Quickly wear the big guy, she's beautiful and flirtatious

Chapter 695 The Vicious Stepmother Raises a Baby Strategy

Chapter 695 The Vicious Stepmother Raises a Baby Strategy (67)

Although Lin Lang was still standing there with a goblet in her hand, people could clearly see the panic flashing in her eyes.

Clearly there is a story!
This woman can't be Ella's twin sister!

Just as people were speculating excitedly, the woman at the door came in with an angry face, pointed at Lin Lang and said, "You vicious witch, you have stolen my identity for so many years, isn't it enough?!"

Everyone looked at Lin Lang in shock.

Lin Lang looked at Wright playfully.

But Wright pursed his lips and didn't look at her at all.

The relationship is directed by this little bun, so why doesn't she just act in a play?

As he spoke, he showed a look of panic, and when he let go of his hand, the glass fell to the ground and shattered.

Lin Lang suppressed her panic and forced herself to calm down: "Don't talk nonsense, someone has stolen your identity as an unknown person, come here, hurry up and take this crazy woman down!"

No one moved.

After all, it is related to the status of the royal family, and no one wants to be the sinner.

The scene was tense for a while, the strange woman angrily accused Lin Lang of stealing her identity, and Lin Lang insisted that this crazy woman was talking nonsense.

People had to cast their eyes on Wright, hoping that he would come out to maintain the situation.

Wright did stand up, and he defended Lin Lang as soon as he uttered it.

He stared at the strange woman and asked, "What evidence do you have that Ella took away your identity? If you lie half a sentence, don't try to leave alive."

Everyone thought he was protecting his mother, but Lin Lang sneered inwardly.

He seemed to be speaking for himself, but he was actually trying to force the woman to tell the truth.

And since she had a reason to show up in front of so many people, she must have been absolutely sure early in the morning.


Wasn't the real Ella killed by the original owner?

So the one in front of you is also a fake?

Not only did the strange woman not panic in the slightest, but she straightened her dress and stood up straight, looking like a princess.

"Because I am the real Princess Ella, don't you people here have any doubts? Have you never heard of Princess Ella before? I am not a luxurious and lustful person, why did my temperament change after I got married?"

As soon as the word "Ella" came out, the audience was shocked.

If you think about it carefully, this is really the case.

Back then, Princess Ella was famous for being dignified, virtuous, and quite beautiful, so she was favored by the old king and married as the new queen.

That's why when Ella became extremely brutal and extravagant after marriage, people hated her so much, thinking that her good reputation before marriage was just a fake.

Now it seems that the real situation is much more complicated than they imagined.

Is this Ella a fake?
Discussions resounded throughout the hall.

"That's right." "Ayla" heard the discussion, "Because she's not really Ayla at all, I am! When I accidentally fell off the cliff on the way to Talanya, she saved me. Me, but after she knew my identity, she actually wanted to kill me!"

"Ella" choked up and said: "I escaped from death and lived a life of fleeing. Fortunately, I met a kind person, so I barely survived. After I trekked across mountains and rivers to Tarlan, I saw this woman How can I swallow this breath to live a happy and happy life with my identity!"

The woman shed a few tears from time to time, and showed a resentful expression from time to time, successfully making many people accept her words.

(End of this chapter)

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