglasses, she became the proud goddess with both aloofness and temperament.

Stepping on high heels all the way to the elevator entrance.

If you are brave enough, say 'congratulations' to the person waiting for the elevator.I thought I wouldn't wait for Chiying's response.

Who knew that one second before entering the elevator, she took off her sunglasses and showed a gentle smile at the speaker.

Say 'thank you'.


So happy.

The goddess spoke to him.

Life is complete.

Wait...he hasn't gotten into the elevator yet.

Xu Siang spent the night at the company.

This year is so exciting.

As soon as Chi Ying entered the conference room, she glanced at him with guilt.

Someone ignored her gaze, turned over and continued to fall asleep on the sofa.

If it weren't for them staring at the data to control and comment all night to guide public opinion, what would happen on the Internet now.

"Xu Siang, let me treat you to dinner!"

"No need, it's not that I don't have money to eat."

"Then what compensation do you want, as long as I can give it, I will satisfy you without saying anything."



"Help me pursue Shi Shi? You are out of the order and I haven't left the order yet."

It's not that Chiying doesn't want to help you talk about Shi Shi.Rather, she didn't know how to put it, she had never had the nerve to explain it too clearly to Xu Siang.She doesn't like to talk about Shi Shi. Just imagine a woman who knows that a man has liked her for more than ten years, and has never said anything about being together or saying no to him, but still accepts the benefits of that man all the time.What kind of thoughts does this girl hold.

Chi Ying didn't dare to think too deeply.

He didn't dare to tell Xu Siang either.

"How about waiting for her to return to China next time and treat her to dinner?"

Xu Siang became interested.

"Her circle of friends sent a message, saying that she will return to China soon. You will help me then."

"Okay, deal."

Chiying invited the whole department to have dinner together at noon, during which time he called Ji Muyi and asked him if he wanted to join him.

Ji Muyi also secretly told her that it was inconvenient today, and they would make it up together some other day.

He also said that he was planning a big event.

When Chi Ying asked him, he stopped talking.

"Then you settle your own lunch at noon."

Ji Muyi responded sweetly to her on the other end of the phone. "OK!"

As soon as the phone was hung up, the previous smile disappeared instantly.Looking at the phone screen indifferently, he hesitated for a moment, and clicked the live broadcast interface without hesitation.

Opened the first live broadcast in my life with my account with tens of millions of fans.

On the balcony of Chi Ying's house, the flowers that have not been removed in time give people a more visual impact during the day.

He just leaned lazily on his chair and watched the fans rushing into the live broadcast room.

In just a few minutes, there were 10,000+ spectators at the noon event.

(End of this chapter)

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