The three married husbands are super favorite

Chapter 245 The Du Family's Courtesy 2

Chapter 245 The Du Family's Courtesy 2
Father Du nodded. They were concerned about Ersha's illness, and before they had time to say thank you to the Kong family, Du Dalang hurried out of the Kong family's yard with Ersha on his back, got into the stuttering car and went to town.

The Du family came and went in a hurry, Father Kong and Mrs. Kong cursed again before leaving the house, Kong Zhishu and Su Wanniang saved Ersha, in their eyes it seemed that something from the Kong family was wasted.

But in fact, it's just a waste of firewood and water to boil the medicine. Of course, there is also a post of Su Wanniang's leftover medicine.

It was a noisy day, but it was finally over.

Night is New Year's Eve, and this has become the most depressed year in Su Wanniang's life.

No matter how poor the family members of the Kong family are, at least they ate a delicious meal of white rice and meat stars, but the best thing is that the New Year's Eve, they used the excuse that they separated, and didn't call Su Wanniang and Kong Zhishu. table.

Inside the house, dimly lit candles flickered slightly. This was the first time the two had dinner with candles.

Because Mrs. Xu made more meals than usual at night, she occupied the kitchen for a long time. By the time Kong Zhishu went to the kitchen to cook, it was already dark.

Su Wanniang sighed silently as she looked at the sweet potato and the thin porridge in her bowl.

"I wanted to bring two meat buns back from the town, but the shops in the town were closed. I thought that even if I bought the meat, it wouldn't fall into our own mouths, so I came back empty-handed."

Kong Zhishu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand and explained to Su Wanniang seriously, Su Wanniang raised her head and smiled at Kong Zhishu, indicating that she didn't care.

"It should be, now we don't even have any land in our hands, and we can still have something to fill our stomachs, so we should have some fun."

After she finished speaking, Su Wanniang realized that these words were not consoling at all, but rather a bit of complaint.

She hurriedly looked at Kong Zhishu's expression, and saw that he was thinking about something with his head down, as if he didn't hear her, she was relieved, she didn't want to quarrel with Kong Zhishu on New Year's Eve.

"There is no unparalleled road, don't worry, God will never really starve us to death." Kong Zhishu got up and put away the empty bowls of the two.

Su Wanniang watched Kong Zhishu leave the room, but she didn't say something in her heart.

What Su Wanniang, who has endured hardships, disbelieves the most is to sit and say that there is no unparalleled road. She always believes that the road is walked out by herself.

This New Year's Eve is really the most miserable and bleakest New Year's Eve in Su Wanniang's impression. In the past, in the orphanage, there were extra meals during the Chinese New Year.

Early the next morning, when the sky opened, the village rang out one after another with firecrackers.

The customs here are very different from what Su Wanniang knows. In the village, on the first day of the new year, even farmers, as long as they are not too poor to afford the money, they will prepare firecrackers in advance. On the morning of the first day of the new year Ignite it, which means that the new year will be prosperous and lively.

Early in the morning, Father Kong brought Brother Xiang to make a noise, and Brother Xiang's excited laughter was louder than the firecrackers in the neighbor's house, making Su Wanniang in the room very angry.

"Are you up? We should also get up and light a firecracker." Kong Zhishu knew that Su Wanniang was having a temper again when he saw Su Wanniang tossing and turning irritably, and she hated being woken up very much.

"We didn't buy it again~" Su Wanniang said in a muffled voice, thinking to herself, this year is really a bit bleak.

"I went to the town to buy it yesterday. I thought, anyway, we have separated, and we have to put a bunch together. In the new year, our life will be prosperous." Kong Zhishu got up while talking. , After getting dressed carefully, he said, "Brother Han Sheng may bring the little boy to visit the New Year today."

Xiao Tong was taken back to town by Han Sheng last night for the New Year. Mrs. Su is now in much better spirits and can get out of bed by herself to breathe.

As soon as she heard that guests were coming to the house, Su Wanniang immediately got up, the irritability on her face was swept away, and she was a little excited, "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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