Chapter 318
Li Xiuyuan is standing alone in the lobby at the moment, and there are officials sitting on his left and right sides, including local high-ranking officials and Beijing officials sent by the imperial court. In any case, the rank and status of these officials are much stronger than that of the county magistrate. Too much, when in Guobei County, a county magistrate could force Li Xiuyuan's soldiers to make dangerous moves, play a robbery and murder scene with one hand, and behead the county magistrate.

Now, to put it bluntly, if you offend these officials, it will be difficult for the Li family in the future.

And when he heard that these people wanted to test himself, Li Xiuyuan's heart sank even more.

On the bright side, this is to test yourself, but in fact it is to deal with these officials in advance.

Officials are all literati, and most literati are narrow-minded.

The so-called assessment, in Li Xiuyuan's view, is equivalent to a literary battle.

At this moment, Li Xiuyuan looked at Fu Tianchou with a strange expression. Sure enough, he was a servant of the Ministry of War. He didn't have many schemes in his heart. He didn't think through it. He wanted to take the imperial examination anyway, so why bother?

If you pass the Jinshi examination, you will naturally be able to convince the public. The so-called assessment is clearly a self-inflicted hatred.

Is this Fu Tianchou here to trick him?
"My lords are also invited to come up with questions, and I will do my best. If there is any lack of talent and learning, please forgive me." Li Xiuyuan could only cup his hands and said to these officials.

Immediately, an official stroked his beard and said with a smile: "My lords, let me go out for the first time."

"Master Yu, you have entered the Tongtian Pavilion. It is very appropriate for you to ask this question, but you have to be merciful. This junior has just passed the examination of scholar, so don't make things difficult for him with the questions of the imperial examination." Several colleagues beside him He nodded with a smile.

Some officials also joked.

Master Yu said with a smile: "I have a sense of propriety in my heart. Well, let's start with a simple one. Ghosts and gods are virtues, and they are so prosperous? What's the explanation?"

Li Xiuyuan said: "Virtuous ghosts and gods can help the world prosper and are worthy of worship. On the contrary, ghosts and gods without virtue will only bring chaos to the world and must be eliminated."

Master Yu frowned and said in displeasure: "I only asked you about the virtues of ghosts and gods. Is it so great? Your understanding is too far from the meaning of a saint. The meaning of a saint is that ghosts and gods play a great role. I told you to enshrine, destroy, and change it."

"Although the words were not clearly stated, Wansheng understood it in this way." Li Xiuyuan said.

Master Yu's face darkened; "Dead wood cannot be carved."

The other officials also shook their heads and laughed, not knowing why Li Xiuyuan misinterpreted this as such.

Li Xiuyuan's face was calm, and he didn't intend to change his words.

Because his inner understanding is like this, if he goes against his heart and asks for an official promotion, then what is the difference between him and those corrupt officials and those who are in a hurry?
"Let the second question be answered by the lower officials. Is there any problem with the adults?" Another official said with a smile at this time.

"Master Zhang? You are the local parent officer, so it's okay for you to ask the second question." The other officials nodded.

The official surnamed Zhang said: "The words of the sage, each imperial court and each scholar understand the meaning differently, which cannot reflect a person's talent and learning. The most important thing for civil servants is to benefit a place. Since you have helped disasters, then you must Only those who are outstanding can dare, and this officer will test you on this point."

"I also invite this adult to come up with a question." Li Xiuyuan said.

Mr. Zhang thought for a while, then smiled and said: "If there is a year of natural disasters, there are hungry people everywhere, and the imperial court has not arrived for disaster relief. As a county magistrate, how can you keep alive the people?"

"Food is the most important thing for the people. If there are disaster victims everywhere, they must feed themselves first. If they want to feed their stomachs, there must be food. If they are born late and become officials, they must raise food." Li Xiuyuan said.

"There is no silver in the yamen, and there is no surplus food in the granary. How can we raise money?" Master Zhang asked again.

Li Xiuyuan said: "Borrow."

"Borrow from whom."

"Which household has stored grain, which household should I borrow from?" Li Xiuyuan said.

"A family of merchants, a family of riches and nobles, although they have surplus food, but they regard money and food as life, how can they borrow?" Master Zhang asked again.

Li Xiuyuan said: "Exchange the official land for the next year's tax."

"How to fill the vacancy in the coming year?" Master Zhang asked.

Li Xiuyuan said: "Accommodating the disaster victims, opening up wasteland, and having a good harvest next year will definitely fill this gap."

After a conversation, the other adults nodded repeatedly. This answer is indeed no problem. Otherwise, they would do the same. When the grain depot and money depot are empty, they can only make verbal benefits in exchange for Money and food.

"That's right, you have the ability to govern a place. My last question is, how to govern if there are hungry people rebelling?" Master Zhang asked again.

Li Xiuyuan said: "Kill one person, you can be peaceful."


As soon as these words came out, many officials who sat quietly and listened could not help but open their eyes with a bit of surprise.

This is different from their thinking. If they answered, they would firstly quell the chaos, and then use various methods to quell the chaos. How could Li Xiuyuan's answer that killing one person can be quelled.

Fu Tianchou on the main seat was also stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Xiuyuan with great interest and asked: "You said killing one person is fair, but which one to kill?"

"Ascribe the crime of the vacancy of the money and food warehouse to the treasury officials, kill them in front of the victims, and then appease and relieve the turmoil." Li Xiuyuan replied.

That Mr. Zhang frowned at this moment and said: "The treasury official is innocent, how can you kill him recklessly?"

"There is no money and food in the treasury, how can the treasury official be innocent, killing him as a rat can quell the turmoil, this is the fastest and cheapest way to deal with the turmoil." Li Xiuyuan said.

Master Zhang said again: "Why don't you send officers and soldiers to quell the chaos?"

"Hungry people rebelled because they were forced to do nothing. It is justifiable. Killing the people to quell the chaos will lead to more casualties. Wansheng thinks it is not advisable." Li Xiuyuan said.

As soon as these words came out, that Master Zhang's expression darkened.

You know, when he was asked this question at the beginning, he answered this way, but now Li Xiuyuan said that killing one person can be flattened. Could it be that he was not as good as Li Xiuyuan now?
For a while, he didn't speak anymore.

Li Xiuyuan looked at his face and shook his head secretly, which offended the local parents and officials again.

Literati, be careful.

after awhile.

"Since the second question has been answered, then the third question will be answered by me." Song Yuan said suddenly.

The other officials didn't even bother to agree at this moment, they just nodded in agreement.

Song Yuan smiled and said: "The two questions asked by the two adults in front are to test your knowledge and ability. I will test your poetry for the third question. Do you have any other poems that you write in your daily life? Compose poems One, even if the third question has been passed."

"I don't know if Mr. Song has restrictions on subject matter?" Li Xiuyuan asked.

"Just be loyal to the emperor and love the country." After Song Yuan finished speaking, he looked at Fu Tianchou's expression.

Fu Tianchou showed some anticipation.

A person's poetry can best reflect a person's mind. Although Li Xiuyuan's knowledge is insufficient, his talent is not a problem. If there is no problem with his loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, then he is also a talent worth recommending.

Li Xiuyuan's heart sank at this moment, if this poem is not well written, it may cause public anger, but if it is well written, it will be fooled today.

After all, in ancient times, you can almost use other conveniences, but loyalty and filial piety are the most important.

Li Xiuyuan thought for a while, and was ready to continue possessing Wen Chaogong.

After all, it is impossible to come up with a poem during this period of time.

I am not Cao Zijian, who can compose poetry in seven steps.

"This Song Yuan seems to be easy to come up with, but he is actually the most difficult." Li Xiuyuan thought to himself, "Didn't he lose his memory that day? He probably doesn't remember being tied to the ground by me and almost beheaded by Wu Fei, right?"

Thinking of this, he looked at Song Yuan strangely.

It should be that he didn't remember that incident, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting here so peacefully today, and he would have been desperate with himself a long time ago.

I was afraid that I would be promoted, so I intentionally tripped myself up.

Li Xiuyuan looked at Song Yuan, but Song Yuan looked at him with a smile, without saying a word,
"Literati, be careful." Li Xiuyuan thought to himself.

Several other officials also sat there with their eyes and noses watching their hearts and minds without urging them, waiting for Li Xiuyuan's performance.

In their opinion, Li Xiuyuan would not be able to pass today's assessment.

The first question was wrong, and the second question also violated the taboo of the officialdom, and even killed the officials to quell the chaos.

If you want to kill, you have to kill people.

The third question is to write a poem, hehe, how can a poem be so easy to write, do you really think you are Li Bai, or Cao Zijian?
Li Xiuyuan began to think, scratching the old poems and essays in his mind. He was not going to take out the poems and essays in his memory on weekdays. He would only take them out in emergencies. It's too shameful to pretend to be a genius.

But at this moment, I have to come up with a song.

"There is."

Suddenly, Li Xiuyuan's expression changed, and he opened his mouth to chant: "Kyushu is angry and relies on wind and thunder, and it is sad to see thousands of horses silent. I urge the Lord of Heaven to cheer up and send down talents regardless of style."

Before all the officials came back to their senses, a poem was finished.

They all showed astonishment. They didn't expect Li Xiuyuan to come up with a poem in just a short moment, and it was a poem that suited the situation. It didn't look like it was written before. After thinking about it, this poem The poem is so beautifully written.

(End of this chapter)

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