Quickly wear the big guy, she's beautiful and flirtatious

Chapter 650 The Vicious Stepmother Raises a Baby Strategy

Chapter 650 The Vicious Stepmother Raises a Baby Strategy (22)

Wright tugged at Sister Anna's sleeve happily: "Sister Anna is so kind, I'm right, the queen is not a cruel person."

If she wanted to eat herself, she would have died long ago.

It can be seen that she did not have this idea.

And let sister Anna stay.

Although he did not agree with some of her words and deeds, after all, she was always by his side and protected him, just like a sister.

He is not a ruthless person, he always pays back the kindness of others.

Helpless, Anna had to stay.

Since there was no way to escape, why didn't she take the initiative to attack.

Anyway, with the halo of the heroine in hand, she can always survive to the end.

Lin Lang glanced at her jokingly and left.

He obviously doesn't have that strength but has that kind of self-confidence.

How could she be sure that she would have the last laugh?

If it weren't for the fact that she still has 100 years of spiritual power in her body.

She had already thrown this woman who was wrong and led her little Wright to the forest to feed the wolves.

Lin Lang suddenly thought of something, paused, and returned to her bedroom.

She remembered that when Tianshu passed the plot to her before, it mentioned that Ella had a magic mirror.

The future can be predicted.

She wants to see what kind of baby this is.

Relying on Ella's memory, she found the magic mirror in a box.

The magic mirror was wrapped with a layer of black cloth, and Lin Lang lifted it without hesitation.

The whole body of the mirror is black, with black vines engraved on the frame, and some strange symbols are engraved on it.

Before Lin Lang could see it more clearly, the black mirror suddenly rotated, and a deep voice came out from the mirror: "My master, what can I do for you?"

Lin Lang squinted her eyes, and the ice blue pupils were suddenly replaced by amber, continuously exerting pressure on the things in the mirror.

What a treasure she was, she turned out to be a spiritual creature sealed in the mirror.

Still an idiot.

"Say, what the hell are you?" Lin Lang's cold voice came out.

The mirror seemed to be shaking in her hand, and the thick voice was also trembling a little: "Forgive me, master, please forgive me, I will say what I say."

Lin Lang retracted her amber pupils.

Jing Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and then unreservedly revealed all the details
It knows very well that if it hides anything, the woman in front of it will crush it into powder.

Because when it was trying to seduce Lin Lang just now, it was found that she was not only not bewitched, but even almost pulled it out of the mirror.

This mirror is its amulet, and once it is separated, it will be destroyed.

It dare not hide.

Only then did Linlang know the details of this little thing.

Sure enough, it's unorthodox.

What kind of magic mirror is a demon spirit. This kind of demon spirit is transformed from desire and has no substance. It is best at arousing the hidden desires in other people's hearts.

Back then, it deliberately provoked the war in Fairy Tale Continent, and was sealed in the mirror by a powerful wizard.

Then by accident, Ira got it.

Predicting the future is nothing more than it's nonsense to trick Ella.

It was purely its guess that Snow White would become the next king, but it did not expect it to be right.

Ella is a witch after all, and she still has such a useless stupid thing by her side.

And so ugly.

Forget it.

Lin Lang had just sent out her spiritual power, but she took it back after thinking about it.

She looked at the dark mirror and thought for a moment, then placed it on her father's dressing table.

Maybe this mirror can help her in the future.

Just keep it.

(End of this chapter)

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