Chapter 602

The huge jujube tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, and the huge crown is like a canopy, covering the sun, moon and stars above the head, and covering the whole yard under the shade of trees.

If it comes to autumn and winter, such a lush jujube tree will be able to bear a lot of dates.

It is indeed a pity that it was cut down like this.

Grandpa Hao and the old woman watched the jujube tree cut off by the Taoist with a sword, and they were surprised and panicked, because the huge jujube tree fell towards them, and it was about to hit them.

But at this time Li Xiuyuan pointed at the jujube tree and shouted: "Small, small, small, get smaller."

Something miraculous happened.

However, this huge jujube tree shrunk rapidly, shrinking, and in just a moment, the huge jujube tree turned into a small sapling.

Even if the sapling falls on the ground, there is still a little bit of power, and it would be good if it can crush the ants to death.

"Immortal spell, immortal spell." Taigong Hao called out again and again in shock, his palms trembling uncontrollably.

Li Xiuyuan picked up the sapling and put it in his Taoist robe, then said: "Thank you two old people for your generous gift, your good deeds today will definitely be protected by the gods, and I can assure you that your son and daughter-in-law will come back safely If you are poor and have an emergency to save people, don't worry about it.

Excuse me for disturbing the two old people, and take my leave. "

After speaking, Jishou saluted and then left.

Mr. Hao and the old woman hurriedly returned their salutes respectfully, and when they saw the Taoist leave, they were overjoyed: "God, god, since the gods have said that the child will be fine, then it will be fine."

The old woman next to her felt heartbroken when she saw a felled jujube tree, but she didn't feel heartbroken when she thought of the fairy's words. She just hoped that her son and daughter-in-law would return safely.

After Li Xiuyuan left Hao's house, he did not go far.

Instead, he walked to the corner of the street and stopped.

He took out the trick he cut down earlier from his Taoist robe, put it on the ground, waved it, and shouted: "Get up~!"


A huge jujube tree rose from the ground, covered the roof next to it, and stood by the street.

However, the strange thing is that none of the nearby people noticed such a big movement, and it seems that they didn't even see the jujube tree rising from the ground.

"It's easy for me to cast spells to save Hao Zhao's family, but it will take some effort to truly eliminate this catastrophe for Hao Zhao's family." Li Xiuyuan thought to himself.

Then he took out his sword and slashed at the tree several times, cutting off a full five trunks, and the originally tall jujube tree became a lot shorter in an instant.

Li Xiuyuan was sitting on a tree stump, chopping with the sword in his hand, and a section of wood was quickly cut open in his hand. After only a moment, this section of wood had changed its appearance, and was carved into a tree by him. The appearance of the old man.

This old man is lifelike, his clothes and hair are all clearly visible.

And the appearance of this old man is actually the appearance of Mrs. Hao before.

Another piece of wood was fetched, another burst of chopping was done, and soon the second piece of wood became the appearance of an old woman again.

In the third section, the wood was taken, and after a while of carving and carving, it turned out to be a baby, which seemed to be only one year old.

Frowning alone, Li Xiuyuan sculpted wooden statues of five members of the Hao family, planning to use these five wooden figures to help the Hao family survive this catastrophe.

This kind of catastrophe is not caused by their own evil, but imposed on them by others.

It is a man-made disaster.

Man-made disasters imposed on others can be avoided and do not violate the heaven and earth, not to mention Li Xiuyuan, even any Taoist who sees this and is moved with compassion will cast spells to save him.

Soon, five statues were completed and placed one by one along the street.

At this time, a passing merchant saw a Taoist selling five wooden carvings, and his eyes lit up. He felt that the wooden carvings were extraordinary, lifelike, and just like real people. One tael of silver for one."

"This is not for sale." Li Xiuyuan said calmly.

"Master Dao, how about I add another tael of silver to you? It's six taels in total. Sell these five wood carvings to me together? The price is already very high," said the merchant.

Although the price is high, he thought that if he bought it for a monopoly and went to the capital, he would definitely earn dozens of taels of silver. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart, thinking that this is a chance to make a fortune, so he must buy these five statues.

Li Xiuyuan said: "This is not for sale, please leave, don't be greedy."

"How about ten taels? This is my highest price." The merchant gritted his teeth and said with a heartbroken look.

Li Xiuyuan frowned and said: "You are really greedy, you won't listen to any persuasion, but it doesn't matter whether you sell the poor way or not, you can ask it, if it says sell the poor way, it will sell it to you, how can you do it?" Okay?" After finishing speaking, he pointed to a wooden man next to him.

The merchant said with a smile: "The Taoist priest was joking. It is a wooden statue. Although it is lifelike, it is only a wooden statue after all. How can it talk about business?"

However, just as he finished speaking, a wooden statue glared at the merchant again and said, "Is a human life worth two taels of silver?"

The merchant's complexion changed drastically, and he turned pale in fright, and fell directly to the ground.

"How much silver is that human life worth?" Another wooden statue asked.

"Anyway, it's more than two taels of silver." A wooden baby statue came to life, giggling.

"Not for sale, not for sale." Another wooden statue refused, shaking its arms and shaking its head.


The merchant rolled and crawled, crying and screaming as if fleeing, and disappeared without a trace after a while. He can swear in this life that he will never dare to buy wooden statues again.

Li Xiuyuan smiled, and he looked at the wooden statue again, it was still just an ordinary wooden statue, it didn't look like it was alive.

Just after he sat idle for a while, he heard the sound of a group of people coming from the street.

"Are you here? Very good, it's worth my hard work to use the method of surrogate death."

With a wave of his hand, Li Xiuyuan put away Hao Zhao and Hao's wood carvings, leaving only the wood carvings of Mrs. Hao, the old woman and the baby.

"I am the guard under the command of the King of Yue. I have come to capture the military household Hao Zhao's family under the order of the King of Yue." The guard who had left on horseback had arrived in Li County at this moment, and now he was leading a loud roar, followed by a group of government servants.

"My lord, I know Hao Zhao's family, who is at the corner of the street in the west of the city. The one with a huge jujube tree in the courtyard is his house." A yamen servant replied.

"Okay, follow me to arrest people." Zhao Rui's guard shouted.


The guard on horseback quickly ran over with a dozen yamen servants.

"This is it." A yamen servant pointed to the jujube tree next to Li Xiuyuan.

The guard immediately got off his horse and rushed in with the people.

On the street, they seemed to have broken into a private house. They stretched out their feet and kicked the door when there was nothing there, rummaged around, and acted weirdly facing the air.

Li Xiuyuan sat there motionless, as if he didn't exist, even if he was right in front of him, no one noticed.

"I found it, it's Hao Zhao's father,"

"Hao Zhao's mother is also there."

"This is Hao Zhao's youngest son."

The guard said loudly: "Take them all, take them with you, and follow me."

"Yes, my lord."

A group of yamen servants pressed the three wooden statues and followed Zhao Rui's guard and left the city quickly.

After they left, Li Xiuyuan walked out slowly from the corner of the street, and then left with the group of people.

But when they escorted Hao Zhao's family to the inn, Li Xiuyuan returned to the inn within a few breaths of casting the spell.

But at this time, Hao Zhao was still kneeling at the gate of the post station and kowtowing.

Even if he is a martial arts master, with a strong body and strong body protection, his forehead is also bruised and purple at this time, and the blue bricks on the ground where he bowed his head were smashed, leaving a hole.

After Zhao Rui calmly cleaned the blood and bandaged the wound under the service of the guards, he stood up, waved his hand and said, "That's right, I am very satisfied with your performance, so you don't need to kowtow."

Hao Zhao stopped abruptly, and he no longer shed tears. Now he just desperately hopes to take his wife and leave, and when he returns to the county, he will take his whole family away without being threatened by this dog official again.

"Look at you, your head is broken, it's really pitiful." Zhao Rui sighed with a pitiful look; "But you really looked like a dog when you kowtowed just now."

"That's why you bastards are cheap. Dogs can't change eating shit. You are born to like to kowtow to this king. No, kowtow to our Zhao family. It's hard for you to kowtow so hard, haha."

After talking about it, he laughed heartily again.

"Now you can let us go." Hao Zhao knelt on the ground and lowered his head, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Hao Shi next to him buried his head in sobs, feeling helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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