Misleading the Demon

Chapter 153 Could it be a fight?

Chapter 153 Could it be a fight?
Long Taiyi suffered a head injury, what was the worst thing he could suffer?

Yun Guoguo thought about it seriously, it must be brains, but, this guy has always shown himself as the last one in the grade, and Nangong Muyang is the first in the grade in the mid-term exam this time, the student union should not be so boring Competition items to compare brains.

Even an idiot can tell that if it's a comparison of brains, it must be clear that he is bullying Long Taiyi!
Yun Guoguo looked suspiciously at a certain man from top to bottom. This guy was beaten up yesterday. Would the student union strike while the iron is hot and beat him up again?

So Yun Guoguo answered him whimsically: "Long Taiyi, don't tell me it's a fight?"

Hearing this, Long Taiyi widened his pretty eyes in surprise.

"Honey, you're so smart! It's just fighting!"


Yun Guoguo blinked in confusion, how could it be possible?

"Hmph, just now Charles told me that he had already told him when he took someone to beat up those punks. In the second match, the student union was going to ask the muscular men from the school's Taekwondo club to help and fight."

"Why?" Yun Guoguo worriedly made a detour behind Long Taiyi to see that he was holding his gauze-covered head. Because of the stitches yesterday, some of that part of the hair was shaved off.

"Because they didn't want me to win, they deliberately beat me up in the amusement park, and then fought in the second match. I'm afraid they thought that I would not be able to perform because of injuries."

It's really, really disgusting!Is that student council president out of his mind?
If he bought the muscular man from the Taekwondo club, what if the other party really beat Long Tai up?
"You're not allowed to participate! If it's really a fight, aren't you at a disadvantage?"

Yun Guoguo hugged her arms angrily, with a look of cheating: "I don't care anyway, you are already injured, and I will feel very uncomfortable if I get beaten again tomorrow!"

Seeing how much she cared about him, Long Taiyi was not only not worried, but even more wanted to participate in tomorrow's competition.

Hehe, he, Long Taiyi, has been learning Taekwondo, Judo, and Sanda since he was three years old. What can a few muscular guys from interest clubs do to him.

If it wasn't for Nangong Muyang's mention of that Xiaojin that made him suddenly upset yesterday, he wouldn't have been knocked down by a sap in a moment of negligence.

"Honey, just let me participate, I really want to take this opportunity to beat Nangong Zhugan!"


When Yun Guoguo heard the real purpose of a certain man, she immediately punched him with her small fists: "You're doing this for personal gain!"

"Isn't the student union also a fake public benefit?"

Uh, this, she couldn't refute it.

It's just that if Long Taiyi wanted to beat Nangong Muyang, he would kill him, right?Think about the last time on the rooftop, he punched Nangong Muyang until his nose bleeds.

Huh~ Let's pay a moment of silence to the muscular men of the Taekwondo Club.

"In short, you don't have to be serious, as long as you can win." Yun Guoguo thought to herself, if she can't escape this game, it seems that she can only outsmart her. Anyway, she can't let Long Taiyi be beaten, and she can't Let Long Taiyi beat people in disorder#笑哭。

"Oh, I see, it's just tickling~"

A certain man agreed disapprovingly, he has the chance to win.

If he had the chance to beat Nangong Muyang tomorrow, he would beat him until he lost his original appearance!

snort!If you dare to snatch Yun Guoguo from him, you will die! (╰_╯)#
(End of this chapter)

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