Chapter 241
"Do you think I, Kong Zhishu, will let you share the same room with this fool?" It was the same rhetorical question again, with the same tone and expression as the previous sentence.

Then, he sneered, "Unless I, Kong Zhishu, are also crazy or stupid. Murder is a crime. I am a dignified scholar, so naturally I can't do such an illegal thing."

Su Wanniang nodded dubiously, but there was no way, Kong Zhishu was machismo, and there was no need to discuss this matter, so she had to go out of the house alone to find Brother Stutter. No matter how much Kong Zhishu didn't like Erduan, he probably wouldn't be able to do anything too outrageous.

After Su Wanniang left, Kong Zhishu folded his hands behind his back and looked silently at Ersha who was lying on the ground silently, his expression was thoughtful and unfathomable.

After a while, he lightly touched the person on the ground with his feet again, "After your hands and feet have recovered, stand up by yourself, there is a low stool over there, go and sit on it yourself, I'll pour you a bowl of hot tea, wait Your family is here to pick you up, so hurry up and get out of here, and don’t show up to me again, if you show up again, believe it or not, I’ll really kill you!"

In this case, coupled with Kong Zhishu's vicious expression of meeting ghosts and killing ghosts on purpose, as well as his angry tone, a normal person would be frightened when he saw it, let alone a fool.

Kong Zhishu left the words, and ignored Ersha, and didn't even bother to read Ersha's reaction, and walked out of the room with his proud lips curled up.

Kong Zhishu went to the kitchen not only to boil water, but also washed the rice and put it in the pot to prepare lunch, thinking that when Su Wanniang came back, she only needed to help look at the pot without touching the cold water.

It will be a long time before the hot tea is ready, and Kong Zhishu is sure that Ersha will not be in trouble, so he will take the hot tea back to the house without haste. As long as Ersha does not die in Kong's house, Ersha's family will Naturally, he will find a doctor to see a doctor for him, so he has nothing to worry about.

But Kong Zhishu did not expect that when he returned to the house, he would see Ersha who was lying on the ground crawling onto the bed!

Hearing footsteps in the room, the person on the bed opened his eyes and turned his head to look towards the door. Seeing Kong Zhishu's dark face, the two fools smiled heartlessly at Kong Zhishu.

"Sister! Are you back?" Ersha suddenly called out and got up from the bed.

Kong Zhishu turned his head to look, only to find that Su Wanniang had already entered the yard.

"Eh?" Su Wanniang came in and looked at the door, and said with a smile, "I'll say Kong Zhishu, you're a man with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart! You said that you despised the second idiot and would dirty your bed, but you still carried him to the bed!"

Kong Zhishu felt so angry that he felt distressed. He stared at Su Wanniang, paused every word, and said, "Who are you talking about? This fool climbed up by himself while I was away!"

Only then did Su Wanniang notice Kong Zhishu's expression of wanting to kill someone. It seems that she really made a beautiful misunderstanding. A person like Kong Zhishu, who is kind and scumbag, should not feel pity for a fool who makes him deeply understand the evil.

Su Wanniang thought, if Kong Zhishu had a beard now, he would probably be able to describe it by blowing his beard and staring angrily.

Putting the tea bowl directly into Er Sha's hand, Kong Zhishu turned his back angrily and didn't want to take another look at Er Sha.

Su Wanniang looked at Kong Zhishu with an embarrassing face, moved her little floral steps closer to Kong Zhishu, then stretched out her hand, poked Kong Zhishu's arm lightly with her index finger, and asked, "Can I interview you? You Why do you hate Ersha so much?"

"And why are you being so nice to a fool?"

Su Wanniang supported her forehead, "Kong Zhishu, can I ask you not to use rhetorical questions as an answer? Why? Do you want to fight?"

Such rhetorical questions one after another, paired with Kong Zhishu's expression, seemed like two hundred and five, really provocative.

Kong Zhishu snorted, hummed again, and then continued speaking in a normal tone, "Since you saw this idiot, he smiled like a flower, cared and had a pleasant face, and let others touch you. , are you still a woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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