Chapter 185
The lone star and the cold moon hung high, watching the situation under the Chenghuang Temple with cold eyes.

The sound gradually faded away, and finally calmed down.

Gu Changge and Yin Luohan jumped off the roof of the Town God's Temple, Yin Luohan coughed violently, his face was extremely pale under the moonlight.

"Let's go!" Gu Changge helped Yin Luohan back to the Town God's Temple.

The situation was urgent and dangerous at that time, if Yin Luohan hadn't woken up in time, the two of them escaped from the hole behind the stone statue and hid on the roof, I'm afraid the two of them would have been killed by others by now.

"Slow down!" Gu Changge helped Yin Luohan to sit down. Yin Luohan was panting heavily, with cold sweat constantly breaking out on his forehead.

The wound on the shoulder was too deep. Although Xiao Yusheng sealed the acupuncture points on Yin Luohan's body, blood still seeped out from time to time. The entire right shoulder was soaked in blood, and the knife was smeared with poison. , the injury became more serious.

Gu Changge frowned, and tore off the clothes on Yin Luohan's shoulders. Seeing the bloody mess, his stomach turned.

"Don't worry about me, just run for your life." Yin Luohan said weakly

Gu Changge glared at Yin Luohan angrily, didn't say anything, just tore off a few strips of cloth from the skirt to bandage Yin Luohan's wound by himself.Because the two were so close, Gu Changge saw several scars on Yin Luohan's body through the moonlight. She wanted to ask, but felt that it had nothing to do with her, so she held back from asking.

"If those people don't find us, they will definitely come back again, so we must leave here before dawn and find another hiding place. Do you have any codes to communicate with your guards, or agree on a meeting place?"

Yin Luohan shook his head.

"Why not!" Gu Changge said in disbelief. "Will you enter Sanqing Town to die without any careful arrangements?"

"You are stubborn, and things happened suddenly. I didn't make any arrangements. Naturally, I didn't go to die, but because you think so, I will accompany you."

Gu Changge was angry.

"What about you? Why do you want to save me, don't you hate me very much?"

"I, Gu Changge, am not an ungrateful person." Gu Changge said sullenly. "Save my life in the inn, I naturally can't repay my kindness. One thing is another thing, hating you has nothing to do with this matter."

"If it doesn't matter, why did you insist on coming to Sanqing Town? You know that Sanqing Town will be dangerous but you still insist on going your own way. Don't you want me to die at the hands of these killers?" Yin Luohan said lightly.

Gu Changge glanced at Yin Luohan, and said in a muffled voice: "I admit, I did think about wanting you to die at the other party's hands. But I, Gu Changge, are not as vicious as you think. Although I hate you, I don't hate you so much You are going to die. I just want to cause you some trouble."

Why do you have to explain so much to him?

Gu Changge was puzzled.

Why should I be loyal to my heart at this moment, and tell Yin Luohan what I really think in my heart?Shouldn't he speak coldly to Yin Luohan at this moment?
However, Gu Changge couldn't harden his heart when he thought of Yin Luohan blocking a fatal knife for her regardless of his body.

Very annoyed, because Yin Luohan taught her a dilemma.

Obviously she should hate him for restricting her freedom and even killing Yun Yin, but she really can't remain indifferent to him...

Yin Luohan grinned slightly, his eyes filled with joy. "I thought you wanted me to die, but I didn't think that you didn't hate me to such an extent..."

She thought that her heart would never be able to open to him from now on, and would always hate him for the rest of her life because of that person's death.

But she said she didn't hate it to this extent.

Gu Changge tied the bandage tightly, unconsciously touching Yin Luohan's wound, pulling him back from his thoughts.

"I'm going to make a fire!" Gu Changge got up and picked up the withered grass on the ground and the dead branches of the dead tree in the temple that had fallen on the ground, preparing to live out the cold.

All preparations were ready, but the most critical process made Gu Changge face a difficult situation.

No lighter, not even matches.

People say that a clever woman can't cook without rice, but she is a clever woman without a fire.

I usually only see those people lighting fires in the wilderness in martial arts TV dramas, but I don't know how to operate Gu Changge.

Drilling wood to make fire?I heard that it requires high technology... The male protagonist in "The Rest of a Deserted Island" succeeded after many experiments. Gu Changge asked himself that he didn't have that kind of ability and perseverance;Well!Well!The odds of success are slim.

However, with Yin Luohan watching from the side, if he couldn't make a fire, would he teach Yin Luohan how to read jokes?

"What's wrong?" Sure enough, Yin Luohan asked jokingly, "Can't you make a fire?"

"How could it be!" Gu Changge retorted. "Lighting a fire is just a small case for this girl! This girl can handle it in minutes!"

Gu Changge blurted out, only to realize that he had used some words that he shouldn't have used.Seeing Yin Luohan's puzzled face, Gu Changge said harshly before Yin Luohan could speak:

"Anyway, I'll start the fire soon, you just wait and see."

Gu Changge asked himself that he had never been so ashamed in front of Yin Luohan before, she was always calm, self-possessed and composed, this time it was really too embarrassing.

Unknowingly, Gu Changge forgot that time when "Mei Junhuan" fell into Yin Luohan's arms by mistake.

Knowing that Gu Changge probably doesn't know how to make a fire, but he insists on it, Yin Luohan couldn't help softening his eyes, and smiled lightly:
"It's better not to light a fire. Don't you know that if you light a fire now, the light of the fire will bring those people back?"

"I...Of course I know!" Gu Changge's face became hot, he dropped the branch in his hand, stood up awkwardly, and turned his back to Yin Luohan, so that Yin Luohan could not see her in a panic at the moment.

Regarding Yin Luohan's reminder, Gu Changge really didn't think of it.It's just that he doesn't want to lose to Yin Luohan.And she vaguely felt that Yin Luohan's reminder was giving her a step down, and she didn't want to embarrass herself too much, so she followed the trend.

Sitting on the floor at a certain distance from Yin Luohan, Gu Changge was attacked by exhaustion the moment his tense nerves were relaxed.

Gu Changge hugged his legs, bent his body, and murmured to Yin Luohan who was opposite:

"Rest early, and I will go to find Xiao Yusheng and the others tomorrow. If your injuries are not treated, you will become inflamed, and you may even die."

Yin Luohan smiled and said nothing, staring at Gu Changge on the other side with clear eyes in the night.

Gu Changge yawned, and his eyelids became heavier.

Slowly, there was no sound, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Later, when Gu Changge recalled this scene, he couldn't help laughing, unable to express the complicated feelings in his heart.But for Yin Luohan, it was destined to be a long sleepless night. A quiet woman was sleeping beside him, and that woman was the love of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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