Chapter 268 False National Teacher 1
Xia Houjue made the request, and with a cold smile on his lips, he got up and left, leaving only those clown-like people to continue jumping.

It was already afternoon when he returned to the imperial study, and he didn't call the ministers into the palace again, but sat alone in front of the imperial case, looking at the various files that came and went from the Tubo Ministry these days.

He carefully flipped through the pages one by one, his expression was very serious at first, but gradually eased as he got to the end, and finally he showed a confident smile.

"Xia Houyan, after so many years, you still haven't given up."

"Since you don't give up, let's see if you dare to come." He gently shook the folding fan in his hand, fanning the unnecessary cool breeze faintly.

On the incense table in the imperial study room, ambergris was dimly lit. This is the most precious spice in the world. There are only a few boxes every year, and only emperors are worthy of it.

In the corner of the imperial case is a huge jade seal, which is a dragon head jade seal carved from top-quality jade, symbolizing the supreme power in the world.

Of course, it also symbolizes the most supreme pressure in the world. Who would feel relaxed when the lives of thousands of people are on them?
The heights are extremely cold, and the ancients were sincere and never deceived.

Here at the posthouse.

After the drunk envoys went back, they were a little sober from the alcohol, thinking about what they had said in the hall, they all felt speechless to see their monarch.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, pretending to be confused and not talking.

After sleeping all night, they were completely sober from the alcohol, and one or two were completely panicked.

"What did the Great Xia Emperor say yesterday... He has already agreed to this matter, but he just wants our master to come here in person. What do you think is the reason for this?"

"That's right, we have the credentials of the state in our hands, it doesn't matter who comes and talks, why do we still have to ask the national teacher to come, isn't this just an intention to find fault?"

"But people also said that if you don't agree with this matter, you can avoid it..."

"If you don't talk about it, don't talk about it. Are we afraid that they won't succeed? Their King Jing is still captured alive in our hands. If the news is released, it will be their Daxia Dynasty who will be ashamed!"

"Yes! Yes!" Several people who couldn't see the situation clearly became more and more excited, clamoring to go to the palace to reason with Emperor Daxia.

However... before going out, a few people are scared, after all, it is their territory, if the yelling is loud, they will directly kill people to silence them, no one will know, right?
Their monarchs only have eyes for those little beauties, so how could they travel thousands of miles to seek justice for them.

What's more, they were just taking advantage of the fire to rob. If the Great Xia Dynasty didn't follow this, it would be really bad luck.

All in all, everyone shied away from each other, and no one was willing to go out. In the end, it was decided unanimously after discussion.

"Should we report the news to Master Guoshi? We can't decide on this matter!"



Half a month later, the Bhikkhu City thousands of miles away was still snowing heavily.

The warm pavilion in the National Teacher's Mansion is as warm as spring, and Anlu Kaqi brings his ten new beauties to the National Teacher's Mansion for a banquet.

He knew that he was able to sit in this position, most of all thanks to the national teacher, so in front of the national teacher, he didn't have the slightest airs.

He even gave five of his personal beauties to the national teacher to show that he valued them.

"These are all the best beauties selected from the entire Tubo tribe. They just entered the city yesterday. I didn't take a look at them, so I brought them here today." That means I haven't seen them before. I touched it, don't think it's dirty, I've left half of the good ones for you.

Xia Houyan looked at these beauties with disdain, but there was still a smile on his face.

"It just so happens that there are still a few waiters in our teacher's mansion, so I'm going to sweat a lot."

"Oh." An Lukachi waved his hand.

"There are very few beautiful men like you in our Tubo tribe. You have seduced countless women with your face, but who knows that you don't want any of them. This is really a pity. Even I can't stand it."

Xia Houyan smiled lightly and didn't say much, just looked at the beauties on the dance floor, with a vague sarcasm in his eyes.

Hehe, not to mention the beauties from the Tubo tribe, even if the entire Tubo tribe gave it to him, he would not care.

The Tubo tribe is only a small Fanbang country, and its land area is less than one-tenth of that of the Great Xia Dynasty. The land here is sparsely populated, the population is not strong, and the climate is not good. Half of the twelve months in a year are winter.

The land is barren and there is no food to grow, so we can only rely on cattle and horses to feed ourselves. If there is a heavy snowfall in winter, the cattle, horses and sheep will freeze to death, and all the people will have to starve.

How can such a country be as good as half of the Great Xia Dynasty?
The Jiangnan of the Great Xia Dynasty is full of beauty, outstanding people, and the southeast and north of the Great Xia Dynasty have different customs. The four seasons of the Great Xia Dynasty are distinct throughout the year, and the land of the Great Xia Dynasty is fertile.

All of these haunted him, and it was just a stopgap measure to live in the Tubo tribe.

Therefore, he despises everything here.

He is also the son of the former emperor, and his mother and concubine are the serious queen mothers. He is much better than Xia Houyan's child who didn't even have a mother.

He should inherit everything, shouldn't he?He deserved to enjoy all the beauty of the Great Xia Dynasty. The girls from the water villages in the south of the Yangtze River and the ladies from the capital city were the women who should appear by his side.

No matter how bad it is, at least it should be like a queen.

That hearty, magnificent, unparalleled beauty, frank temperament, and noble birth woman, yes, this is how the woman who stands shoulder to shoulder with him should be.



When the dance was beautiful and the smell of wine was high, a guard from the National Teacher's Mansion rushed in shouting.

"There is an urgent letter from the Great Xia Dynasty!"

Xia Houyan didn't raise her head, but was a little impatient: "Are there any rules, didn't you see Da Khan here? Why don't you hurry up and salute, and show the urgent report to Da Khan first."

"Yes!" The soldier was a little embarrassed after being reprimanded, and quickly turned around and handed the emergency report to Anlu Kaqi.

Anlu Kaqi was busy feeding grapes to the beauty, when he saw the urgent letter handed over by the soldier, he smiled and waved his hands.

"The national teacher is too polite, you can just look at such a trivial matter, I don't bother to care about it." After speaking, he didn't even look back, and continued to hug the beauty happily.

Xia Houyan was used to it, and didn't give in, so she took the letter.

When he opened the letter, he frowned suddenly.

"This so-called urgent report has gone for more than ten days, it's really..." Slow.

He remembered that the Daxia Dynasty was expedited for [-] miles, and the letter could be sent thousands of miles in five or six days at the fastest.

Heh... Great Xia Dynasty, that vast land will eventually belong to him one day, for sure.


After quickly browsing the content, the smile on his face gradually froze.

What does it mean to have already agreed and just let him talk about it in person?what's the situation?Did the Great Xia Dynasty already know his identity?

(End of this chapter)

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