Chapter 765
There is a villa ten miles away from the capital, named Zhengqi Villa, which was left by a friend of Fu Tianchou who resigned from office and returned to his hometown. Although there are few people to take care of it and it is a bit dilapidated, it is still a good place to stay. place.

And on the day Li Xiuyuan went to Beijing to report on his duties, there were two thousand elite riders stationed here.

Living in seclusion on weekdays, coupled with the fact that few people came here, the court didn't even know about the fact that there was an extra army here.

But today.

Earlier, a fast horse from Shajin rushed into the Zhengqi Villa, and then the sounds of iron armor shaking, weapons being wiped, and war horses being fed were heard in the peaceful villa.

In less than half an hour, an iron cavalry wearing armor, holding a steel gun, and a hundred steel knives on his waist appeared on the official road leading to the capital.

Originally the leader of the army was Han Meng, but now it was replaced by Mao Wu.

Mao Wu was now riding a healthy horse, pulled the reins and shouted loudly: "The court is not benevolent and wants to kill the young master. Today the young master has ordered me to go to rescue you. You are all people who have been favored by the young master. Master Li also treated us generously, with no shortage of wine and meat, and a lot of silver, today should be the reward
When we were young masters, don’t think that the old emperor’s territory in front of us can scare us. In my Mao Wu’s eyes, there is no emperor, only young masters. "

"If anyone is afraid of death and turns around now, I won't stop them. Don't blame me for not reminding you today if someone pokes your spine and scolds you in the future. Anyone who wants to leave will follow me."

He shouted loudly, and then rode forward: "Let's go."

A soldier rode his horse and laughed loudly: "I'm so afraid. If I hadn't been recruited by the young master or a robber blocking the way, I would have followed the emperor's old man for the rest of my life. If he wanted to kill the young master, I would be the first to refuse."

"A man who rides a horse in the capital is a good man, but killing a few corrupt officials is also a painful thing."

"Mao Wu, don't underestimate people. The old emperor has nothing to fear. As long as the young master gives an order, I will dare to pull him off his horse. Let the brothers go and fight into the capital."

A group of fierce soldiers like wolves and tigers roared loudly, with no fear on their faces, and some only excited.

Those who farm the land these days can't survive, it is a blessing to be able to work hard with the young master, there is nothing to be afraid of, and the more credit you have, the more money you will be rewarded, and you can get rich if you can fight, no matter who the young master wants to fight.

Two thousand iron cavalry, shouting loudly, rushed all the way like a river bursting its embankment, rolling in, making a deafening roar, some merchants and pedestrians on the official road turned pale with fright when they heard their rebellious words Yes, call these people out to rebel.

But at this moment, even if they heard it, it didn't matter.

The big event has happened, and it is hard to get over the water.

"This is the fine cavalry brought by the young master in the south? Who would dare to stop such a cavalry on the battlefield?" Sha Jin was startled when he saw this group of fierce cavalry, and couldn't help but feel a little scared.

You must know that this is only 2000 people, and I heard that the young master has [-] cavalry in Yangzhou.

If these people and horses gather together, it will be like the drama said, and they can gallop the world.

While riding a horse, Sha Jin shouted: "Everyone, the arrangement has been made for the young master. You only need to enter from the south of the city, and the road will be unimpeded. Mao Wu, I will lead the way, and you will follow me."

"Okay." Mao Wu replied.

Two thousand cavalry followed the official road fearlessly and headed straight to the south of the capital.

And on the city wall in the south of the capital city, dozens of defenders were listlessly guarding the city wall as usual.

The city wall of the capital city is not high, and its decorative effect is greater than its practical use. In addition, the capital city has been expanded and expanded, and the city wall is actually considered to be within the city of the capital city.

There is no danger outside the real capital, and there are smooth roads along the way, without any obstacles.

When two thousand cavalry rushed into the boundary of the capital, the defenders on the city wall hadn't reacted yet.

"What's the matter today, what's the sound over there, is it thunder?" a guard asked.

"It doesn't sound like it. Maybe a certain rich family married a wife. It should be setting off firecrackers. Doesn't it look like someone is coming here?"

The defenders under the city wall noticed that the nearby people were running here in a little panic. No, they didn't run here, but they fled in all directions as if they were being driven by something.

"Hurry up, close the city gate, someone is rebelling, and a rebel army is coming here." Someone in the chaotic crowd shouted.

But soon there was no sound, drowned by the roar of the rolling iron hooves.


At this time, the defenders on the city wall opened their eyes wide and saw a well-equipped cavalry rushing from a distance on the wide official road, rolling up dust, and all the nearby people fled.

"No, it's not good, something serious happened, hurry up, run away." Some defenders trembled with frightened legs, and after realizing the seriousness of the matter, they dropped their weapons and turned around and ran away, not defending the city anymore.

In a blink of an eye, the defenders got lost in the crowd and fled.

Some of the remaining dozen or so defenders were quick-witted and shouted, "Quickly, close the city gate quickly, quickly, don't let that cavalry rush in. Those are not imperial court troops, they are rebels."

The defender who was frightened by this sudden incident just woke up and hurriedly prepared to close the city gate.

However, when one person's hand just pushed the heavy city gate, a flash of sword light passed by, and it was cut into two sections in an instant.

A swordsman holding a sharp sword laughed and walked against the people: "It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, and the court is going to change the sky. Why are you still guarding this city gate? Why don't you run for your life? Who are you?" If you dare to close the city gate, don’t blame me for being ruthless with my sword. I only looked at your arm just now. The next time you swing your sword, it will be terrible.
It's the head. "

Naturally, Xia Houwu would not allow them to close the city gate. Once the city gate was closed, it would take a lot of effort to open the city gate even if there were no defenders.

The rest of the defenders saw the broken arm fall to the ground, the blood of their comrades spattered, and they screamed in pain, and their faces turned pale with fright.

They who were already jittery suddenly lost all courage, and some lost their weapons and turned to run for their lives.

The rest did not dare to stay, and one after another dropped their soldiers and armor, mixed into the crowd and disappeared.

The defense of the capital was so weak that a single swordsman could take down a city gate.

But all of this was within Li Xiuyuan's expectations. He was a person who had fought in battle, and he could estimate the defensive strength of the capital at a glance. He didn't have much confidence that he dared to attack the city with cavalry.

In Ruyifang, Zhao Yong took the imperial decree to Li Xiuyuan to proclaim the decree. The official decree was actually nothing complicated. It was to give him wine, let him dismiss from office and return to his hometown, and never hire him, but it seemed lenient. A large number, in fact, the meaning is very clear, that is, you commit suicide and apologize, and do not hold your family members accountable

, clansman, can be regarded as an open side.

"Sinner Li Xiuyuan has not knelt down to accept the order." Zhao Yong said with a cold face.

Li Xiuyuan was still indifferent, he smiled and said: "Why do the officials want me to die so much trouble, just bring soldiers to kill it, it seems that the officials are also afraid, they are afraid that I will escape from the capital and raise troops to rebel, so I plan to Give me death, don't hold me accountable and don't harm my family."

"Li Xiuyuan, why do you need to talk so much now? If you still have a little bit of loyalty and filial piety, drink yourself now. This will be good for you and the court." Zhao Yongdao.

Li Xiuyuan shook his head and said: "No, no, no, that's not what I mean, I'm feeling that this imperial court is really indifferent, how can I be considered as a minister of meritorious service for the imperial court to put an end to the Nine Mountain King's Rebellion, Hu Meiren's death, the officials didn't even have the idea of ​​investigating directly
Even if it is ordered to die, it seems that not only the roots of civil and military officials are rotten, but even the official family is also fatuous. "

"The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. Li Xiuyuan, why bother talking nonsense when your death is imminent." Zhao Yong snorted coldly, and waved his hand after speaking; "Give him the royal wine."

An eunuch lowered his head and held a jade plate with a golden pot on it, and a golden cup next to it, which contained a cup of imperial wine.

"The king wants the minister to die, but the minister has to die? What kind of reasoning is this?"

Li Xiuyuan waved his hand to signal the beautiful woman serving beside him to step down, then he stood up and said, "I, Li Xiuyuan, only know the truth that the ruler has no way, the subject goes to another country, the father is unkind, and the son goes to another country. My fate has its own destiny, not an imperial decree." can decide.”

After he finished speaking, he walked forward, took the imperial decree without even looking at it, then threw it away, and drew his sword to cut it.

In an instant, the imperial decree was cut into two pieces and fell to the ground, and then the jade plate was overturned, and the imperial wine was spilled on the ground.

The wine was thrown, and a thin red centipede rolled and twisted in the wine glass, and at the same time, a poisonous substance corroded the floor tiles on the ground.

"You, you are bold" Zhao Yong trembled angrily, and he blushed and said.

He never expected that Li Xiuyuan would be so bold, cut off the imperial decree, and overthrew the imperial wine.

"Come on, come on, Zuo Qianhu, take this guy down for me."

As soon as these words came out, Yan Chixia, who was drinking beside her, laughed, and threw the wine jar away, holding a sword already out of its sheath.

At the same time, Wu Xiang was also glaring, holding a large stainless steel stick, standing by the side, anyone who dared to approach him would be knocked down with the stick and smashed into a pulp.


There was also the sound of iron objects colliding everywhere in Ruyifang, either the steel knife was out of the body, or the bow and crossbow were being stringed.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yong was startled, and hurriedly backed away, then his legs softened and he fell to the ground.

"Master Li, if you want to fight against the imperial court, then you can only offend the lowly position." Zuo Qianhu stepped forward and said in a calm voice, with the big knife drawn from his back in his hand, ready to fight hard.

He didn't have the confidence in his heart, because he knew how high the martial arts skills of these fierce men around Li Xiuyuan were. 2000 troops could only be said to be barely enough, but he was not confident in taking them down.

"Zuo Qianhu, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't have to risk your life for it." Li Xiuyuan said indifferently: "You should learn from General Yasha, he didn't enter Ruyifang, but guarded outside."

"Serving the imperial court is a humble job." Zuo Qianhu's attitude was firm and he did not back down.

"That's a pity. I have killed a lot of people in my life, but I think I didn't kill a good person by mistake. Only you make me feel sorry. You are a loyal and filial person. I can't bear to kill someone like you, but if Zuo Qianhu, if you insist, I am willing to personally send you on the road, because such a court does not

It is worthy of your allegiance. If you still have your parents and wife in the world after you die, I will take care of them for you. Please rest assured. "

Holding the Tai'a sword, Li Xiuyuan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and then he strode forward.

Zuo Qianhu clenched his two sabers tightly, his whole body tensed up. The Lord Li in front of him seemed to be strolling in a leisurely manner, but in fact he was very skilled in martial arts. If he was afraid that he would be treated as a scholar, he would be courting death.

(End of this chapter)

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