The three married husbands are super favorite

Chapter 217 Deceiving People Is A Puppy 3

Chapter 217 Deceiving People Is A Puppy 3
"Haha, yes~ Xiaotong is amazing, can I convince you?" Su Wanniang took the hot tea and thanked her, then reached out and touched Xiaotong's head with a smile on her face.

After being thanked by Su Wanniang, Xiao Tong felt embarrassed and stood there watching quietly. After a few seconds, he suddenly looked at Kong Zhishu and said, "Brother Kong, my husband is here, and he is in the kitchen!"

Kong Zhishu looked outside with the bowl in his hand, gave a low-pitched grace, then walked out while holding hot tea, and closed the door softly on the way.

As soon as Kong Zhishu left, there were only three people left in the room, and Su Wanniang was also a talkative person, so she and Xiao Tong had something to say naturally.

"What anecdotes did Xiaotong and grandma say? Tell me to listen? Make me happy too?"

"Wan Niang, don't look at Xiao Tong's young age, you can see that he has more knowledge than us. You have seen people with blue eyes, big nose and golden hair. I am already at this age, and I have never heard of such a strange person! "Granny Su answered cheerfully, "Don't say I've seen it before, if I hadn't heard it from Xiao Tong, I wouldn't even have heard of it."

"Blue eyes, big nose, blond hair?" Su Wanniang thought, isn't this the standard European and American appearance?However, it is a little surprising that there are such foreigners in this dynasty that cannot be found in Chinese history.

"Yes, sister-in-law, do you also feel like monsters? They are also very tall, like giants." The little boy nodded vigorously.

Su Wanniang chuckled, "It's strange." What Su Wanniang was surprised was, where did Xiao Tong see such a foreigner?She went to the town twice and never met her.

Su Wanniang was puzzled, so she asked.

The little boy didn't hide anything, and immediately replied, "I was adopted by my husband since I was a child, and I traveled to many places with him. We don't see people with blue eyes here, but we keep walking to the west. Sometimes, I can go there. There are occasional blue-eyed merchants in the nearby city, but such merchants are becoming rarer and rarer now, and the current emperor does not allow outsiders to enter, let alone foreign merchants entering our court."

"Why?" Su Wanniang was puzzled. Isn't commercial circulation good for the development of a country?

"Because the ministers and the emperor think that these foreign businessmen will make money from our people, and they are also afraid that it will be detrimental to our dynasty if they use the slogan of businessmen to inquire."

For such an explanation, Su Wanniang is embarrassing, this is tantamount to another closed country ~ Shameful, shameful!No wonder the people are taxed so heavily!
"However, there are still some merchants who will walk around the border areas. I saw Persians in the town a few days ago. They are dressed in tinkling clothes, which is easy to recognize!" The boy said excitedly, "The fruit they sell It’s delicious! It’s sweet!”

"Why don't I have such good luck? I didn't see it!" Su Wanniang shrugged.

"They will spend this year in the town. This time they brought a lot of things to sell. However, I heard from them that the things they brought, except for food, are not easy to sell, but if they are not sold, they will be exchanged. They will lose money if they take our products back and sell them.” Xiaotong was young, and whatever he thought in his heart was written on his face.

"Actually, their long-distance business trips are also very hard and not easy. Those who come to us are all poor people in Persia, and they work hard to make money."

Su Wanniang nodded approvingly, the current emperor is a damn pervert, and does not allow foreign businessmen to pass through, so it is estimated that many local officials are also strict, even if they are not tight, they are still trying to squeeze benefits.

"Hey." Su Wanniang sighed, it seems that these days, the status of businessmen is even lower than she imagined, and businessmen are even more difficult to mess with.

"Sister-in-law, why are you sighing?" Xiao Tong was confused by Su Wanniang's inexplicable sigh.

Su Wanniang naturally sighed that she was an out-and-out businessman in the 21st century, and she only knew how to do business, and she was thinking of becoming a businessman in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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