Chapter 699 Check it out! (5)

Jin Mo and Yang Siyun met for the second time almost ten days later, at the birthday party of a friend of Wen Shaoxuan's friend.

Yang Siyun is a friend of the birthday star's girlfriend, and basically every time there is an event in the big circle of friends, she will participate from time to time.

It is precisely because of this that Wen Shaoxuan met her by accident.

And their circle of friends has always had some activities, so they consciously bring people to play together, saying that it is to add excitement, but there is also a reason.

Either to expand contacts, or to ask for help, or in situations like Jin Mo.

All in all, as long as the people you bring abide by the rules and can play along with you, it doesn't matter whether you know them or not.

Jin Mo didn't understand such a situation. When he set off, he only knew that he was going to a party to meet some friends. When he got there, he learned from the words of the people next to him that it was someone's birthday party.

He couldn't help but go back to Wen Shaoxuan and the others, frowned slightly and said, "Why didn't you tell me this is a birthday party in advance? I couldn't even prepare a gift."

"It's okay." Wen Shaoxuan handed him a glass of wine, motioning him to sit down with peace of mind, "The gifts that should be received have been received in advance. Today is everyone's gathering together. It is just a pretext to say that it is a birthday celebration."

"Really?" Jin Mo looked around, and found that there were quite a few people, and almost everyone came empty-handed, and no one brought gifts.

Wen Haoran, who also came to join in the fun, couldn't help laughing: "Of course, I'm actually not familiar with this birthday star, just like you, I came here to have fun and meet some people, so don't worry."

Jin Mo didn't really believe what he said, but seeing Wen Shaoxuan nod his head in confirmation, he felt at ease and stayed.

Soon, this reserved bar was getting more and more crowded, but still no one came out to host any activities, just letting everyone play casually.

This made Jin Mo more certain and more relaxed.

Seeing him getting used to it, Wen Shaoxuan and Wen Haoran would not stay to hinder the plan. After exchanging glances, they stood up with their glasses in hand and said they would go to chat with their friends.

After they left, Jin Mo put down his wine glass and walked around casually, being dragged to dance together for a while, and then went to watch the newly served wine and food.

And he himself is not shy of strangers, although he is not acquainted, as long as someone takes the initiative to talk to him, or invites him to play something together, he will be very cooperative.

After a while, it can be regarded as blending into this atmosphere.

There is only one thing he can't bear the most - the smell of smoke.

Most of the people present were men, and the women gathered together in a quiet corner on the other side, so when they relaxed, they all smoked and smoked unscrupulously.

Since he tried to be a normal person, he has tried almost everything, including smoking, but he was banned after trying it once, and he himself could not smell the smell of smoke.

Seeing that there was no pure land around, Jin Mo had no choice but to use his perception to get out from the crowd, and after finding a safe passage with clearer air, he opened the door and went out without hesitation.

As soon as he walked in, he met a pair of eyes that looked subconsciously and showed no emotion.

Familiar eyes, familiar face, Jin Mo lowered his eyes slightly, and when he looked at the slender cigarette between his white fingers, he couldn't help being slightly startled.

When Yang Siyun saw that it was him, he was also surprised for a moment, and then he understood what he thought of.

"It's Mr. Liang, right? Did you come with Wen Shao?" She didn't put out the cigarette, but still maintained the indifferent posture of holding the cigarette, letting the lit end burn quietly.

Jin Mo didn't intend to answer this nonsense question, he first closed the door behind him silently, and then looked at her again: "Just call me Jin Mo."

Thinking that he was trying to say something, Yang Siyun couldn't help but smile when he heard such familiar words: "Okay, Jin Mo, do you mind if I finish smoking this cigarette?"

In fact, he had smelled it just now, and it was different from the smog inside. The cigarette in her hand still had a faint fragrance, but it was a little strange and unrecognizable.

Since he doesn't reject the smell of smoke, Jin Mo nodded naturally: "Whatever, I'm a latecomer after all."

Yang Siyun smiled again, then simply extinguished the cigarette, and threw it neatly into the trash can in the corner.

"Why, do you think it's too stuffy inside?"

Jin Mo nodded honestly: "The smell of their cigarettes is not as good as yours."

Being teased by him again, the indistinct shadow in Yang Siyun's eyes dissipated, revealing the original gentleness and moistness: "Then why don't you go with me first? Anyway, there are so many people, it doesn't matter if you and I are missing. "

If before coming here, he just thought that Wen Shaoxuan and Wen Haoran brought him out to play, then at the moment he saw Yang Siyun just now, Jin Mo really understood their intentions.

So he was not so persistent, and after hearing the words, he nodded and said, "That's fine."

It just so happened that the two of them didn't bring anything with them when they came out, and they kept their belongings with them all the time, so they didn't bother to say hello and went directly through the safe passage.

Going up the stairs and seeing that it was back to the ground, Jin Mo realized that the bar is on the basement floor, no wonder the air is not well circulated.

"Did you drive?"

Hearing this question, Jin Mo was startled for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't have a car. If you think it's necessary, I can buy one. I can drive."

"Huh?" Yang Siyun couldn't help but look at him dumbfounded for a moment, "I think it's necessary?"

Afterwards, he didn't want to talk much about this topic, but shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then you can drive my car."

Yang Siyun's car is a relatively ordinary mini, the interior decoration of the car is full of literary and warm, very similar to her overall feeling.

Jin Mo was trying to start a conversation about this, but seeing her fasten her seat belt, she leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes.

"?" Jin Mo couldn't help asking while starting the car, "Are you tired? Then take you home?"

"Don't," Yang Siyun said lazily without opening his eyes, "Go for a drive, don't worry about me, it will be fine in a while."

For a ride?After thinking about it, Jin Mo set up the navigation and drove towards the sea.

And when Yang Siyun opened his eyes and woke up, it was already more than an hour later.

The sky and the surrounding area were gloomy, except for a dim yellow light in the car. The air-conditioning in the car was turned off, and the windows on the other side were half opened, and the cool sea breeze blew in, making it very comfortable.

Yang Siyun unconsciously stretched a little, and said, "Jin Mo?"

Jin Mo, who was standing by the car door quietly watching the night, bent down and turned to look at her when he heard the sound: "Are you awake?"

Looking at it from this angle, his face was half-lit and half-dark, but it was soft and radiant, as if it lit up the somewhat lingering gloom.

After Yang Siyun was stunned, he couldn't help but smile: "Yes, have you been waiting for a long time?"

(End of this chapter)

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