Chapter 264

Ansaiah was rescued.
When the news reached Bhikkhu City, Xia Houyan was a little shocked, but it seemed to be expected.

He was lazily lying on the red sandalwood reclining chair in his national teacher's mansion, leaning on the sable fur fox fur cloak, sipping fragrant tea, and chuckling leisurely.

"It's a pity, what can you do if you rescue it, the Tubo tribe is gone, and what you rescued is just the defeated general who is lingering on his last breath, there is no room for use!"

"Oh no, she still has room to take advantage of it, for example... Sixth brother you!"

He held up the teacup in his hand, slowly squeezed it hard, and smashed it into pieces.

"You said that you came here...can you still leave?"

"If you want to leave, it's okay, then let you Great Xia Dynasty emperors exchange conditions, whether it's ten cities or five cities, it's absolutely impossible to leave empty-handed!"


He laughed for a while, and couldn't help admiring his perfect plan again.

When he takes over the city, An Lukachi will definitely trust him even more. It is no problem to be a high-ranking official and a generous salary. The most important thing is that he can cultivate his private influence at will.

When his wings grow, he will wait for the opportunity to replace him.

With the confidence of the Tubo Ministry, it will be much easier to crusade against the Great Xia Dynasty. Even if it cannot be swallowed in one bite, at least it can be divided.

Anyway, Xia Houjue's position as the emperor will not be stable. One day, he will be equal to him, and he will fight him to the death.

He wanted to prove to everyone that he was never inferior to him, that he would also be an excellent monarch, a qualified heir, and that he was also the orthodox heir of the Great Xia Dynasty.


After Xia Houjing took Ansaiya away, she didn't take her back to the inn directly, but found a hidden private house outside the Bhikkhu city.

The inn is so eye-catching, it's much better here.

There happened to be someone with medical skills beside him, and he brought them along, and everyone moved from the inn to the residence.

However, Xia Houjing was a little puzzled because Xia Houyan's people didn't track him down, and they didn't even release the news of Ansaiya's disappearance, as if the prisoner was not important and could get lost at will.

But Xia Houjing didn't care so much, because Ansaiya's injury was too serious.

Many wounds on her whole body had festered and festered, she had a fever all night long, and the high fever persisted.

Xia Houjing felt guilty, so he had no choice but to stay close to her. While watching the news outside, he kept healing her wounds and changing the wet handkerchief.

He didn't bring his maid with him on this trip, and he had to do everything by himself. The so-called great defense between men and women, whether they give or receive each other, he can't care about it now.

Time flies by, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Under the care of Xia Houjing's clothes, Ansai was finally out of danger. The high fever subsided, and the wounds on her body were slowly scabbing. She was completely relieved.

Xia Houjing breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally willing to leave the bed to find out the news outside.


Ansaiah woke up.

When she woke up, there was no one around her, she was woken up by freezing, even though it wasn't cold at this time, she still felt as if her whole body was hollowed out, and she was cold without confidence.

"Where is this?" She looked at the gradually clear but extremely strange scene in front of her, and fear once again arose in her heart.

Recalling the dungeon before she fell into a coma, her heart ached, tears fell, and she was crying sadly when a pure white brocade handkerchief was suddenly handed to her.

Ansai looked up, and it was the face that made her miss her heart, but also caused her to fall into hell.

She couldn't help shrinking back, knocking the handkerchief aside, "Who the hell are you, don't come here, stay away from me, you..."

She was terrified.

She couldn't figure out how the person who was so polite and gentle in front of her before turned into that devil-like appearance.

He said with a ferocious smile, I'm back, and I'm here to send you to hell.

He said without shame, beauty, long time no see, I miss you, why don't we spend a good night together in the spring night?

She never thought that Xia Houjing was such a person.

No!No, that should not be Xia Houjing, but why do they look exactly the same?Is that true or not?

Ansai covered her head, her mind was in a mess, "Go away! Go away! Go away!"

"Ansaiya, it's me, I'm Xia Houjing!"

"You're not Xiahoujing, you're a devil!" Ansaiya screamed and continued to shrink back, but unfortunately the backside had already reached the bedside, and when she was about to fall accidentally, Xiahoujing suddenly stepped forward to catch her .


Before the words fell, a delicate and soft body fell into her arms.

It was a warm embrace, and the smell on his body was the same as in memory, it was the coolness of clear springs in the mountains and the tranquility of empty valleys and secluded pools, it was a breath that could completely calm people down.

That's right, the devil didn't have such a smell back then, only a vague bloody smell.

So... this is him, this is the real him, he's back!

Countless grievances suddenly came to Ansaiya's heart. She threw herself into Xia Houjing's arms and cried heartbreakingly, beating his chest desperately while crying.

"You bastard, you bastard, you bastard!"

"You lied to me, you lied to me so hard, you lied to me!!!"

She screamed, she bit, and she kicked desperately, as if she wanted to vent all her grievances.

Xia Houjing didn't hide, but hugged her shoulders tightly, letting her bite and kick like a cat with its hair blown.


The man did not flick his tears lightly, but before he reached the point of grief, he shed a tear on her lips.

Ansaiya felt it, so she stopped kicking and beating, and only hugged his strong waist desperately, crying heartbreakingly.

"It's gone, it's all gone, the troops you left for me, the hidden guards you left for me, so many people, dead, walking, withdrawing, scattered, all are gone!"

"I was captured alive, do you know? I was captured alive! If my father Khan knew, how sad he would be, how sad he would be, how disappointed he would be!"

"I said I would avenge my father Khan, but I couldn't do it. I don't deserve to be my father Khan's daughter! I don't deserve it!"

"It's ok!"

Xia Houjing held her shoulders.

"It's okay! You're fine, you're already fine, I'm here, I'll pay back everything I owe you, don't worry, I will!"

"But... what's the use of you coming here, do you know that you've been tricked?" Ansai sniffed and looked at him seriously.

Her small face is pale, her facial features are much thinner than before, and her big eyes are especially big, but they are not as bright and energetic as before.

(End of this chapter)

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