The three married husbands are super favorite

Chapter 545 Senior Undercover Agent 10

Chapter 545 Senior Undercover Agent 10
"Just like in the thatched cottage before, or in Kong's house, people can quarrel, even if they will be half-dead by those top-notch popularity, but I think that kind of life is also very good, and it is true to live in that way."

"I don't like it." Kong replied.

"Then it's another way, the spring is warm, the flowers are blooming, the children are safe, the food and clothing are well-fed, the family is healthy, and you are always there." Su Wanniang smiled.

"I like this!" It's just a short sentence, such a dull life, but even Kong Zhishu yearns for it, "Lady, my husband will always be here!"

"You haven't said you yet, why do you seek revenge from the emperor?" Su Wanniang held onto Kong Zhishu's hand, "How do you take revenge? Send someone to kill him?"

Anyway, she acted like he didn't want her to let go unless he made it clear, and she was fooling around. She gave him a lot of time, and she herself exposed her old background.

Kong Zhishu laughed loudly, "Young lady is really smart, even at this time, she still remembers~"

"Don't think that I don't know you're changing the subject!" Su Wanniang showed three points of satisfaction and seven points of dissatisfaction, "You're thinking of me as a fool!"

"Young lady is clever and lovely, how dare you dare!" Kong Zhishu raised his mouth, reached out and tapped his own lips lightly, and said, "I'll tell you once I kiss you!"

"Still negotiating conditions!" Su Wanniang smiled, "You can kiss me as soon as you ask me? How shameless I am!"

"It's okay, the lady doesn't show face, so let's kiss for my husband!" Kong Zhishu lowered his head and pressed the lips of the woman in his arms, but he was only scratching the surface when he was concerned about the injury on Su Wanniang's head. Kiss, said, "You don't need face as a husband, leave it to your wife!"

This scene happened to be bumped into by Han Sheng who walked in from the outside. He covered his face and laughed loudly, "Oh! I saw the incident about the president's needle eye! I said you two, if you want to do such a thing, why don't you Go back to the house!"

"This is my yard, what are my wife and I going to do, and you have to judge?" Kong Zhishu didn't give Han Sheng a good look, this guy was too ruthless, didn't he see that he was getting intimate with Su Wanniang?Don't know another time to come?

"Don't dare, dare not, why don't you continue to kiss? I wish you an early baby!" Han Sheng said turning around and leaving.

"Get back!" Kiss, if he can give birth to a precious son early, Kong Zhishu will kiss Su Wanniang directly and never let go.

Han Sheng grinned, "Get out, get out! Don't stare at me like this, isn't the head of the family asking me to get out? Could it be that I made a mistake? Then I will continue to get out? I'm out~"

"Brother Han is slow to leave~" Su Wanniang leaned into Kong Zhishu's arms and inserted a sentence, even waving at Han Sheng as a gesture of goodbye.

"Brother and sister, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are becoming more and more unkind." Han Sheng turned around in a circle, and then walked directly towards the two of them.

Kong Zhishu glanced at Han Sheng: "Didn't you go with Guiyi? Why come here when you have time?"

"Guiyi, that stinky girl and the stinky scholar went down the mountain!" Han Sheng gritted his teeth, "The girl was not allowed to stay! She actually went down the mountain with the stinky scholar herself, and why did she want to find a embroiderer who is good at embroidery to make a beautiful dress?" Bright wedding dress."

"Hehe." Kong Zhishu gave Han Sheng a contemptuous look and a sarcastic smile, and then said, "Since you are here, it's just that you can help me arrange it. The third prince's eyeliner has sneaked into the Shenying village and helped the third prince." The prince sent a note in, you go and find out who has left the village in the past two days."

"The third prince's eyeliner? How is it possible? Which of the brothers in the village has not followed us for many years? Except for the newly joined heroes of the world, haven't we checked all of their ancestors for eighteen generations?" Han Sheng Very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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