Plane quest reward system

Chapter 57 Thoughts in the Divine Condor World?

Chapter 57 Thoughts in the Divine Condor World?
Han Yuan didn't continue to struggle with the question of whether Jinlun Fawang is crazy or not. Now that the task is completed, it is natural to check the rewards.

After entering the system space, the system's voice sounded, "Congratulations, master, for completing the task!"

"Where's the reward? Where's my reward?" Han Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to the cheating of the system, and checked the reward directly.

According to his understanding, the task person this time is Jinlun Fawang, so he should get the martial arts of Jinlun Fawang, right?
In addition to five rounds of martial arts, Jinlun Fawang's martial arts are naturally Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, but I don't know which level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu is rewarded by the system.

In the later stage of Shendiao, Jinlun Fawang practiced this kungfu to an unprecedented tenth level, and Qiu Qianren died in his hands. Although he lost to Yang Guo's ecstasy in the end, this martial art should not be underestimated.

For the task of saving Xiaolongnu, the rewards he received, Yang Guo's martial arts are at his mid-to-late stage, and the ancient tomb lightness kungfu has also surpassed Xiaolongnu at the current stage. Unsurprisingly, the rewarded Jinlun Fawang's martial arts should also be in the late stage.

"Master has received the following rewards this time!"

A three-dimensional screen appeared in front of Han Yuan, and there were three rewards on it. The first one was naturally the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill, and as expected, the reward went directly to the tenth floor.

The second reward is Jinlun Fawang's famous martial arts five-year turn, which belongs to the current stage of Jinlun Fawang's martial arts, which is not bad.

Han Yuan has experienced the five rounds of the Golden Wheel Fawang. Although they are weaker than the Xuantie swordsmanship, they are also top-notch martial arts. When the five rounds are used, the power is astonishing.

The third reward belongs to items, and it is the weapon of Jinlun Fawang. There are five wheels of gold, silver, copper, iron, and lead, but the five wheels rewarded by the system are system items, not the kind that Jinlun Fawang can split with a single sword. .

Han Yuan was quite satisfied with the rewards. Jinlun Fawang's martial arts were not weak, especially the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu on the tenth level, which could just make up for his own shortcomings in internal strength.

After receiving the reward, two beams of light entered his body, and Han Yuan could feel that a wave of true energy was born in his body and merged with the previous internal force.

Ten minutes later, after Han Yuan finished receiving the reward, a powerful internal force surged in his body, and he took a photo with astonishing power.

Pick up the five rounds and cast them in the system space for a while, but see five rays of light flying around the body, either defending or attacking.

At this time, Han Yuan possessed the tenth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, and after five rounds, he was much more powerful than the current Jinlun Fawang.

As more tasks were completed, the phantom body of the system became a little clearer, and the system space became much larger.

Seeing this, Han Yuan, as he guessed, every time a task is completed, the system will recover a little bit. This should be the rule of the system, right?
I don't know if other functions will appear as the system is upgraded.

Open the info bar:
Host: Han Yuan.

Age: 25
Sex: Male.

Grade: Level [-].

Task value: 6
Mission reward skills: Man Wang Quan, Barbarian Body Technique, Climbing Technique, Black Iron Sword Technique, Ancient Tomb Lightness Kungfu, Quanzhen Kung Fu, Yufeng Breeding Technique, Five Poison Secrets, Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, Five ** Turns.

Task reward items: climbing suit, purple star medal, highly intelligent microcomputer, smart cat, flying skateboard maker, black iron epee, five rounds.

The task value has accumulated to six points, and it is only four points away from the upgrade. Han Yuan estimates that the upgrade can be completed after traveling through two more task worlds at most.

The three fixed tasks of the Condor World have been completed, and Han Yuan considered whether he should receive a free task and record the World of the Condor in the system, so that he can travel across in the future.

It’s just that in the world of divine carvings, there doesn’t seem to be anything worth crossing over again, right?

Get the Nine Yin Scriptures?

Han Yuan thought about it for a while and gave up. Even if he got the Nine Yin Manual, it's not a systematic reward. He needs to practice a little bit by himself. He didn't even know that he could only cultivate to his current level in the year of the monkey.

Anyway, martial arts are not weak now, so there is no need to waste time, not to mention that as the level of the world traversed by the system increases, it will not be long before the Nine Yin Manual will be eliminated.

Thinking of this, Han Yuan gave up the idea of ​​obtaining the Nine Yin Manual, not to mention traveling to a world of cultivation in the future, even in some worlds of high martial arts, the martial arts there are much higher than the Nine Yin Manual.

Go see the statue?Or abduct the God Condor?
Han Yuan thought about it, and gave up. That eagle is too ugly, and it's not a divine beast, so it's useless.

Let it be left to Yang Guo, this is his chance.

As for the Bodhisattva Snake, which can increase the skill, Han Yuan also gave up. The taste of that thing is not good. Han Yuan feels that his internal strength is not weak now. It is not known how effective the snake gall is, not to mention it is too unpalatable .

After thinking about it, the only thing I miss is Li Mochou, that female devil!
Han Yuan smiled wryly, it seemed that Li Mochou's body was quite attractive to him.

After leaving the system space, Han Yuan intends to go find Li Mochou. It can be regarded as a parting before leaving. If he is really reluctant to part with her, then take a look at what free tasks will be available. After receiving one and completing it, just record the Condor World. .

Han Yuan didn't know where Li Mochou was. According to the plot of the original book, Li Mochou would appear in the place where Yang Guo recuperated.

It's just that because of her own reasons, Li Mochou has undergone some changes, and I'm afraid she may not necessarily trouble Yang Guo and others.

Han Yuan found a town, found members of the beggar gang, and found out where Li Mochou was.

It didn't take long before Han Yuan got the news, but to his surprise, according to the news from the beggar gang, Li Mochou stayed in a valley a few days ago.

That valley was the place where Han Yuan dated Li Mochou, but Li Mochou actually stayed there, could it be that he fell in love with him?

Han Yuan didn't think he had such a great charm, but if he didn't like him, why would Li Mochou stay in the valley?
Is it thinking of revenge?There are many traps arranged inside, waiting for yourself to take the bait?
This possibility does exist, but Han Yuan thinks it may not be the case.

No matter what the reason, Han Yuan came to this valley and saw two cabins built inside.

Li Mochou, the female devil, doesn't plan to live here for a long time, does she?
What made Han Yuan even more astonished was that the valley was planted with flowers and trees, and they were newly planted, which gave him a very strange feeling. He always felt that the current behavior of Li Mochou, the devil, was quite different from what he had imagined. .

Don't go to the rivers and lakes, harm the heroes and heroes of the rivers and lakes, and plant flowers here?
This is to return to the world and live in seclusion here?

Han Yuan couldn't figure it out, stepped into the valley, went straight to a wooden house, opened the door, and saw a charming woman in a purple dress sitting inside.

Li Mochou!
Han Yuan blinked his eyes, but he didn't see the image of wearing a Taoist robe and holding a dust whisk in his impression. Instead, he was a delicate woman who looked like a lady of every family.

Li Mochou widened her beautiful eyes, staring blankly at Han Yuan who appeared at the door, her pretty face flushed slightly, and her hands were fiddling with her skirt nervously.

 The Condor World is coming to an end. As for the protagonist not accepting the little dragon girl, there was no such plan from the very beginning. First, the time when the protagonist traveled through time was when Yang Guo and the little dragon girl were deeply in love. In terms of the little dragon girl in the original book , will not forget Yang Guo, and will not arrange for the protagonist to accept a heroine who hides other men in her heart; second, why not arrange the time of time travel before Yang Guo enters the ancient tomb?In fact, I didn’t have the setting of Shendiao at first, and I didn’t plan to intersperse some familiar plane worlds at the beginning. A friend of the author told me that it would be better to intersperse familiar plane worlds in the mission world. After hesitating for a while, I temporarily added the World of Condors at the beginning of the book.There are too many people writing about Shendiao, I wanted to write something different, so I had this arrangement.It's hard to say, some book clubs don't like this arrangement, and I have no way to satisfy the settings and arrangements that all book friends like one by one, so I can only write according to my own requirements.

  As for Li Mochou, what happened to the protagonist has already been explained in the book, and the meaning has been expressed. As for how to arrange it in the future, it will need to wait for the system to be upgraded and the authority to be released before making further explanations.

  Finally, I still ask for support, favorites, recommendations, rewards, etc. Every support is the motivation to write this book! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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