Misleading the Demon

Chapter 281 Who Are You Calling Ugly 8 Monsters?

Chapter 281 Who Are You Calling Ugly?

Because of Nangong Muyang's sudden appearance, Long Taiyi, who was originally happy, immediately turned into a resentful man.

Even when Yun Guoguo went to the bathroom, he had to guard the door, for fear that Nangong Muyang would come to poach the wall.

But Yun Guoguo always felt that Long Taiyi was being overwhelmed.

After the room was allocated and the luggage was settled, Yun Guoguo and He Sisi planned to take a stroll in the town. Since dinner was a barbecue party organized by the school, they planned to buy some snacks.

It's just that a group of people followed behind mightily, which made them very uncomfortable.

"Long Taiyi, if you want to go shopping together, come over here. Wouldn't you like to have a chat?"

"Not good! Sister-in-law, we are protecting your safety now, don't tempt our boss!"

Abu answered, and saw Long Taiyi standing far away from them with a straight face, pursed mouth and folded arms, looking around like a bodyguard watching the wind.

Yun Guoguo was speechless, and waved his hands to ignore them.

"Guoguo, you just said that you will live in Nangong Muyang's house in the future, will Long Taiyi agree?"

"It doesn't matter if he agrees or not. Anyway, this is my mother's arrangement, and I can't help it." Yun Guoguo sighed, suddenly looked up and saw a banner selling octopus balls floating in front of her, and immediately changed the topic "Sisi, Let's go buy small balls and eat!"

The two girls immediately came to the food stall, only to find that there were only a few small balls being baked.

"Boss, is there any more Maruko?"

"No more, this is the last one, what do you want?"

"There's only one serving?" Yun Guoguo was a little tangled, one serving of small balls was not enough for each of them to eat one, and it didn't seem too good if they bought it by themselves and shared it with He Sisi alone.

After all, there are six bodyguards behind him!

Yun Guoguo looked back at the six boys leaning on the railing not far away, and decided to have this one. The six meatballs were given to the Four Heavenly Kings and He Sisi, and she and Long Taiyi would not eat them!

"Boss, please give me this!"

"Boss, I want this meatball!"

Talking with Yun Guoguo at the same time were the girls who walked over when she was thinking just now, and the boss just heard that there is only one set of meatballs, and those girls are also wondering who will buy it.

Yun Guoguo immediately turned her eyes to the face of the girl who spoke, but found that she looked familiar.

In the center of the sharp-chinned awl face was a super abnormally high nose, two small eyes painted with thick smoky makeup, a head of long black hair draped over his shoulders, and he was staring at himself with his arms folded.

"You are……?"

Yun Guoguo immediately realized that this was the girl she met on the train at noon, the Mingde High School girl named Jinfeng.

"Boss, I don't want it anymore, give her Xiaowanzi!" Yun Guoguo immediately pulled He Sisi and turned to leave, but the other party stopped her.

"Hey, you ugly bastard, stop for me!"

Ugly?Yun Guoguo was stunned for a few seconds, trying to pretend not to hear, but He Sisi who was next to her stubbornly stopped and turned to ask her.

"Who do you call ugly?"

(End of this chapter)

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