Chapter 320 Mr. Mei 6
As soon as Mr. Mei withdrew his scrutinizing eyes from Su Wanniang, the oppressive feeling on Su Wanniang's body immediately disappeared. For Su Wanniang, he would rather Mr. Mei play the piano arrogantly than stare at her.

"I heard from Hongfu that Mrs. Kong wants to cooperate with me in Fengyuelou?"

Mr. Mei's piano sound under his fingertips at this moment has no structure, sentences and sentences that can't be connected into a tune, just like him, he is arbitrary and arrogant.


Su Wanniang frowned slightly. Of course she didn't like Mr. Mei's attitude, but she walked in with great difficulty and worked hard to get in touch with the owner of Fengyue Tower. She always had to try and work hard.

"The Fengyue Tower was on fire a few years ago. I have seen it all the way here. It is true that as the people in the town said, nearly half of the Fengyue Tower was burned. Presumably, after the new year, Mr. Mei also needs to rebuild it." Su Wanniang spoke quickly. Not in a hurry, her voice and expression showed no emotion at all, let alone the slightest bit of tension or fear.

"So what?" The sound of the piano suddenly accelerated, accompanied by Mr. Mei's voice, the atmosphere suddenly became a little cold, "Only you? Mrs. Kong, is it flattering you to call you Mrs. Kong? To put it bluntly, you are an ignorant village woman , even ordinary peasant women, Mrs. Kong, don’t you look in the mirror before you go out? Don’t you know how ugly, fat, and unsightly you are? If I grow up to be like you... "

"Cough cough!"

Mr. Mei's words were interrupted by a cough. The voice came from the purple curtain behind Mr. Mei. Only then did Su Wanniang realize that there was another person behind the curtain!


Mr. Mei seemed displeased when his words were interrupted. He stopped playing the piano, straightened his body, but turned his eyes back, "How? I'm not even allowed to say anything?"

At the same time, the purple curtain moved slightly, Su Wanniang thought that the people behind were about to come out, but unexpectedly, it was a servant who came out.

The servant held a piece of paper in his hand, on which were written two words, be careful.

The handwriting was still wet, and the ink spread down horizontally and vertically, and I knew it was written by the people behind the curtain.

Mr. Mei glanced at the words on the paper and didn't connect them. He made a gesture and asked the servants to take the paper back. Then he raised his eyes and glanced at Su Wanniang who was standing in front of him.

Su Wanniang looked into Mr. Shangmei's eyes and smiled, "Mr. Mei doesn't know something. My family is poor and poor, so I can't afford a bronze mirror. Naturally, I won't look in the mirror first when I go out, but I also know. There are all kinds of life in this world, since they exist, there is a meaning of existence, I think, if there are not ugly people like me in the world, otherwise, how can people know what beauty is?"

Mr. Mei's personal attack on Su Wanniang was as if it came in one ear and out the other, neither angry nor angry. Anyway, it is a fact that she is ugly, and it is not the first time she is pointed at her nose and scolded.

It is said that once acquainted with each other, she is calm now, she can bear it, and now she has to bear it. When she has the ability in the future, there will be more opportunities to trample those who despise her under their feet.

Su Wanniang's words made Mr. Mei look at her a few times, but his arrogance returned after just a few glances.

"Let's talk about how you, a local woman, want to cooperate with Fengyuelou."

The native woman is the native woman, and Su Wanniang continued to bear it.

"My original intention was to provide large and small furniture for Fengyuelou, but I also know that Mr. Mei will definitely not like the furniture I designed, so I think that if Mr. Mei agrees, I can hand over the design of Xiushan Give it to me, if Mr. Mei is not in a hurry, I can give Mr. Mei a design draft within a month, which is the interior design of the burned part. Of course, I can only give Mr. Mei half of the design draft. If Mr. Mei approves of my design and is willing to use it, then it will be regarded as the establishment of a preliminary cooperation intention."

(End of this chapter)

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