Quickly wear the big guy, she's beautiful and flirtatious

Chapter 670 The Vicious Stepmother Raises a Baby Strategy

Chapter 670 The Vicious Stepmother Raises a Baby Strategy (42)

Is he feeling sorry for sister Anna?


From the moment he saw Anna raise the dagger at him, his respect and love for her had long been annihilated.

If he is capable.

He might have been the one who killed Anna.

He didn't know why he was angry with this witch.

Just uncomfortable.

He hated her, hated everything false around him.

He thought sister Anna was a good person, but she wanted to kill her.

He thought the witch had become better, but she killed people in front of him again and again.

He felt that what he, the prince, had done was in vain.

He watched the tragedies unfold one after another around him, but he was helpless.

He is not the prince who saves the world in fairy tales, he is just an incompetent waste.

Lin Lang was still a little surprised to see the light of self-blame in Wright's eyes.

Unexpectedly, this little bun has such a delicate mind at such a young age.

Much more mature than his peers.


Still short of heat.

Too impetuous.

Lin Lang's eyes darkened, and her face suddenly became ruthless: "Since you are so disobedient, then I don't need to continue to persuade you, come on!"

The guards came in.

Lin Lang's piercing voice spread out: "The prince is sick and needs to recuperate. From now on, he will be sent to the Fairy Tale Forest. Without my order, no one is allowed to pick him up!"

The maids originally thought that the queen's trip was to coax the prince not to lose his temper.

As a result, such an order was issued.

Where is this letting the prince recuperate?It is obvious that he is under house arrest in a different way.

Who doesn't know that there are seven ugly monsters living in the fairy tale forest. Although they are short in stature, they have extremely violent tempers.

Sending the prince to their care is not the same as pushing the prince into the fire pit?
But they could not disobey the queen's order.

Wright was very calm this time.

He didn't resist Lin Lang's behavior, and even followed the guards to the Fairy Tale Forest obediently.

It rained heavily that day in Tallan.

The sky seemed to be filled with lead, and it was so dull that people could not breathe.

Dark clouds piled up and couldn't be dispelled.

Wright took a last look at the disappearing castle through the carriage, and then mercilessly pulled down the door.

On the castle, Lin Lang stood in front of the window, looking at the carriage in the distance with dark eyes.

The magic dragon flew over and landed on her shoulder, then yawned: "Do you want to drive him away like this?"

"Why can't you bear it?" Lin Lang raised her eyebrows, "He's not my own son."

Just a disobedient little bun.

Lin Lang paused, and suddenly touched the dragon's wings: "In a few days, I will send you back to the volcano."

The magic dragon shuddered, and immediately flew into the air excitedly: "You want to send me away too? What did you say? You said that you would let me live comfortably for the rest of my life! You are a big liar!"

Lin Lang: "..."

"Can you listen to me quietly?!"

The dragon had no choice but to shut up.

"I just asked you to leave temporarily. Tallan will soon face disaster. If you stay here, you will only hinder me. I will send someone to pick you up when the matter is resolved."

The dragon became even more excited: "Catastrophe? Do you look down on my ability? Do you think I can't help you?"

Lin Lang rolled her eyes: "You will only disrupt my plan."

She ignored the angry dragon and looked out the window at the dark clouds.

looks like it's going to rain.

I don't know when is the next time I see Xiao Baozi?

(End of this chapter)

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