The scumbag of fast wear Cong Liangji

Chapter 596 Girlfriend, come to fight

Chapter 596 Girlfriend, come to fight (7)

Internally and externally, Qiao Ruoxi's IQ was not enough. In order to keep herself alive, she tried her best to please Wu Guotai and establish a good relationship with Sun Quan's sisters.

Even though she has an unparalleled appearance, she can't survive in that troubled world without any means.Although Sun Quan was not controlled by a married woman, he still feared that his nephew would covet his throne one day.So an assassin was sent to kill the killer. The clever Qiao Ruoxi faked a false appearance and let the assassin assassinate the fake Sun Shao.

Sun Shao, who was lucky enough to escape his life, escaped from Jiangdong with the help of Qiao Ruoxi.

A weak son was left behind to continue to inherit his title, and he has been wandering around the world ever since.

After completing the task, Qiao Ruoxi also pretended to commit suicide and escaped from Shengtian.

The length is not long, 20 words is enough to write about Da Qiao's life.

Especially in the Battle of Chibi, someone said that Zhou Yu was going to be defeated, and then Da Qiao was captured alive, and Xiao Qiao's two family members gave Cao Cao his wife.

But it still allowed Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang to turn the tide and win the battle beautifully.

There are not many changes in the scope of the whole story, but the battle between women is always more attractive than the real gun battle between men.

Even for the outspoken Sun Shangxiang, Jun Yan wrote about her very well.Her ability to penetrate Yang with a hundred steps makes some generals feel inferior.

Such a legendary woman has a very good relationship with Qiao Ruoxi.

After Sun Shangxiang got married, he was forcibly sent back to Jiangdong after a mutiny.

At first, he had a will to die, but later he joined the widow's sect under Qiao Ruoxi's persuasion, and began to live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes with Qiao Ruoxi.

Qiao Ruoxi also found Diao Chan's residence in the troubled times, and the four beauties gathered together, it was almost time to celebrate with a mahjong table.

This benefit, which is bitter before sweet, makes readers cry and laugh at the same time.

Although the male lead's appearance rate is not high, but this strong sisterhood has earned many readers tears.

It has become the most anticipated work in XX.

Once "Gone with the Wind" was released, it received numerous praises.

The copyright owner also contacted Jun Yan to publish, and Jun Yan was busy coding the manuscript at home, and when the manuscript reached [-] words, it was packed and sent to the publishing house.

While saving the manuscript, the publishing house kept an eye on Jun Yan's progress.It made her read more history books to replenish her energy whenever she had time.

Over time, the already thin person becomes a bamboo pole. ,

No matter how glamorous a person is, if she is too thin, Jun Yan looks like a starlet who over-explains.And it's the most unobtrusive one in the crowd!

Jun Yan used the money in her hands to apply for a fitness card. Anyway, she is not short of money now, and it is good to take care of her occasionally and exercise her body.

Once when I was coding at home, I received a call from Tao Zi.

Taozi: "Honey, there is an event next week, do you want to participate?"

Jun Yan said: "Who is going?"

"Oh, don't worry, I won't sell you. Let's meet the girls and boys and have a party! If you have time, you must come!"

Sister Taozi is very warm-hearted, and whenever something good happens, she will definitely think of Junyan. As a fierce general under her command, Junyan will also reciprocate. "Okay, I'll go too if I'm busy!"

"Then it's settled!"

After Tao Zi hung up the phone, she immediately called Mu Shen. "Hey, God who freezes and doesn't take a bath, I have an appointment for you, MM! When will you give me a commission!"

(End of this chapter)

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