Chapter 377 Return 6
Su Wanniang didn't ask about Zi Yihou's affairs. As she showed, she didn't like Zi Yihou, so she didn't care about Zi Yihou's affairs at all. Zi Yihou is a friend of Mr. Mei, so it doesn't mean he wants to have something to do with her .

The reason why she pretended to be stupid was also because she realized that Zi Yihou's words contained a probing meaning. He was probing, and wanted to know from her whether Big Brother Han knew Zi Yihou's identity in Fengyue Tower.

Compared with Zi Yihou and Han Sheng, Su Wanniang prefers Han Sheng without even thinking about it. After Han Sheng learned of Zi Yihou's identity from her, since he didn't come to find Zi Yihou, it means that Han Sheng and Zi Yihou have no friendship. She even pretended not to know that Zi Yihou was in Fengyue Tower, so she wouldn't be so stupid to expose Han Sheng.

Because the thatched cottage was fine, Su Wanniang stayed in the stream garden until the next evening before Mr. Mei arranged a carriage to return to the thatched cottage.

Less than an hour after she returned to the thatched cottage, Ersha called her name outside the fence gate and walked in.

"Have you eaten yet? Why hasn't Ersha come over these few days?" Su Wanniang was cooking with her head down, when she heard Ersha come in, she asked casually.

"In the past few days, mother said that Ersha was not good and played outside all day long. Mother looked at her tightly, and Ersha couldn't get out!" Ersha scratched his head and grinned, "But I miss Wan Niang, so I ran out again today! I haven’t eaten yet!”

A thought made Su Wanniang suddenly think of what Mr. Mei said today.

When a woman marries someone who loves herself and someone she loves, one is happy and the other is hard.

She couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

"Why does Wan Niang keep staring at my face like this? Is there something dirty on my face?" Er Sha ran to the side of the water tank to shine on the water while talking, and rubbed his hands carelessly on his face, " No, Wan Niang, there is no dirt on my face! My mother said that women don’t like messy men, so every time I go out, I go to my sister-in-law’s room to look in the bronze mirror before going out!”

When Su Wanniang heard this, she chuckled, "But I remember the first time I saw Ersha, Ersha was a mess, with his hair sticking out like a bird."

"Hmph! The people in the village don't like me, and I don't like them either. They hate me when I'm dressed clean. They always want to bully me and pinch my face. I hate them! That's why I hate taking a shower too! Later, my mother said that she would marry me a wife, and that I would only like me if I was a clean lady, and I would only like a clean lady for Wanniang to like me!"

Su Wanniang thought about it, "Did your mother tell you who she wants to find to be your wife?"

"Mother didn't say it! But, I want Wan Niang to be my wife, and I don't want anyone else!" Er Sha pouted unhappy when he said this, "But Wan Niang doesn't like Er Sha, so don't give Er Sha Be a lady~”

"Then if I become your wife, you will meet other sisters or sisters you like in the future, will you ask them to be your wife? Then you won't like me?"

"No way! I know what Wanniang said. Wanniang is saying that Ersha will want a concubine, right? It's like a woman in our village likes my brother, but my brother has my sister-in-law, and that woman said she would give it to me. Both my mother and my father said that it is not acceptable for my brother to be a concubine. My father and my mother said that we are ordinary people, and a son and a daughter-in-law are enough! Father is like mother, like elder brother and sister-in-law!"

As Ersha spoke, he raised his fingers, and the index fingers of his left and right hands stood up and moved closer together, saying, "One and the other, lady and husband, just like this, two people!"

Then he put up two short little thumbs, and said, "Oh! I almost forgot! I want babies! A boy and a girl, father and mother said they want two babies! That's four people!"

(End of this chapter)

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