The three married husbands are super favorite

Chapter 367 The Missing Student 7

Chapter 367 The Missing Student 7
The three men who spoke were concentrating, and did not notice that there was something wrong with Su Wanniang's face at all. It seemed that the more they talked, the more energetic they were.

"You say, is it true that His Highness An He, the third prince who disappeared as rumored, did this? The disappearance of His Highness An He was the biggest unsolved case in my dynasty. Some people say that His Highness An He has been missing for so many years. He must be dead, but no one has seen His Highness An He's body, who can really guarantee that His Highness An He is really dead?"

Almost at the moment that name was spit out, Su Wanniang's body trembled violently.The chopsticks in his hand were scattered from his hands with a bang, one fell to the ground, and the other fell to the side of the bowl.

It wasn't until now that the three of them realized that Su Wanniang had been listening to them all talking.

"Auntie, what's the matter with you?" The younger man bent down to pick up the chopsticks that fell at his feet and asked for Su Wanniang.

"You said just now, Your Highness An He? The name of the missing third prince is An He?" Su Wanniang's voice trembled, and when the name An He was mentioned, her heart felt as if it was painful.

"Yes, this is something that everyone knows. His Royal Highness the Third Prince is named Ji Anhe, and his style name is Changning. He is born of the current concubine."

"Is this aunt coming to the county to look for relatives to take part in the county examination?" The older man among the three said softly, "Don't listen to the nonsense of the three of us here, don't worry, your relatives will be fine of."

"I'm here to find my husband." Su Wanniang nodded.

"Can you tell me the name of my aunt and husband? I know the list of ten people who participated in the county examination." The man said.

"My husband's name is Kong Zhishu, and he comes to take the county examination every year." Su Wanniang shook her head, "I just went to the yamen to inquire, and my husband is not on the county examination list."

"Kong Zhishu?" The man was stunned, and immediately changed his words, "Madam's husband is..." The man gave the name of the town and village where Kong Zhishu was located, and then said, "I also know a A good friend, also named Kong Zhishu, he is from there, the grandfather of the family used to be a scholar!"


Su Wanniang was startled and nodded repeatedly, "That's where I came from!"

"It turned out to be the sister-in-law of the Kong family! It's fate!" The man smiled, "Brother Zhishu and I consulted together for two or three years in the early years. Later, I won the exam and stayed in a private school in the county. Unlucky, in the first few years either he ate badly and missed the exam or fainted in the exam room due to exhaustion. One year he managed to survive the exam for a few days, but in that year, the water was suddenly distributed to the county government. It all washed away."

The man paused, with a suspicious expression on his face, "It's just that this happened several years ago. After all, I haven't seen Brother Zhishu for many years. Sister-in-law, did you remember wrongly? Brother Zhishu But I haven't come to refer to it for many years, I thought he had given up?"

"What?" Su Wanniang frowned, "You said he hasn't referenced it for many years?"

"Yes, in the past, Brother Zhishu would gather with me when he came to the county. I haven't seen Brother Zhishu for many years. This year, I was also lucky enough to enter the yamen to help sort out the materials of reference students, and I have never seen Brother Zhishu. the file from that?"

Although the county exam is not a big exam, those who want to take the county exam have to go to the county seat to submit the materials a few days in advance so that the yamen can enter the file management and arrange it, just like an application form in the 21st century.

At this moment, Su Wanniang's heart was like a big hammer hitting, hitting, hitting her heart non-stop.

At this moment, inexplicably, Su Wanniang suddenly wanted to cry.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?" The man was a little worried.

"It's okay, thank you." Su Wanniang shook her head, lowered her head and bit her lips, she couldn't even take a bite of a good bowl of noodles.

(End of this chapter)

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