The scumbag of fast wear Cong Liangji

Chapter 420 The Little Boy Raised by a Rich Woman

Chapter 420 The Little Boy Raised by a Rich Woman (11)

Hubie said: "I can't help you this time either. You can do it yourself."

"What? You must help me, don't forget that we share weal and woe."

Hubie scolded: "Are you still in your 20s? Can you speak more wisely. Director Yang is also the one who offended you?"

"Isn't it just a director, what's so great about it." Yun Sheng dismissed it.

"What's so great? Let me tell you this, you offended him, which is equivalent to offending a vote of directors in the film industry. Unless you are no longer in the film industry, or you are whitewashed. Otherwise, you will never have anything to do with movies for the rest of your life." gone."

Is it really that scary?Yun Sheng is scared now.

"Is there any remedy?"

"Yes, you should immediately apologize to Director Yang and apologize."

"I don't want it." Going to plead guilty to Director Yang now is equivalent to slapping him in the face!
Hubie said, "Then I won't be able to save you, so please be blessed!"

"Hmph, I'm going to change my manager." What kind of person, instead of helping him, would still sneer at him, such a manager should have been replaced long ago.

Hubie sneered, "That's up to you."

Yun Sheng insisted on going her own way and did not go to Director Yang.

The next day, no statement was issued, and when the weather outside changed, Yun Sheng stayed behind closed doors.

When fans complained about idols and justified Yunsheng's name, some people brought up the old things again.It is said that Yun Sheng has done a lot of excessive things for his own self-interest.Such as stealing roles, such as taking drugs.

As soon as the drug abuse was exposed, no matter how popular Yun Sheng was before.will be a stain.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, it will make Yun Sheng bear a big blame.

Yun Sheng couldn't stand up to the gossip, so he changed his mind and went to Hubie again to admit his mistakes.

Hubie promised him that he could clarify the facts for him.

As for Han Xing'er, she left Yun Sheng long ago when Yun Sheng's accident happened.

Even if someone scolds you for being heartless and unjust, it's better than following a star who is about to expire.

However, when everything has a turning point, Jun Yan knows that Yun Sheng will not fall so quickly.

Sure enough, in the new "Martial Arts Chronicle", Yun Sheng once again captured the girl's heart with her superb acting skills.

Yun Sheng issued a statement, apologized, and won the attention of the audience again with a humble attitude at the press conference.

What Yun Sheng said was touching. He planned to change his mind and start a new life.Even if there are still people who oppose it, but not as many as before.

And it's too late for Han Xing'er to regret it, because Yun Sheng has already started acting like crazy.

The situation on Wenming's side is not very good.

He was going to do a battle scene.

In the dog days, wearing thick armor, rushing through the crowd.In order to make the three-dimensional effect more obvious, he had to run back and forth, switching shots no less than ten times.

Even with an ice pack on his back, he couldn't withstand the scorching heat.

"Take a break."

Wen Ming shook his head. "No. I can do it well."

"Is acting more important than life?" Jun Yan asked.

"Of course life is important. But I think my body can handle it." Wen Ming forcefully argued.

"That's good. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and stop at any time."

"Yes." Wen Ming agreed to Jun Yan's request, but he didn't take it seriously.

Director Yang is well-known in the circle for being strict. He puts a lot of emphasis on quality in filming, especially for actors with high acting talents.In his plays, not only must the acting skills be superb, but even the details cannot be ignored.

This "Warring States" tells a fictional story.

As the male number two, Wen Ming is the general next to the male protagonist, and has won the world for the male protagonist.

But when the world was in his hands, the emperor gradually felt threatened.

(End of this chapter)

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