Chapter 418 You Know I Dare

The sharp eyes opened suddenly, looking extremely sharp in the dark night.

He got up from the tatami and saw that Mu Yifei was closing the window, so he stood up abruptly and walked to her side.

"Why did you get up without putting on clothes?"

Mu Yifei was also taken aback by Qianye Yunxuan's sudden waking up, she paused for a moment in closing the window, and then locked the window and door.

Restraining the previous tenderness, at this time, her face changed into a look of indifference and disgust, and said in a deep voice:

"The window is open, I'm afraid of the cold."

In a simple sentence, she didn't have any extra words, and she took her steps back from the window.

Qianye Yunxuan couldn't help feeling a little depressed when she saw her detached look again when she was awake.


Responding with a little disappointment, he watched Mu Yifei go back to the bed and sit down.

After looking at the room with his eyes, he said in a calm voice:

"Aren't I in prison? How did I get here? What kind of place is this?"

When she was talking, she didn't look at Qianye Yunxuan, she really didn't want to see him at all.

Although she was disappointed, Qianye Yunxuan didn't get too entangled in this issue.

She told him directly that she hated him, how much he hated her, no matter what he did, she couldn't hold him in her heart.

She had already made it very clear that it was he himself who still couldn't let go of her and meddled in her business.

Even, he can ignore it to the point that it doesn't matter if she has other men in her heart.

He didn't know that Qianye Yunxuan would be so generous one day.

"This is my palace in the palace."

He opened his mouth to answer, but his eyes were somewhat expectant, hoping that she could turn her head and look at him.

Mu Yifei's heart was tightly clenched, even though, on the surface, she had to pretend that she didn't care, and was even extremely annoyed.

The hand on the bed was clenched slightly, but her face was still indifferent without any waves.

"Oh, I know."

After saying these words, she stood up from the bed and walked towards the door, but was stopped by a figure that flashed past her eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"Go where I'm supposed to go."

Mu Yifei looked at Qianye Yunxuan's nervous black eyes with indifferent eyes, and said, "I'm annoyed when I see you!"

While speaking, some impatience and boredom flashed in his eyes.

Maybe it's because he got used to it after listening too much, or maybe he didn't care about it with her at all at this time, so he stretched out his hand and dragged her back from the door,

"Is it annoying to see me? I have something more annoying for you to see."

With a bit of anger in his deep voice, he threw her on the bed and said:
"Stay here for me, don't go anywhere!"

There was a hint of warning in his eyes, and he said, "If you dare to step out of this room, tomorrow, I will kill Xiaomi and Yeying."

"you dare!"

"You know I dare!"

The deep eyes were closed, and there was an inhuman determination in the eyes.

Mu Yifei was in a hurry, but she couldn't do anything with Qianye Yunxuan for a while.

"have a finger in the pie!"

Putting on a disgusted expression towards Qianye Yunxuan, she sat back on the bed, but did not lie down.

Just with a dark face, he rested his chin on his curled knees, staring at the corner of the bed in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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