The three married husbands are super favorite

Chapter 440 The Midnight Kidnapper 6

Chapter 440 The Midnight Kidnapper 6
Su Wanniang never imagined that there were hidden guards guarding the thatched cottage, and a widow as safe as her would be carried out of the thatched cottage in the middle of the night.

When she woke up again, Su Wanniang was already in a strange room. She opened her eyes in a daze, only feeling that her brain was befuddled, her whole body was limp, and she could barely stand up.

Looking at the room, Su Wanniang was suspicious, is this a dream?
When I wake up, where is this?
In short, it's not a thatched cottage. The thatched cottage is not as high-end as this one. It can be said that this is the most upscale house that Su Wanniang has lived in since she traveled through time.

Su Wanniang's first reaction was, could it be that after waking up, she time-traveled again?

Then, she quickly looked at her body and touched it. It was still the familiar circles of swimming rings, and the same pair of fat and familiar hands. She was relieved and didn't wear it.

This time-traveling is an extremely difficult thing. After finally getting acquainted with Su Wanniang's identity, she can live a stable life. If she is allowed to time-travel again, she promises to wipe herself on the neck.

However, looking at the big red dress on her body, Su Wanniang was dumbfounded!

Who will tell her what happened that night?

She was actually wearing a bright red wedding gown, yes it was a wedding gown, with a red face and a red body, rich and noble peonies were embroidered on the red gown, and a phoenix crown was standing on the dressing table beside the bed, the phoenix crown is not very luxurious , However, there is always its lingering joy.

Suddenly, the voices of several elderly women were heard from outside the door, and then the door was pushed open, and then several women walked in, seeing that Su Wanniang had woken up, there was not much surprised.

"Look, the bride is really awake, and those four don't have any brains. They knew that the head of the family was going to worship tonight to get married, and they even poured incense on people, almost making the bride unconscious and being carried away. Went to the chapel."

"No, fortunately there is still time, let's hurry up and tidy up the bride."

As soon as the women entered the door, you opened the door with each other, and then walked up to Su Wanniang, looked around Su Wanniang, and each of them was interested in such a fat and ugly bride. Expressed some helplessness.

"Girl, sit down, don't look at us wives, we are the lucky wives in the village~ You don't have a natal family, so we a few wives will be your natal family, comb your hair, let us You are blessed with the blessings of our wives, and you will have a precious son with our head in the future!"

It was almost a little familiar, talking, one of the women pulled Su Wanniang and pushed the chair in front of the dressing table, making Su Wanniang sit on the dressing table upright.

"Look, this hair is well-raised. The girl looks pretty good. Although fat is fat or a little fat, but in the eyes of wives and us, a girl is blessed if she is plump and fertile, unlike other people. This woman is so delicate and weak, she looks like she will disappear when the wind blows, and I feel bored when I look at it."

They are all dexterous women who combed their hair with a wooden comb and smoothed Su Wanniang's hair in a few strokes. However, as they got older, they couldn't stop talking. Su Wanniang listened dumbfounded and said, There was no chance to interject.

stockade?What stockade?Who is the master?
Nima's who is more serious than Kong Zhifa, who actually sent someone to tie her up in the thatched cottage, and even went to great lengths to hold a wedding to marry her!
"That's what I said, but girl, you are still a little fat after all. Men like beautiful women. You have to control your mouth and let yourself stop getting fat. Some girls are not good-looking. , but you are so fat, you look worse than other skinny girls."

Su Wanniang suffered serious internal injuries, "Aunts, I was married and had a husband. My husband died only a few months before I became a widow. You should let me go?"

(End of this chapter)

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