The three married husbands are super favorite

Chapter 340 The Family Secret Way 10

Chapter 340 The Family Secret Way 10
Looking back at the hole she came out of, Su Wanniang clenched her fists in a panic!

Sure enough, this hole is the tomb of this tomb at all!

Su Wanniang screamed and ran all the way away, even though she knew that there was a secret passage leading to her home in the tomb, but when she saw the shape of the tomb, Su Wanniang trembled all over. She was afraid of these things since she was a child. Scared like a beast!
But after running less than two meters, Su Wanniang staggered and fell to the ground.

Grave hill!This is simply a cemetery!

At a glance, they are all graves!
Su Wanniang didn't know if the full tomb was an empty tomb like the one she came out of, but even if it was really an empty tomb, she was terrified!
In the middle of the night, deep in the mountains, deep in the graveyard, she knew nothing about!
The moon is cool, the jackdaws are cooing, Su Wanniang really broke down!

These are unnamed tombs. She thought that she didn't see clearly at that moment, so she only saw the word "tomb". But now, with the moonlight, she can see clearly that all the tombs here are unnamed tombs. On the tombstones, all There are only two words of "Tomb" engraved on them!
What exactly is going on?Why is this happening?

Su Wanniang covered her face and sobbed softly, why did Kong Zhishu place the exit of the secret passage in such a gloomy place?
Even though Su Wanniang came here through time travel, she was just an ordinary woman. She was afraid, she didn't know where to go, her legs trembled when she thought of the same way, but when she looked at it, it was all graves. Where are you going?Can she find her way down the mountain again?Down the mountain?Where will it be again?How would she go back?

But even after going back, so what?
When she thought of the secret passage leading directly to this cemetery, that home, she didn't dare to stay for a second!

In the middle of the night, on the cemetery with desolate grass, the jackdaws were singing non-stop. The moonlight shone coldly on the cold tombstone, reflecting the extremely conspicuous two characters. Like the footsteps of death.

Zombie?vampire?Or a barren mountain ghost?

Su Wanniang heard the slight sound of footsteps, and every cell in her body was trembling with fear!
Forgive her, as a person in the 21st century, who hasn't seen ghost movies?She can't help but think wildly, otherwise, in the middle of the night, who would appear on this grave like her?

"Mrs. Kong."

Su Wanniang couldn't help trembling with a short but warm call, she raised her head, thinking in her heart, can't turn back, can't turn back!It must be a ghost!
"Mrs. Kong."

When there was no answer, the man in black called someone again, and then went around to Su Wanniang, "Don't be afraid, Mrs. Kong, I am the guardian of the mountain."

"The mountain guard?" Su Wanniang was taken aback for a moment, then she opened her eyes and looked at the person who had already arrived in front of her. When she saw that it was a man in black, she groaned and took several steps back.

"Don't be afraid, Mrs. Kong. Don't tell me there are no ghosts in this world. Even if there are, those buried on this mountain are all loyal warriors. They are heroes. Even if people in this world really become ghosts after death, they They’re all good ghosts too!”

"So these graves are not empty?" Su Wanniang heard the news.

"Most of them are clothes tombs, and only a few have people buried there." The mountain guard said with a slightly forbearing tone, "How many soldiers were loyal to the country, but in the end they ended up with nothing to lose."

Finally, there was a living person with her, Su Wanniang breathed a sigh of relief, and gradually she didn't feel so scared. She heard some words, all the soldiers buried in this cemetery?Is it a soldier?

But I haven't heard of any guards near this town, so why are the soldiers' graves erected here?Why did the secret passage dug by Kong Zhishu lead here?

Most importantly, the mountain guard called her Mrs. Kong!
The Mountain Keeper knows her!

(The addition is complete, okay?)
(End of this chapter)

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