Chapter 1515
But what about Kong Luo resigning himself?He is much older than Kong Xinrou. When Kong Xinrou was sensible, he had already learned martial arts from his father and learned to read from his husband. He spent most of his time studying, and sometimes he would stay with others in Shenyingzhai for a few days. Kong Xinrou just likes to follow him, and this level will increase as she gets older.

There is one thing that people look forward to on the boat, and that is to watch the sunrise. This is a particularly exciting thing for everyone who has been staying in the only small lake area.

Before dawn, Kong Xinrou was woken up by the commotion outside. The little girl woke up very angry, she lifted the quilt, pouting in displeasure, and even looked like she was about to cry.

"Xinrou, everyone is waiting to see the sunrise, do you want to go and see it together? The sunrise in the sea is very beautiful." Kong Luoci pulled Kong Xinrou up from the bed in a very natural way. Just help the little girl get dressed.

Kong Xinrou rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at Kong Luoci's sign language with half-closed eyes, and asked, "Is the sunrise beautiful? How beautiful?"

Then, she stretched out her hands, legs, bent her head, and obediently let Kong Luoci manipulate her until she put on her clothes, and then jumped from the bed to the floor.

how prettyKong Luoci looked at the little girl who was spinning around on the ground much more energetically, and smiled lightly, "It's as beautiful as our Xinrou girl."

"Nonsense~" Kong Xinrou retorted, but her eyes were clearly filled with joy. After putting on her shoes, she dragged her out impatiently.

Kong Luoci grabbed Kong Xinrou, then took a cloak and put it on Kong Xinrou, then nodded to indicate that he could go out.

The sea breeze was strong, and it was extremely cold for Kong Xinrou to stand on the deck as soon as she got out of the cabin, and fortunately, there was a cloak that Kong Luoci forced her to put on.

The violent sea wind blew the cloak on her body, and her hair was flying straight back. Kong Xinrou tilted her head, and giggled as she watched the strands of hair fly onto Kong Luoci's face. , Obviously, it was intentional, but he smiled and shivered coldly.

"Big brother, why is the sea so cold in this season? Big brother, if I tell you that I left your box of clothes in the corner of the yard, will you be angry? It's all motherfuckers." The new clothes prepared by my brother include autumn ones and winter ones, when I go back, my mother will definitely scold me."

Kong Luoci shook his head, and then pulled the little girl into his arms. He didn't bring any clothes, so he just had to do it again somewhere else.

After leaning on Kong Luoci's body, Kong Xinrou's body stopped shaking and became much warmer. Probably martial arts practitioners are not afraid of the cold, and their bodies are hotter. Leaning on Kong Luoci's body, Kong Xinrou felt like Like leaning on a big stove.

How beautiful the sunrise on the sea is, even Kong Xinrou doesn't know how to describe it. It is so beautiful that people can't help but stop breathing, open their eyes wide, and dare not blink for fear of missing any second of beauty.

Looking at the rising sun without attacking power, it is like a gentle mother appearing from the coastline little by little, and then, little by little, illuminating the coastline, dyeing the sea red, and then, gradually, more and more vitality, as if in an instant, awakening It awakens all sleeping things, wakes up the sleeping sea, and then wipes away the night little by little, and draws back the curtain of day.

Until, the sun rose high and left the coastline, and it was dawn!
(End of this chapter)

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