Liangfu space has a little field

Chapter 136: Fight Quickly, Survive, End! 1

Chapter 136: Fight Quickly, Survive, End! 1
Seeing the opportunity, Xiaomi pulled Tai-doctor Li aside and explained what he saw just now. After hearing this, Tai-doctor Li shook his head slightly: "I asked just now, and they said that once an infected person is found, they will There was no time to bring them here, and no one wanted to classify them, but they also guaranteed that those who came in later would be classified. Just this morning, a few more died. Alas, the situation here is worse than Dingyuan County is much more terrifying!"

"What kind of logic is this? Don't you just wait for death when you come here?" Xiaomi frowned, apparently disagreeing.

"Son, you don't know how terrible this disease is. They have risked their lives to come here. Who doesn't want to go back alive? Naturally, the less contact you can have, the less contact you will have!"

Why doesn't Xiaomi know what Dr. Li said?What's more, people are selfish. It's not easy for doctors like them to risk the world to come here. Just because she risked her life doesn't mean that others are the same. After thinking about it carefully, I figured it out. , can you hand it over to them?"

"Don't worry, I've read it just now, and told them about our preventive measures in Dingyuan County. It will be implemented from today. The most important thing now is how to treat these people, Mier, you Is there any good way?"

Xiaomi shook his head: "Not yet." Seeing that the hopes that had just been ignited by Doctor Li were shattered in an instant, Xiaomi couldn't bear it and said: "But Mier will study hard. With so many of us, we will definitely be able to come up with a solution. way!"

Li Mu shook his head gently when he heard the words: "I'm just afraid, time waits for no one, this disease comes and goes quickly!"

"Then it's a race against time!" Looking at Xiaomi's firm eyes, Li Mu nodded: "At present, we can only work together to tide over the difficulties!"

"How did those corpses be disposed of? Bury them deeply?" Even though he already knew the answer, Xiaomi couldn't help asking. Li Mu looked at her and sighed softly: "Do you still want to insist on cremation? I'm afraid No way!"

"But only cremation can completely block the pathogens. Don't you know how the disease is transmitted? What can mice do? Mice can dig holes. What's more, there is groundwater underground. Once the corpse rots, it will Pollution of the soil, if things go on like this, these diseases will never be completely eradicated, and sooner or later, these diseases will come back!" Xiaomi said, although there is no factual basis, it is true that corpses pollute the soil. It is also true that there are living things in the ground. It is hard to guarantee that these things will not eat the corpses. At that time, the food chain in nature will be reopened. In the end, human beings will suffer.

After listening to Xiaomi's words, Li Mu didn't speak for a long time. Xiaomi took a deep breath, pointed to the sun above his head, and continued: "Now it's May, and the sky will get hotter and hotter. If this continues..." She said next Although she didn't finish speaking, Li Mu knew exactly what she wanted to express. After a long silence, she finally got the answer: "I will try my best to persuade them."

After hearing this, Xiaomi sighed in his heart. It seems that the most fundamental ethics and morals have been ingrained in their hearts and cannot be removed. It is said that it is lobbying, but the final result is, She could almost foresee it.

Although there was no consensus on this item, Xiaomi made her important suggestion after seeing the situation here.

In terms of etiology, the epidemic gas comes from the earth's atmosphere. In the same area, the cities are more dead, but the mountains and forests can be avoided;The maids and children of the same house often died because they often sat close to the ground or stepped on the ground barefoot; the second was the women, because they often lived in the house, and the third was the few men who sat quietly.

It can be seen that dark and humid places are prone to diseases.

In addition, Baizhi also puts forward some feasible prevention methods and herbal prescriptions, cooked prescriptions, prescriptions for treating spots, and prescriptions for treating furuncles.

And listed the flavors of the cooked medicines, let them prepare in large quantities: rhubarb, nitrate, citrus aurantii, Chuanpu, rhinoceros horn, antelope horn, berberine, scutellaria, plantain, Alisma, forsythia, cow's seed, peach kernel, safflower, purple Grass antler, Viola chinensis, Purple backed geranium, etc.

The detoxification and blood circulation decoction of Angelica dahurica, the main prescription is forsythia [-] qian, Bupleurum [-] qian, kudzu root [-] qian, raw land [-] qian, angelica qian half, red peony [-] qian, peach kernel [-] qian, safflower [-] qian, Chuanpu [-] qian, Licorice two coins.The order also considers the method of replacing cooked medicine with raw medicine.For example, after rhino horns and antelope horns were replaced by plant medicines, plants accounted for the vast majority of plague medicines in traditional Chinese medicine.

After handing these prescriptions to Li Mu, he slapped his thigh excitedly: "Oh, you are really the lucky star of our Jin Kingdom, boy, this prescription, this prescription is absolutely perfect, why are you so humble, okay Okay!" Li Mu said to Xiaomi in a hurry, "I'll go down and make arrangements. I will also find a way to deal with the dark and damp problem you mentioned just now. By the way, there are also things that these people have used. , can destroy everything!"

Looking at his back, Xiaomi shook his head helplessly. If the body is not burned, these future troubles will not be eradicated. Unfortunately, unless the plague spreads to a certain large scale, it will not be able to convince people.

Unexpectedly, it became a prophecy. Before they had time to apply the prescription to these epidemic patients, hundreds of people were infected overnight in the army. At the same time, Dingyuan County, where the disaster was first discovered, was once again infected Covered by the epidemic, nearly a thousand people died within three days, Dingyuan County was completely sealed off, and the entire county was shrouded in gloom.

Similarly, other areas of the Kingdom of Jin were not spared. Although they were not as scary as Dingyuan County, there were still countless dead bodies in those densely populated places. People from all over the country reported to the imperial court to ask for support, and even the capital began to panic and become turbulent.

Yuan Hao even wrote a note and reported it to Tianting at the first time:
(1) Difficulty of medical lack of literacy;

(2) Difficulties in lack of storage of medicines;
(3) Difficulties beyond financial means;

(4) Difficulty in preparation for ward isolation;

(5) Difficulties in cutting off traffic;

(6) Difficulties in burning corpses and segregating items.

In short: no one, no medicine, no money, no land, no power, no power.

During the peak period of the spread of the plague, the imperial court received reports from all over the world almost every day. From the initial 1000 people per day to 3000 people died of the disease. In less than a month, the total number of deaths has reached more than [-]. People, this number is terrifying. If it continues to spread like this, it will almost destroy the entire Golden Kingdom.

All of a sudden, corpses were scattered all over the place, and plagues were rampant.

No matter how incompetent the emperor is, at this critical moment, he also understands that if he doesn't think about it, he will be in danger of destroying the country, so he tries every means to search for property and medicine, and the first balance is the first line of defense of the Kingdom of Jin— - Beiyuan.

Beiyuan must not be completely wiped out. Once this happens, the Kingdom of Jin will cease to exist!
Only then did people realize the true horror of the plague. The entire city of the imperial capital and the Kingdom of Jin were in panic everywhere, and people were in panic all day long.

At the same time, the prices of masks, white vinegar, and banlangen have soared to sky-high prices, and thousands of dollars are hard to find.

If you fight quickly, you will survive, if you don't fight quickly, you will die, and you will die.

On the opposite side is a demon that has ravaged the world for thousands of years. Here, there is only one person with his own power.

When these two words spread among the people, the emperor immediately dispatched the army. In just a few days, the teams of doctors in various places gradually grew, trying to fight the plague with the strength of the whole country!
At the same time, the imperial court reported that the plague was transmitted from rats to humans, and that it was not contagious from person to person.

Therefore, the way to fight the plague is also very simple: eradicate rats!

As soon as this remark came out, the whole country went all out to fight against rat eradication. Suddenly, the old saying was fulfilled, everyone shouted to kill rats crossing the street!

However, in the face of such a large-scale outbreak of plague, Bai Zhi in the space has been unable to retreat, devoted herself to research, and finally one day, she came to the conclusion that the plague was not transmitted from rats to humans, but from humans to humans!
In other words, this is a human-to-human infection through breathing and saliva, not rat-to-human transmission.

However, when Xiaomi told this conclusion to the medical team of Beiyuan Army, they still insisted on the idea that "plague originated from rats infecting humans". No matter what Xiaomi said, the other party was not convinced and revealed their identity. Many of them are the elites of the Tai Hospital, and even the head of the Tai Hospital is among them. Naturally, no one is convinced by the words of Xiaomi, a brat.

No one believed, no one convinced, people kept their words light, the isolation work was difficult, the number of plague cases and deaths soared every day, everyone was in danger, and every household was terrified.

Xiaomi felt that she was in a desperate situation and had no choice but to ask Ming Yang for help. As the eldest son, he had a certain right to speak and should be able to help her.

So Xiaomi sent Bai Wu to deliver the letter. At this time, Ming Yang had already arrived in the capital. After receiving the news from Xiaomi, Ming Yang immediately reported to the emperor. For her proposal of isolating patients, the method of martial law in the whole city finally formed an important document. to everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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