Did Ji Shao confess today?

Chapter 367 Take You To Meet The Girl I Like

Chapter 367 Take You To Meet The Girl I Like

It was a few days since the last visit, and Ji Muyi couldn't remember the way clearly.

It was Xia Jin who led him around to a small courtyard at last.

'Happy Welfare Home'.

"That's it."

Last time, I didn't go to the end, I was waiting for some people outside, Ji Muyi didn't know that there was an orphanage hidden inside, it looked dilapidated.However, it was cleaned up and looked fine.

Ning Huan came out with two bags of things from the courtyard and saw the person standing outside the courtyard leaning over to take a look, then suddenly laughed and ran towards the door.Xia Jin saw that she was still carrying something in her hand when she came out, so she immediately piled the pile in her hand on Ji Muyi's body.

"Why did you run out, don't worry! I'll just come."

Ji Muyi looked at the pile of tired feet, very good and beautiful.

Xia Jin blurted out in a hurry, and after he said it, he realized that no matter how loud he said, the other party couldn't hear it!
So he slowly relaxed and walked in front of the other party.

He took what was in Ning Huan's hand.

He pointed to Ji Muyi behind him.

Carrying the garbage and throwing it into a bucket by the side of the road, he turned around and took out his mobile phone, typed a few lines on it and handed it to the person in front of him.

"That's my captain, let's see you together, those things are bought for everyone, please help carry them in!"

Ning Huan gave them a thank you gesture, took those things and carried them in together.

There was also a slightly older woman in the courtyard, who saw Xia Jin and recognized him and said hello. "Come on, come in and sit down."

"Thank you auntie."

It was a rare time for Ning Huan to see Xia Jinlai, and he made many hand gestures with him.Xia Jin scratched his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, Ning Huan, I don't know sign language, but I'm still learning, and I've mastered the basics. I'll definitely be able to talk to you when I come next time." After speaking, I was anxious again, and sometimes looked at Ning Huan at him. Will forget that the other party is a deaf and dumb girl.

After all, in his eyes, the other party is such a beautiful girl.

"She said thank you, but don't spend so much money next time, they don't need anything, it's good enough if you come..." Xia Jin looked back at Ji Muyi in surprise, it must be his captain who spoke just now!

"Captain, do you know sign language?"

Ji Muyi showed no expression, and only responded lightly when he asked. "I learned it before." The words stopped, and the rest of Ji Muyi didn't say much, as if there was a memory that was not good for him.

Xia Jin has always relied on other people's translations.

"Most of the children here are more or less disabled. They have been abandoned by their parents since they were young. They were picked up and adopted by the yard, and they barely survive on some monthly subsidies from the government." Of course, there will be people from the community. Some funding, but this situation is a bit small for the orphanage in front of us.

Ji Muyi went around and met several children.

He now seemed to understand why Xia Jin had to buy so many things, most of which were for the little guys in front of him.

Dinner was eaten earlier because of their arrival.

Because Ning Huan knew that Xia Jin and the others would leave.

She prepared the dinner herself. It was rare to prepare a pot of meat. She usually prepared more for the children, so she could eat the leftover vegetables by herself.Xia Jin looked a little distressed. "Eat more, too. Look at how thin you are. If you have no money, you can tell me. I make a lot of money playing games... I won a lot of money from my cousin last time?" Ji Muyi's arm. "Captain, you can sign language and you can translate for me."

(End of this chapter)

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