Liaozhai Great Sage

Chapter 446 Shinto and Humanity.

Chapter 446 Shinto and Humanity.

Dongyue Hall is huge.

It can accommodate thousands of people.

The hall alone is divided into nine floors, each floor has [-] seats, and if calculated in total, it is [-] seats.

This is only the front seat, and there are side seats. There are three thousand in the side seat on the left and three thousand in the right side, adding up to ten thousand and five hundred.

If the table is full of guests, it can accommodate ten thousand people.

When Li Xiuyuan walked into the hall with all the ghosts and gods, he found that the place was not empty, but the seats on the right were already full. Without exception, they were all gods in the fairy palace. Although they had different appearances and clothes, But everyone is extraordinary.

When he walked all the way, he found that in each of the nine floors of the hall, there was a table placed in front of the gods.

The ghosts and gods behind him reminded that these were the top ten marshals under the command of Dongyue Shenjun.

After one Yang Biao died, the remaining nine marshals can be said to occupy exactly half of the hall. It is not known whether there are any generals under the command of the nine marshals behind them.

"Already prepared to wait for me here. But that's right, I wasted a few days in the mortal world, dealing with trivial matters. The Dongyue God knows that Yang Biao was killed, and all ten thousand soldiers and generals will be destroyed. I believe that I should start to arrange it." It’s good to do everything, wait for my money to come.” Li Xiuyuan’s eyes moved slightly: “But this is also good, only when everyone is together can we speak out freely.”

When he reached the last floor of the main hall, there were only ten tables.

Two of the seats were already occupied.

Li Xiuyuan didn't know each other, but he vaguely felt that these two gods were the two that he bet against outside Jinling City that day.

He didn't know which god it was.

It doesn't matter if you don't know each other, as long as you establish friend and foe.

"Also invite the saint to take his seat."

Dongyue Shenjun waved his hand and said.

The scene still needs to be talked about. Li Xiuyuan saluted and sat down unceremoniously. As soon as he sat down, all the thunder gods and ghosts who accompanied him quickly took their seats.

All of a sudden, it was full of guests.

Tens of thousands of ghosts and gods gathered in one hall, but it was surprisingly quiet.

The quiet is a little scary.

Not a single ghost dared to make a sound, and it seemed that there was a sense of tension in the air at this moment.

"Is this the residence of Emperor Dongyue in the Immortal Palace? It's the first time I've come here with a sage in the world."

"The place where the gods live in the legend, I didn't expect my little mountain god to come here. The gods sitting opposite are the gods in the heavenly palace. I don't know what kind of gods there are. If I can meet the gods in the legend Immortal Ge Hong, Lu Zu would be the best."

"Is that Dongyue Shenjun who stood at the entrance of the main hall to welcome the saint just now? Sure enough, the god is so powerful that even ghosts and gods will worship him."

The ghosts and gods under Li Xiuyuan had different ideas in their minds, and they were curious when they came to Tiangong for the first time.

At this moment, Dongyue Shenjun on the main seat said slowly: "I don't know why the saint came."

"I came here for the matter of Yang Biao. I heard that Yang Biao is one of the top ten marshals under Dongyue Shenjun. You know that because of Yang Biao's rebellion, tens of thousands of people were killed or injured in the mortal world," Li Xiuyuan said.

"Yang Biao was sent down to earth by the god. The god sent him to the lower realm not to cause slaughter, but to send you, a saint in the world, back to his place." Dongyue Shenjun said.

Li Xiuyuan said: "Why?"

Dongyue Shenjun said: "The world is becoming more and more chaotic under your governance. Before that, the Dragon King of Wujiang flooded and drowned countless lives. Later, Li Liangjin, the king of Nine Mountains, rebelled and caused a war disaster. Now, the war disaster is not over. Thieves and bandits are rampant, and there is chaos, you should have not forgotten the original bet."

"As a god, can right and wrong be turned upside down and shirk responsibility?"

Li Xiuyuan said coldly: "The Dragon King of the Wujiang River's flood is due to the unfavorable restraint of the Heavenly Palace. The rebellion of the King of Nine Mountains was caused by the instigation of demons and ghosts. The world is already chaotic, and the Heavenly Palace added fuel to the flames, which led to all kinds of things. I want to set things right. Now Then it became mine, didn't it?"

"If Dongyue Shenjun still has such an attitude, there is no need to talk about it today. It is better to fight in the fairy palace to see whether the Shenjun is more advanced or my sword is sharper."

Dongyue Shenjun said: "Since you want the gods in the Heavenly Palace to respond to your gods' killing, why bother to visit in person, just enter the Immortal Palace directly."

"It needs to be clarified, what is the reason for the fight, and what is the reason for the fight. I come with hostility, but not with killing. I only kill the gods who deserve to be killed. If there is no distinction between green and red, I will fight with you. What's the difference between wicked people?" Li Xiuyuan said.

"The saint's words are very good."

Immediately, many ghosts and gods under his command agreed.

Dongyue Shenjun said slowly: "This god is a god, and it is the god of Mount Tai who obtained the way. Since he is a god, he should practice the way of the gods. The way of the gods is above him, and he can rule over ghosts and gods, mortals, and all living beings. Is there anything wrong? This is the rule of thousands of years from ancient times to the present, if you want to break this rule, the god will be responsible for performing the divine way."

"Shenjun's words are justified. Human beings have the way, and gods have the way. This has been the case since ancient times."

All the immortal sects under Dongyue Shenjun nodded in agreement, expressing their approval.

Li Xiuyuan said: "It has been a thing since ancient times for emperors to rule the people. It is true. However, emperors have life and death, and dynasties change. Faint kings will be replaced by wise kings, and corrupt dynasties will be replaced by new dynasties. , although it seems that the rules have not changed since ancient times, they are actually changing, and what remains unchanged is the high gods."

"Some gods start to ignore the living beings after a long time, and start to play with theocracy. They only know how to enjoy the incense and worship without doing anything. This is just like the fatuous kings and corrupt courts in the world. How can they not be replaced?"

"Dare to ask, do princes and generals care about each other?"

As soon as these words came out, all ghosts and gods became excited: "The sage said well."

"This statement is very reasonable. Princes and generals have a kindness. Are the gods in the sky also born noble? Why can't they be replaced?"

"Inaction and stupid gods can be replaced, just like dynasties in the world."

Not only the ghosts and gods under his command were excited, but even the faces of the opposite gods changed slightly.

These words seemed to tear away their superior identities, exposing cruel things that they hadn't thought about for a long time.


Who must think that God should always be on top, should always rule over everything?
Isn't it the law of heaven and earth that good things replace rotten things? It is the most true truth.

Dongyue Shenjun was silent at the moment.

Such words can only be said by people who have no fear of ghosts and gods in their hearts.

"Decided dead trees standing on the ground should be cut down and burned. The wood dust and carbon ash left behind will become fertilizer to nourish the earth, and new shoots will grow again, becoming a lush and towering tree again for a moment, attracting a hundred birds. A nest, wild animals eat fruit, pedestrians enjoy the shade, and all things are blessed, although the moment a dead tree falls will hurt the living beings nearby, how can the temporary pain be compared with the long-term blessing?"

Li Xiuyuan spoke again, and then looked at Dongyue Shenjun.

(End of this chapter)

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