Quickly wear the big guy, she's beautiful and flirtatious

Chapter 642 The Vicious Stepmother Raises a Baby Strategy

Chapter 642 The Vicious Stepmother Raises a Baby Strategy (14)

Although Wright was young, he could also hear Lyles' ridicule.

He looked angrily at the ugly man with a beard and a big belly. For the first time, he desperately wanted the witch beside him to show his true colors and eat him up.

But he was afraid that Lin Lang would really do this.

If she showed her true colors, she would not be spared, right?

Thinking of this, he glanced at Lin Lang cautiously from the corner of his eye, and found that she was not only not angry, but even had a faint smile on her lips.

It's just that the smile is extraordinarily creepy.

Like the gods in command of all things, they smiled contemptuously at the overwhelmed human beings.

Cool and sarcastic.

Wright not only shivered.

Lyles below also noticed Lin Lang's expression, his laughter froze in his throat, and he coughed in embarrassment.

"Then I would like to ask the Duke." Lin Lang finally said, "Did the queen come to you personally and tell you that she gave birth to a daughter? If so, what does your wife think?"

Lyles' face was as ugly as eating shit.

Just as he was about to explain to his wife, the Duchess gave him a hard look.

Everyone knows that the queen's beauty is extraordinary, especially the black hair, in which all the beauty in the world is hidden.

When she first arrived in Talanya, she was a sensation in the entire kingdom.

There is no woman who does not envy her beauty.

After Lin Lang said this, everyone suddenly looked at Wright on the throne.

He also has black hair.

The only one with black hair in Talanya is Snow White except for the first queen.

Is Snow White really a prince?
But why did the first queen conceal the identity of the prince?
Some ministers who support Talanya's orthodoxy can't control so much.

The reason why they supported Lyles last night was entirely because they thought that Queen Ella wanted to take the throne.

But now there is an orthodox Prince Wright.

Where is the Duke of Lyles?

The old prime minister directly said loudly: "It is an honor for Talanya to have a successor to the king. Everyone has also seen that Prince Wright must have come from the queen first. Since everyone doubts the authenticity of the prince, I will test it for you as a representative. The identity of the prince."

Everyone talked about it and there was no opinion.

After all, the old prime minister was quite prestigious in Talanya, he was the most loyal to the royal family, and he was the least likely to cheat on such matters.

Lin Lang asked Wright to follow the old prime minister to the side hall.

Lyles also asked his attendants to follow in.

After a while they came out.

The old prime minister's face was full of spring breeze, as if suddenly he was a few years younger.

After he came out, the old prime minister directly gave Lin Lang a royal gift: "The queen took care of the prince hard, and I am here to thank the queen on behalf of the late king."

Lin Lang nodded.

After seeing the guard who came out and nodding at him, Lyles lost all color on his face.

How could this be?
How could Snow White be a boy?
Or is this a deliberate method used by the former king to protect his children in order not to take the throne?
Lyles' eyes darkened.

He really underestimated his seductive cousin.

I really underestimated this Ella.

Originally thought that Ella was just a woman who only had gold, silver and jewels in her eyes.

Did not expect such a means.

At only 16 years old, he can be so calm.

but it does not matter.

No matter what, she is still a woman, and Wright is just a brat.

Sooner or later that throne will still belong to him.

(End of this chapter)

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