Vampire Fascination: Vampire's Favorite

Chapter 399 I want to be her mentor

Chapter 399 I want to be her mentor ([-])

When the cold palm was pressed against it, the unconscious girl seemed to sense the boy's existence, and her wide-open eyes slowly closed, and then, her fingers slightly bent until they were tight to the boy's hand. buckle!

Accompanied by this series of unconscious actions, the heat in the blood gradually subsided, and soon became a normal temperature.

The sweet blood flowed down the throat and entered the young man's body. With the blood, the place that was burned before instantly returned to its original state. The inherited blood no longer resisted the blood-sucking young man until it reached every cell in his body... …

Richard gradually closed his eyes, greedily sucking her blood.

His body kept clamoring that he needed more...more...

Until, Richard heard a call that seemed to come from ancient times.

"Okay, Richard, stop quickly..."

At the same time, a big cold hand pressed on his forehead...

In an instant, Richard suddenly woke up.

He raised his head, the redness in his eyes receded instantly, returning to the original pupil color...

In his arms, the girl's body had become icy cold, but the girl's pale face filled his heart with more pity.

The hand on the forehead was slowly withdrawn, and that hand belonged to William.Morris, seeing that the boy was about to lose control and wanted to suck all the blood from the girl, he acted in time to regain the boy's consciousness.

The young girl at this time is on her deathbed.

This seems to be a simple matter, but in fact, not all blood races can do it, at least Dugujing is not [-]% sure.

"It's enough, Richard... Now, transfuse the blood from your body into her." William said.Morris directed.

Hearing this, Richard's nails became sharp and long.

He raised his left hand, scratched his wrist with sharp nails, and the blood belonging to the blood race flowed out from the wound on the wrist...

Gorgeous, bright red blood, every drop of pure blood is precious!

The moment the blood flowed out, Richard brought his wrist to the corner of her mouth.

The pale and bloodless lips sucked unconsciously. At this time, the girl was like a newborn baby. Her eyes were closed tightly, but she didn't miss every drop of blood.

Richard looked at the girl, his eyes were full of love and pity, he could feel the blood in his body draining from his body to the girl's body, as long as he thought about it, he felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He knew that when the process was over, the First Embrace was over.

Next, the newborn vampire will be very fragile and not yet a complete vampire. She needs to be taken care of and gradually adapt to the blood.

And as her mentor, he will teach her everything about the blood race until she fully adapts to the life of the blood race and grows into a real blood race!
As for the process, Richard believes that he has enough time and enough patience...

Because she is An Ran, the only love in his life!

"Okay, that's enough!" William said.Morris said.

The young girl's face was still pale, but it was not as gray as before. Although it was no longer rosy, it glowed with another kind of brilliance...

Richard knew that when she woke up again, she would be reborn in another way!
(End of this chapter)

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