The scumbag of fast wear Cong Liangji

Chapter 550 The Stepmother Is Too Fierce

Chapter 550 The Stepmother Is Too Fierce (12)

It wasn't until I was so hungry that I couldn't bear to go to the street to find food, and then I ran into Feng Zhou.

Feng Zhou is a pedophile, he likes children carved in powder and jade, and abducts him to Huaxia every time he comes and goes.

That's how it happened!
As for why Zhu Susu hates her, it's not without reason!Originally, she lost her parents, so Fengzhou became her only support.

Originally, she could dominate Fengzhou, but she didn't expect Fengzhou to marry a wife.If Junyan gave birth to a child in the future, there would be no place for Fengsu at home!
So she tried every means to force Jun Yan to divorce, who knows that people are not as good as God, this time Jun Yan's appearance disrupted her plan.No matter how sinister and vicious the little kid is, he is still just a child, so there is no evidence for it!

After packing up their luggage, Jun Yan and Yu Lan went on a seven-day trip to Europe.

That is to say, just after Feng Zhou had a meeting in Paris, he learned of Jun Yan's whereabouts from his subordinates, so he hurried to Milan.

Who knew that just after he arrived, Jun Yan had already left on her hind legs.

Next stop is Paris!
Junyan took Fengzhou's money and continued to use it.

Until the money in the card is frozen!Jun Yan is very helpless, but fortunately, she still has shares in the family, so she doesn't have to worry about money!

Swiping all the way, buying, buying, and buying, the two ladies donated the money in their bank cards to Europe.

And on the way back, I packed it and planned to ship it back through customs.

Yu Lan was very excited. "Junyan, we haven't gone to the Aegean Sea yet, let's go together?"

Jun Yan rolled her eyes. "Sister, the Aegean Sea is going to witness the love between two people. Why are you a woman going to join in the fun?"

Yu Lan clasped Jun Yan's shoulders, her smile was very ambiguous. "Actually, I like women!"

"Thank you, I don't mess with lilies. I'm married!"

After realizing it, Yu Lan let go of her hand. "Hey, bullying me as a single noble. It's really tolerable, what can't be tolerated!"

"Correct me, you are a single dog. Only rich people are worthy of being single nobles. And your money has been maxed out just now!"

"Goodbye, no more love!" Yu Lan left after saying that, Jun Yan chased after her, and stopped at the corner.

Yu Lan turned around, very strange. "Why don't you chase me?"

Jun Yan greeted her with a slap towards her mouth. "It's over, I really hit the mark with my crow's mouth. Why is he here?"

Jun Yan, who reacted extremely quickly, dragged Yu Lan to the hotel.But it was still discovered by the sharp-eyed Fengzhou.

Feng Zhou walked forward step by step calmly, it was too late to retreat now.

And Yu Lan had already discovered Feng Zhou's existence, and greeted her with a smile. "Hey handsome guy, come here!"

Junyan wanted to die already.

Feng Zhou really came over, raised his eyebrows and said: "When will you go back?"

"Hehe, tomorrow!"

Yu Lan corrected: "Didn't you agree to go back next Monday! Why did you change your mind!"

Jun Yan covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Haha, I'm just kidding. I'm leaving tomorrow. I'll book a plane ticket tonight."

Feng Zhou walked straight towards Jun Yan and glanced at Yu Lan. "Miss, I have something I want to talk to my wife. Can you please avoid it?"

He handed Yu Lan a room card. "Please rest here."

Yu Lan took the room card and left in a very sensible way, without any scruples about Jun Yan who was still fighting side by side.She was left with a sullen expression on her face.

It's like when playing a game, it was originally two against one, but our teammates were discouraged.A crispy skin was left to carry the meat, but as a result, the level was suppressed, Jun Yan was suppressed to death, and must have been eaten up, not even a scum was left.

(End of this chapter)

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