Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 155 Ghost Festival 28

Chapter 155 Ghost Festival 28
More and more snakes gathered, surrounded Ziling in a circle, and the grass was luxuriant. The circle was still getting closer, and the corpses at the far edge had already climbed onto the snakes, and they wrapped around the corpses and began to scrape the flesh.

Every corpse surrounded by snakes was completely unrecognizable, and under the moonlight, only clumps of twisting clumps could be seen.

Ziling's heart is cold, cold, cold...

The target of the later assassins was Mo You, and Mo You was standing in front of her at the time, so she became the center at this moment, surrounded by corpses.Not only were there those who attacked the assassins, but there seemed to be those who were protecting Mo You, and the costumes of the two parties were different.

But in the end, they all died, and they all died together!
With a flash of thought in his mind, Zi Ling subconsciously touched the sachet on his waist, secretly begging that the snake-repelling sachet that Li Qiyi gave him would not be too good.

Looking around, Zi Ling thought about how to escape, but when he lifted his foot, he realized that his ankle had been grabbed by a big hand at some point.

Seeing that the snakes gathered were getting closer and the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, Zi Ling panicked a little bit, tried hard but could do nothing, the hand holding the ankle seemed to be fixed, and he couldn't shake it off no matter how hard he tried.

This person was obviously not dead yet, he threw his face on the ground and didn't know who it was.

Zi Ling gathered himself together, bent down and tried hard to pull the hand that imprisoned him, but he didn't expect the other party to say suddenly:
"I saved you, is this how you treat me?"

Although the voice was hoarse and magnetic, although it was hurt, every syllable was full of charming charm, but Ziling couldn't appreciate it at all.

"I'm fucking brother! Life and death are at stake! Let go of me quickly, maybe we can still live, if you do this, you will definitely die, you idiot!"

At this moment, Ziling didn't care about his image and went straight to the point. The people on the ground were silent for a few seconds, and the snakes around him were already approaching. Only when they got closer did they realize that they were all poisonous snakes!
But the strange thing is that they all stopped two meters away from Ion Ling, and raised their upper bodies to stare at her.

Being looked up to by a group of poisonous snakes is not something to be proud of. Zi Ling pulled his leg hard, and Mo You finally let go of his ankle.

Freedom of movement, Zi Ling immediately took out the explosives from his waist, pulled the fuse and threw it to the right without thinking. The gunpowder hit the ground and exploded with a bang. The mass of weeds, soil and poisonous snakes instantly fell apart, and a big hole exploded on the ground .

Zi Ling threw three explosives in a row, and the gathered poisonous snakes were finally forced to make a way out. Zi Ling quickly turned Mo You over and pulled his legs and started running wildly, throwing bombs all the way.

After rushing a long way, he realized that the snakes hadn't followed, and the back of Mo You, who was dragged along the ground, was bloody and bloody.

The surrounding area was still desolate, sure it was safer, Zi Ling immediately dropped Mo You and propped himself on his knees, gasping for breath.The baby is so fucking exhausted, the baby will never do this kind of physical work again!
After panting for a long time, feeling much better, Zi Ling knelt on the ground and carefully inspected Mo You's injury.He had already passed out, his chest was slashed, his back was bloody because of her running and dragging just now, and there was nothing else.

But his lips, nails and wounds were black, which should be poisonous.

Sighing resignedly, Ziling stripped off all his clothes, leaving only a pair of underpants, then ran to the water's edge, wet the clothes, carefully cleaned the wound, sprinkled the antidote powder he carried with him, and simply bandaged it up.

After finishing all this, Ziling got some dry firewood around to make a fire, washed his clothes and hung them up, untied the snake-repelling sachet, poured out the contents in a circle around him, and then lay down in his arms Sleep peacefully.

Why lie in Moyou's arms?

Because the ground is wet and hard!
 PS:~\(≧▽≦)/~Add more and more, Xiaoxiao is a student, writing is not easy, please support, please don’t be soft-hearted, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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