Vampire Fascination: Vampire's Favorite

Chapter 439 The Great Reshuffle of Blood Race Forces

Chapter 439 The Great Reshuffle of Blood Race Forces ([-])

At first An Ran was a little embarrassed, after all there were Liszt and Cerberus present.

However, when Richard put her head on her chest and was flying against the wind, she felt a sense of peace in her heart, full of it, which made her body relax all of a sudden, and soon entered the sweet Dreamland...


When An Ran woke up, the night was already dark, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that handsome boy.

Richard was sitting on a chair by the window, An Ran was lying in his arms, before she had time to be surprised, the boy had already leaned over and kissed her red lips, his lips were a little cold, but passionate , just like his love for her, deep and strong!
In fact, he had wanted to do that a long time ago, but because of the presence of others, when his lover woke up in his arms, he couldn't wait to kiss the red lips that Xiao had wanted for a long time.

It was a long time before he let her go. Although the body temperature of the blood race was cold, both of them felt warmth coming from each other's bodies at this moment. An Ran's lips turned rose color, and her cheeks were slightly flushed. , her hair looked a little messy, and there was a little mist in her eyes.

Seeing this, Richard couldn't help pecking again, and then looked at her with a smile.

After a while.

An Ran found that she was still held in Richard's arms, and it was getting late outside, which meant that Richard had held her in his arms for several hours.

She quickly said, "Richard, why don't you let me go?"

Richard tapped the tip of her nose, and replied with a smile: "It's obvious that someone is reluctant to part with my arms, so I'm planning to let go, but she frowned, so, in order to let her sleep more peacefully, I can only sacrifice Treat yourself."

Hearing this, An Ran was stunned for a moment, and then her entire pretty face turned red.

"Hahahaha..." Richard burst out laughing.

Only then did An Ran realize that she had been duped, and pretended to be angry and said, "Richard, you lied..."

Richard was afraid of making her angry, so he quickly said, "Honey, I was just joking, I couldn't bear to part with you, so I held onto you tightly."

This time, An Ran was silent.

Richard asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

An Ran showed a smile, and said with bright eyes: "Shh, Richard, you should shut up at this time."

After finishing speaking, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

Richard was startled, and responded enthusiastically...

When they parted again, even Richard gasped a little, and An Ran said, "Richard, let me down, it's time for us to meet our father."

Richard responded reluctantly: "Well, well, let's settle the matter of Anna first. My father and I reported the whole incident. Father has already made a decision and plans to confess to the second elder. But you are the person involved, so I want to ask your opinion."

Hearing this, An Ran immediately understood that Duke Morris was only thinking about her. After all, Anna died at her hands. In the future, if she becomes a duchess, she will also need the assistance of the elders. If the second elder cannot forgive , Then, there will definitely be cracks in the relationship between the two in the future, which is definitely not a good thing for the Morris family.

"I understand, Richard, I have already made up my mind, I plan to talk to the second elder in person." An Ran replied without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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