Quickly wear the big guy, she's beautiful and flirtatious

Chapter 226 Brother Rabbit, He's Too Paranoid

Chapter 226 Brother Rabbit, He's Too Paranoid (5)

Lin Lang looked at Xiao Tuanzi who was kneeling on the ground, and her face became even more gloomy.

He is really good looking.

Her face was as white as fine porcelain, and there was still some baby fat on her face, like a freshly steamed crystal bun.

That pair of round rabbit eyes is even more amazing. The eyelashes are so long that Lin Lang can see clearly even when he is standing. Coupled with his harmless expression, it makes people overflowing with maternal love.

But it's just a flood of maternal love.

No matter how greedy she is for men, Lin Lang.

It's not enough to be tempted by a little brother, is it? !
Lin Lang took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "Tianshu, can I ask for a few more pills to make him grow for another few hundred years?!"

【Like, it doesn't seem to work, the aura on his body is very weak, and if he is given Pei Ling Dan, his life may be in danger. 】Tianshu said timidly.

Lin Lang squinted her eyes and looked at the heavenly book: "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

From the moment she entered the forest of mist, she felt that there was something wrong with this book.

It usually bluffs, but today it speaks very little.

Especially after seeing Cangming's remnants.

It always feels a little guilty.

The head of the book that was exposed was almost retracted into the neck: [Fox, vixen, let’s talk first, I’ll tell you the truth, don’t get angry...]

Lin Lang folded her arms and licked it obliquely: "If you don't tell the truth again, I'll let you go back wherever you came from immediately."

Tianshu wept with a mournful face:
[Don’t stop, let me tell you, in fact, the Cangming you met should have been 200 years later, and he had grown up at that time, but because of the disorder of time and space in the system, I sent you 200 years ago . 】

No wonder.

She said how could the system let her attack a kid who didn't even have a tooth, it turned out that the time was wrong.


"Then you actually cheated my mother of 100 years of spiritual power! Hurry up and spit it out with me!" Lin Lang clenched her fists and said.

Tianshu laughed twice: [Don't, don't be angry, at worst, I'll give you a few more pills? 】

She doesn't need this thing!

"Then how can I go back?" Lin Lang looked at the little boy who was still sitting on the ground, feeling a little headache.

Tianshu grabbed the hem of his clothes and said: [This... I'm afraid it will take a while, the system space is under maintenance, if it is forced to travel through time and space again, it will completely collapse. 】

So here it is.

She has to guard this brat until the system is maintained?
That's it.

Create more favorability points, maybe it will be easier to attack the grown-up Cangming in the future.

Then, Lin Lang's peach blossom eyes turned to the kid again: "Hey, what's your name?"

The little boy raised his head, looked at her with big eyes and then shook his head.

Lin Lang suddenly hooked her lips and squatted down, her slender fingers directly pinched the boy's fleshy face, her amber eyes became deeper and deeper: "You don't seem to be very afraid of me?"

Rabbit demons like them are monsters living at the bottom of the misty forest.

The only thing waiting for them is the fate of being prey.

As a sky fox, she is the natural enemy of rabbits. The oppression of the species caused those weak creatures to run away without a trace as soon as they smelled Lin Lang's breath.

But the little brat in front of him, even though there was a little fear in his eyes, he still dared to look at her.

It seems that he is not really afraid of himself.

The little brat in Lin Lang's hand shook his head with difficulty: "My sister saved me, which means that my sister is a good demon, and I'm not afraid of it."

(End of this chapter)

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