Chapter 1536
Kong Xinrou understood, nodded, and went back to the door to lock it, but soon ran back and stood straight in front of Kong Luoci, motionless, biting her lip, her eyes were red, Tongtong, but stubbornly refused to shed tears.

Water droplets swirled in her eye sockets, and she was reluctant to drop them for a long time.

"what happened?"

Because she was holding back tears, Kong Xinrou opened her mouth to speak, and that voice was obviously crying.

After speaking, she stretched out her chubby little hand and grabbed his injured medicine bottle and put it aside, then turned around and twisted a towel, and gently wiped the wound on his shoulder, counting , "Big brother is such a big man, and he didn't know how to clean the wound first when he was injured. The wound was still stained with dried blood. If you don't wipe it off first, what's the use of applying medicine at this time? Injured, I don’t know how to tell Brother Changxin and me to hide in the house alone. If I didn’t hear the sound, would you have to hide it from me? The wound is on the shoulder, unless you twisted your neck, otherwise, How do you apply medicine to your wound? Just pour it like a blind man, relying on luck? If you are lucky, the powder is just on the wound, but if you are not lucky, the powder will be scattered elsewhere, and then you don’t care about it?"

A man as big as Kong Luoci was forced to be reprimanded by Kong Xinrou with tears in his eyes and dared not say a word. He hooked his tentacles and looked at Kong Xinrou with a smile.

"You're still laughing! You're still laughing!" Seeing that Kong Luoci was still laughing, Kong Xinrou couldn't help but burst into tears, "Big brother, are you a fool? Don't you know it hurts? I don't want you to laugh." Mother said, take medicine and cry, if you are unhappy, you can cry, if you fall, you can also cry! Why do you pretend to be okay and smile at me when you are obviously in pain! I don’t like you always rushing like a normal person I laughed, that would make me look like a fool!"

Kong Luoci was reprimanded by Kong Xinrou for laughing or not, so he waved his hand and told Kong Xinrou that he didn't hurt.

But how could Kong Xinrou believe it?A ten-year-old girl, why doesn't she know it hurts?Where is it so easy to deceive like a three-year-old child?

"Liar! Big brother is a liar!" Kong Xinrou cursed in a muffled voice, but she moved her hands very lightly. After wiping away the dried blood on the edge of the wound, she put the medicine bottle she put aside Pick it up, and then tell Kong Luoci to turn around a bit, and face the wound to her so that she can apply medicine to him.

The light green medicine powder gradually covered his somewhat terrifying wound with her shaking gently, the wound was already oozing a little bit of blood, fortunately, the medicine powder made by Guiguqin had a very good effect, and after a while, he was healed. The bleeding stopped.

The weather was slightly hot, so Kong Xinrou didn't let Kong Luoci bandage up the wound at night, she was afraid that the wound would be more suffocated.

After finishing these tasks, she still sat in the same place, sniffing non-stop, pouted her lips, and stared at Kong Luoci.

"Brother, lie down! You are not allowed to move!" Seeing that Kong Luoci was about to move, Kong Xinrou opened his mouth and scolded.

And Kong Luoci's raised hand was froze in the air by Kong Xinrou's scolding. This was the first time Kong Xinrou had lost such a temper when she grew up. It was restrained.

"Who hurt big brother?" Seeing that Kong Luoci was not going to tell her, Kong Xinrou threatened, "If you don't tell me, I'll investigate myself!"

The little girl's temper said what she said, so Kong Luoci hurriedly gesticulated to simplify and explain to Kong Xinrou, "These days it has been declared to go out to buy goods, so don't mention it to anyone when you go out. If you see me, if someone asks you where I am, you will say that you have not seen me for many days, you only know that I have gone out to buy goods, and you don’t know anything else. This time, I was also negligent and underestimated my opponent. But fortunately, I finally got something very important to your elder brother Changxin!"

(End of this chapter)

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