Vampire Fascination: Vampire's Favorite

Chapter 408 Newborn Blood Race

Chapter 408 The Newborn Blood Race ([-])
Until Richard moved his wrist away, An Ran was still a little reluctant.

The longing in her eyes is not like the greed and desire of the blood for the red fruit of blood, but purely, nostalgia for delicious food.

That look, in Richard's view, is really cute.

It made him almost unable to bear the initiative to donate blood again, but the amount just now was already enough, and more importantly, it was after the blood was sucked.

"Just now, who said you want to be a vegetarian?" Richard said with a smile in his eyes.

Hearing this, An Ran felt a little embarrassed.

When she saw Richard's blood, all her attention was attracted, and she completely forgot about her previous thoughts.

However, she knew very well in her heart that if the person in front of her was not Richard, she would never have lost control like this.

"Okay, dear. Next, what I want to say is the most important thing." Richard withdrew his joking expression, and said with some seriousness, "Blood is not just for blood Wrapping the stomach, but need the energy in the blood, now, close your eyes, feel the blood you sucked just now, and turn them into a part of your body!"

Richard's voice became very alluring, and An Ran could not help but obey his words. She gradually closed her eyes, feeling the blood she had just absorbed.

An Ran's comprehension is very high, she quickly found the trick, the slightly cold blood suddenly became warm, and she could feel the huge energy brought by the blood!

How precious is the blood of a purebred!
For a new blood race, it is definitely the best supplement...

When An Ran had absorbed all the energy of the blood, the sky outside the window had already darkened, but the brilliance on her face was like a blooming flower, so delicate and beautiful...

"Dear tutor Richard, is that so?" Her eyes were shining with a moving light, like a student who wanted to be praised.

Although it was his first time as a mentor, Richard knew clearly that An Ran's aptitude definitely surpassed that of ordinary vampires.

Originally, he was a little worried that An Ran could not fully grasp it, but now it seems that she not only grasped it very well, but also absorbed all the energy.

Seeing that An Ran's learning ability is so strong, Richard immediately cheered up, not at all like a guy who just lost [-] milliliters of blood.

"Honey, you did a great job and I want to reward you with a kiss."

Richard is definitely a guy who keeps his word, he immediately gave his lover the most passionate kiss.

Afterwards, the first thing Richard taught was to freely change the color of her pupils. Although An Ran with blood pupils was attractive, Richard still liked her obsidian-like eyes more.

Now that she has become a blood clan, An Ran's mentality has not become negative because of this.

Even though the lifespan of the vampires is much longer than that of humans, and they have more time to study, however, she hopes that she can become a powerful vampire as soon as possible.

What's more, her mentor... is still the man she loves so much!
Soon, An Ran learned how to automatically change the color of her eyes, how to make her nails sharper and longer, how to control her fangs...

After she had mastered all these techniques, Richard said again: "Honey, when you have energy in your body, you can use that energy to do many things, for example, heal your wounds..."

An Ran still remembered that when Richard revealed his blood identity for the first time, he cut the skin with his nails and healed the wound instantly.

Looking back now, it's like it just happened yesterday...

(End of this chapter)

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